path: root/test/nix/multi-user-install.sh
blob: 08c64f17f2f68fb5927c89184963a54cb366aba2 (plain) (tree)

set -e

# Optional: Import test library bundled with the devcontainer CLI
source dev-container-features-test-lib

uid="$(id -u)"
echo "Current user UID is ${uid}."
if [ "${uid}" != "1000" ]; then
    echo "Current user UID was adjusted."
set +e 
vscode_uid="$(id -u vscode)"
set -e
if [ "${vscode_uid}" != "" ]; then
    echo "User vscode UID is ${vscode_uid}."
    if [ "${vscode_uid}" != "1000" ]; then
        echo "User vscode UID was adjusted."
nix_uid="$(stat /nix -c "%u")"
echo "/nix UID is ${nix_uid}."

# Feature-specific tests
# The 'check' command comes from the dev-container-features-test-lib.
check "nix-env" type nix-env
check "install" nix-env --install vim
check "vim_installed" type vim

# Report result
# If any of the checks above exited with a non-zero exit code, the test will fail.
reportResults &2>1