# Function to run apt-get if needed apt_get_update_if_needed() { export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive if [ ! -d "/var/lib/apt/lists" ] || [ "$(ls /var/lib/apt/lists/ | wc -l)" = "0" ]; then echo "Running apt-get update..." apt-get update else echo "Skipping apt-get update." fi } # Function to run apt-get if command exists apt_get_update_if_exists() { if type apt-get > /dev/null 2>&1; then apt-get update fi } # Checks if packages are installed and installs them if not check_packages() { if type dpkg > /dev/null 2>&1 && dpkg -s $1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then return 0 elif type apk > /dev/null 2>&1 && apk -e info $2 > /dev/null 2>&1; then return 0 elif type rpm > /dev/null 2>&1 && rpm -q $3 > /dev/null 2>&1; then return 0 else echo "Unable to find package manager to check for packages." exit 1 fi install_packages "$@" return $? } # Checks if command exists, installs it if not # check_command <command> "<apt packages to install>" "<apk packages to install>" "<dnf/yum packages to install>" check_command() { command_to_check=$1 shift if type "${command_to_check}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then return 0 fi install_packages "$@" return $? } # Installs packages using the appropriate package manager (apt, apk, dnf, or yum) # install_packages "<apt packages to install>" "<apk packages to install>" "<dnf/yum packages to install>" install_packages() { if type apt-get > /dev/null 2>&1; then apt_get_update_if_needed apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends $1 elif type apk > /dev/null 2>&1; then apk add $2 elif type dnf > /dev/null 2>&1; then dnf install -y $3 elif type yum > /dev/null 2>&1; then yum install -y $3 else echo "Unable to find package manager to install ${command_to_check}" exit 1 fi } # If in automatic mode, determine if a user already exists, if not use root detect_user() { local user_variable_name=${1:-username} local possible_users=("vscode" "node" "codespace" "$(awk -v val=1000 -F ":" '$3==val{print $1}' /etc/passwd)") if [ "${!user_variable_name}" = "auto" ] || [ "${!user_variable_name}" = "automatic" ]; then declare -g ${user_variable_name}="" for current_user in ${possible_users[@]}; do if id -u "${current_user}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then declare -g ${user_variable_name}="${current_user}" break fi done fi if [ "${!user_variable_name}" = "" ] || [ "${!user_variable_name}" = "none" ] || ! id -u "${!user_variable_name}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then declare -g ${user_variable_name}=root fi } # Import the specified key in a variable name passed in as receive_gpg_keys() { local keys=${!1} local keyring_args="" if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then mkdir -p "$(dirname \"$2\")" keyring_args="--no-default-keyring --keyring $2" fi # Use a temporary location for gpg keys to avoid polluting image export GNUPGHOME="/tmp/tmp-gnupg" mkdir -p ${GNUPGHOME} chmod 700 ${GNUPGHOME} echo -e "disable-ipv6\n${GPG_KEY_SERVERS}" > ${GNUPGHOME}/dirmngr.conf # GPG key download sometimes fails for some reason and retrying fixes it. local retry_count=0 local gpg_ok="false" set +e until [ "${gpg_ok}" = "true" ] || [ "${retry_count}" -eq "5" ]; do echo "(*) Downloading GPG key..." ( echo "${keys}" | xargs -n 1 gpg -q ${keyring_args} --recv-keys) 2>&1 && gpg_ok="true" if [ "${gpg_ok}" != "true" ]; then echo "(*) Failed getting key, retring in 10s..." (( retry_count++ )) sleep 10s fi done set -e if [ "${gpg_ok}" = "false" ]; then echo "(!) Failed to get gpg key." exit 1 fi } # Figure out correct version of a three part version number is not passed find_version_from_git_tags() { local variable_name=$1 local requested_version=${!variable_name} if [ "${requested_version}" = "none" ]; then return; fi local repository=$2 # Normally a "v" is used before the version number, but support alternate cases local prefix=${3:-"tags/v"} # Some repositories use "_" instead of "." for version number part separation, support that local separator=${4:-"."} # Some tools release versions that omit the last digit (e.g. go) local last_part_optional=${5:-"false"} # Some repositories may have tags that include a suffix (e.g. actions/node-versions) local version_suffix_regex=$6 local escaped_separator=${separator//./\\.} local break_fix_digit_regex if [ "${last_part_optional}" = "true" ]; then break_fix_digit_regex="(${escaped_separator}[0-9]+)?" else break_fix_digit_regex="${escaped_separator}[0-9]+" fi local version_regex="[0-9]+${escaped_separator}[0-9]+${break_fix_digit_regex}${version_suffix_regex//./\\.}" # If we're passed a matching version number, just return it, otherwise look for a version if ! echo "${requested_version}" | grep -E "^${versionMatchRegex}$" > /dev/null 2>&1; then local version_list="$(git ls-remote --tags ${repository} | grep -oP "${prefix}\\K${version_regex}$" | tr -d ' ' | tr "${separator}" "." | sort -rV)" if [ "${requested_version}" = "latest" ] || [ "${requested_version}" = "current" ] || [ "${requested_version}" = "lts" ]; then declare -g ${variable_name}="$(echo "${version_list}" | head -n 1)" else set +e declare -g ${variable_name}="$(echo "${version_list}" | grep -E -m 1 "^${requested_version//./\\.}([\\.\\s]|${version_suffix_regex//./\\.}|$)")" set -e fi if [ -z "${!variable_name}" ] || ! echo "${version_list}" | grep "^${!variable_name//./\\.}$" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "Invalid ${variable_name} value: ${requested_version}\nValid values:\n${version_list}" >&2 exit 1 fi fi echo "Adjusted ${variable_name}=${!variable_name}" } # Soft version matching that resolves a version for a given package in the *current apt-cache* # Return value is stored in first argument (the unprocessed version) apt_cache_version_soft_match() { # Version local variable_name="$1" local requested_version=${!variable_name} # Package Name local package_name="$2" # Exit on no match? local exit_on_no_match="${3:-true}" # Ensure we've exported useful variables . /etc/os-release local architecture="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" dot_escaped="${requested_version//./\\.}" dot_plus_escaped="${dot_escaped//+/\\+}" # Regex needs to handle debian package version number format: https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/5-deb-version/ version_regex="^(.+:)?${dot_plus_escaped}([\\.\\+ ~:-]|$)" set +e # Don't exit if finding version fails - handle gracefully fuzzy_version="$(apt-cache madison ${package_name} | awk -F"|" '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | grep -E -m 1 "${version_regex}")" set -e if [ -z "${fuzzy_version}" ]; then echo "(!) No full or partial for package \"${package_name}\" match found in apt-cache for \"${requested_version}\" on OS ${ID} ${VERSION_CODENAME} (${architecture})." if $exit_on_no_match; then echo "Available versions:" apt-cache madison ${package_name} | awk -F"|" '{print $2}' | grep -oP '^(.+:)?\K.+' exit 1 # Fail entire script else echo "Continuing to fallback method (if available)" return 1; fi fi # Globally assign fuzzy_version to this value # Use this value as the return value of this function declare -g ${variable_name}="=${fuzzy_version}" echo "${variable_name}=${!variable_name}" } # Checks if a marker file exists with the correct contents # check_marker <marker path> [argument to be validated]... check_marker() { local marker_path="$1" shift local verifier_string="$(echo "$@")" if [ -e "${marker_path}" ] && [ "${verifier_string}" = "$(cat ${marker_path})" ]; then return 1 else return 0 fi } # Updates marker for future checking # update_marker <marker path> [argument to be validated]... update_marker() { local marker_path="$1" shift mkdir -p "$(dirname "${marker_path}")" echo "$(echo "$@")" > "${marker_path}" } # run_if_exists <command> <command arguments>... run_if_exists() { if [ -e "$1" ]; then "$@" fi } # run_as_user_if_exists <username> <command> <command arguments>... run_as_user_if_exists() { local username=$1 shift if [ -e "$1" ]; then local command_string="$@" su "${username}" -c "${command_string//"/\\"}" fi } # symlink_if_ne <source> <target> symlink_if_ne() { if [ ! -e "$2" ]; then ln -s "$1" "$2" fi } # Update a rc/profile file if it exists and string is not already present update_rc_file() { # see if folder containing file exists local rc_file_folder="$(dirname "$1")" if [ ! -d "${rc_file_folder}" ]; then echo "${rc_file_folder} does not exist. Skipping update of $1." elif [ ! -e "$1" ] || [[ "$(cat "$1")" != *"$2"* ]]; then echo "$2" >> "$1" fi } # Update a file if with string if not already present # create_or_update_file <file> <string> create_or_update_file() { if [ ! -e "$1" ] || [[ "$(cat "$1")" != *"$2"* ]]; then echo "$2" >> "$1" fi } # Use semver logic to decrement a version number then look for the closest match find_prev_version_from_git_tags() { local variable_name=$1 local current_version=${!variable_name} local repository=$2 # Normally a "v" is used before the version number, but support alternate cases local prefix=${3:-"tags/v"} # Some repositories use "_" instead of "." for version number part separation, support that local separator=${4:-"."} # Some tools release versions that omit the last digit (e.g. go) local last_part_optional=${5:-"false"} # Some repositories may have tags that include a suffix (e.g. actions/node-versions) local version_suffix_regex=$6 # Try one break fix version number less if we get a failure. Use "set +e" since "set -e" can cause failures in valid scenarios. set +e major="$(echo "${current_version}" | grep -oE '^[0-9]+' || echo '')" minor="$(echo "${current_version}" | grep -oP '^[0-9]+\.\K[0-9]+' || echo '')" breakfix="$(echo "${current_version}" | grep -oP '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.\K[0-9]+' 2>/dev/null || echo '')" if [ "${minor}" = "0" ] && [ "${breakfix}" = "0" ]; then ((major=major-1)) declare -g ${variable_name}="${major}" # Look for latest version from previous major release find_version_from_git_tags "${variable_name}" "${repository}" "${prefix}" "${separator}" "${last_part_optional}" # Handle situations like Go's odd version pattern where "0" releases omit the last part elif [ "${breakfix}" = "" ] || [ "${breakfix}" = "0" ]; then ((minor=minor-1)) declare -g ${variable_name}="${major}.${minor}" # Look for latest version from previous minor release find_version_from_git_tags "${variable_name}" "${repository}" "${prefix}" "${separator}" "${last_part_optional}" else ((breakfix=breakfix-1)) if [ "${breakfix}" = "0" ] && [ "${last_part_optional}" = "true" ]; then declare -g ${variable_name}="${major}.${minor}" else declare -g ${variable_name}="${major}.${minor}.${breakfix}" fi fi set -e }