path: root/src/python/install.sh
diff options
authorSamruddhi Khandale <skhandale@microsoft.com>2023-01-09 21:28:36 +0300
committerSamruddhi Khandale <skhandale@microsoft.com>2023-01-09 21:28:36 +0300
commit2707c3a4f5e83836c6efc98d55ad934e533a215a (patch)
tree037defee6b4904e88b980a5cd1fafc39c581f3ef /src/python/install.sh
parenta9a7a25d60585ce2145374ec6825cbdc7f16cb90 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/python/install.sh')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/python/install.sh b/src/python/install.sh
index 92b8368..03bc6ad 100755
--- a/src/python/install.sh
+++ b/src/python/install.sh
@@ -274,6 +274,84 @@ install_from_source() {
+install_from_build() {
+ echo "(*) Installing Python ${PYTHON_VERSION} from prebuilt binaries..."
+ # # Install prereqs if missing
+ # check_packages curl ca-certificates gnupg2 tar make gcc libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev \
+ # libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libxml2-dev xz-utils libgdbm-dev tk-dev dirmngr \
+ # libxmlsec1-dev libsqlite3-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev uuid-dev
+ check_packages curl ca-certificates tar
+ if ! type git > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ check_packages git
+ fi
+ # Find version using soft match
+ find_version_from_git_tags PYTHON_VERSION "https://github.com/python/cpython"
+ if [ -d "${INSTALL_PATH}" ]; then
+ echo "(!) Python version ${PYTHON_VERSION} already exists."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ . /etc/os-release
+ echo $(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/actions/python-versions/main/versions-manifest.json) >> /tmp/versions-manifest.json
+ jq '.[] | select(.version=="3.8.11")' /tmp/versions-manifest.json
+ BINARY_URL=$(jq -r '.[] | select(.version=="3.8.11") | .files[] | select(.filename=="python-3.8.11-linux-18.04-x64.tar.gz") | .download_url' versions-manifest.json)
+ curl -sSL $BINARY_URL | tar -xzC /tmp 2>&1
+ # Download tgz of source
+ mkdir -p /tmp/python-binary ${INSTALL_PATH}
+ cd /tmp/python-binary
+ # TODO read URL from https://github.com/actions/python-versions/blob/main/versions-manifest.json
+ local filename="python-${PYTHON_VERSION}-linux-${$VERSION_ID}-x64.tar.gz"
+ echo $(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/actions/python-versions/main/versions-manifest.json) >> versions-manifest.json
+ # local tgz_url="https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PYTHON_VERSION}/${tgz_filename}"
+ # echo "Downloading ${tgz_filename}..."
+ # curl -sSL -o "/tmp/python-src/${tgz_filename}" "${tgz_url}"
+curl -sSL https://github.com/actions/python-versions/releases/download/3.11.0-3730290910/python-3.11.0-linux-20.04-x64.tar.gz | tar -xzC /tmp 2>&1
+ # # Verify signature
+ # receive_gpg_keys PYTHON_SOURCE_GPG_KEYS
+ # echo "Downloading ${tgz_filename}.asc..."
+ # curl -sSL -o "/tmp/python-src/${tgz_filename}.asc" "${tgz_url}.asc"
+ # gpg --verify "${tgz_filename}.asc"
+ # # Update min protocol for testing only - https://bugs.python.org/issue41561
+ # cp /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf /tmp/python-src/
+ # sed -i -E 's/MinProtocol[=\ ]+.*/MinProtocol = TLSv1.0/g' /tmp/python-src/openssl.cnf
+ # export OPENSSL_CONF=/tmp/python-src/openssl.cnf
+ # # Untar and build
+ # tar -xzf "/tmp/python-src/${tgz_filename}" -C "/tmp/python-src" --strip-components=1
+ # local config_args=""
+ # if [ "${OPTIMIZE_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE}" = "true" ]; then
+ # config_args="--enable-optimizations"
+ # fi
+ # ./configure --prefix="${INSTALL_PATH}" --with-ensurepip=install ${config_args}
+ # make -j 8
+ # make install
+ # cd /tmp
+ # rm -rf /tmp/python-src ${GNUPGHOME} /tmp/vscdc-settings.env
+ # ln -s "${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/python3" "${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/python"
+ # ln -s "${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/pip3" "${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/pip"
+ # ln -s "${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/idle3" "${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/idle"
+ # ln -s "${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/pydoc3" "${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/pydoc"
+ # ln -s "${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/python3-config" "${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/python-config"
+ add_symlink
install_using_oryx() {