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# MathExecutor [![Stories in Ready](https://badge.waffle.io/NeonXP/MathExecutor.png?label=ready&title=Ready)](https://waffle.io/NeonXP/MathExecutor) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/NeonXP/MathExecutor.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/NeonXP/MathExecutor)

A simple math expressions calculator

## Features:
* Built in support for +, -, *, / and power (^) operators plus ()
* Support for user defined operators
* Support for user defined functions
* Unlimited variable name lengths
* String support, as function parameters or as evaluated as a number by PHP
* Exceptions on divide by zero, or treat as zero
* Unary Minus (e.g. -3)
* Pi ($pi) and Euler's number ($e) support to 11 decimal places

## Install via Composer:
Stable branch
composer require "nxp/math-executor"

Dev branch (currently unsupported)
composer require "nxp/math-executor" "dev-dev"

## Sample usage:
require "vendor/autoload.php";

$executor = new \NXP\MathExecutor();

echo $executor->execute("1 + 2 * (2 - (4+10))^2 + sin(10)");

## Functions:
Default functions:
* sin
* cos
* tn
* asin
* acos
* atn
* min
* max
* avg

Add custom function to executor:
$executor->addFunction('abs', function($arg) {
    return abs($arg);
}, 1);

## Operators:
Default operators: `+ - * / ^`

Add custom operator to executor:

namespace MyNamespace;

use NXP\Classes\Token\AbstractOperator;

class ModulusToken extends AbstractOperator
     * Regex of this operator
     * @return string
    public static function getRegex()
        return '\%';

     * Priority of this operator
     * @return int
    public function getPriority()
        return 3;

     * Associaion of this operator (self::LEFT_ASSOC or self::RIGHT_ASSOC)
     * @return string
    public function getAssociation()
        return self::LEFT_ASSOC;

     * Execution of this operator
     * @param InterfaceToken[] $stack Stack of tokens
     * @return TokenNumber            Result of execution
    public function execute(&$stack)
        $op2 = array_pop($stack);
        $op1 = array_pop($stack);
        $result = $op1->getValue() % $op2->getValue();

        return new TokenNumber($result);

And adding to executor:


## Variables:
Default variables:

$pi = 3.14159265359
$e = 2.71828182846

You can add your own variables to executor:

    'var1' => 0.15,
    'var2' => 0.22

echo $executor->execute("$var1 + $var2");
## Division By Zero Support:
By default, the result of division by zero is zero and no error is generated.  You have the option to thow a \NXP\Exception\DivisionByZeroException by calling setDivisionByZeroException.

try {
    echo $executor->execute('1/0');
} catch (\NXP\Exception\DivisionByZeroException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

## Unary Minus Operator:
Negative numbers are supported via the unary minus operator, but need to have a space before the minus sign. `-1+ -3` is legal, while '`-1+-3` will produce an error due to the way the parser works. Positive numbers are not explicitly supported as unsigned numbers are assumed positive.

## String Support:
Expressions can contain double or single quoted strings that are evaluated the same way as PHP evalutes strings as numbers. You can also pass strings to functions.

echo $executor->execute("1 + '2.5' * '.5' + myFunction('category')");