<?php /** * This file is part of the MathExecutor package * * (c) Alexander Kiryukhin * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code */ namespace NXP\Classes; use NXP\Exception\IncorrectBracketsException; use NXP\Exception\UnknownOperatorException; use RuntimeException; use SplStack; /** * @author Alexander Kiryukhin <a.kiryukhin@mail.ru> */ class Tokenizer { /** * @var Token[] */ public $tokens = []; /** * @var string */ private $input = ""; /** * @var string */ private $numberBuffer = ""; /** * @var string */ private $stringBuffer = ""; /** * @var bool */ private $allowNegative = true; /** * @var Operator[] */ private $operators = []; /** * @var bool */ private $inSingleQuotedString = false; /** * @var bool */ private $inDoubleQuotedString = false; /** * Tokenizer constructor. * @param string $input * @param Operator[] $operators */ public function __construct(string $input, array $operators) { $this->input = $input; $this->operators = $operators; } public function tokenize() { foreach (str_split($this->input, 1) as $ch) { switch (true) { case $this->inSingleQuotedString: if ($ch === "'") { $this->tokens[] = new Token(Token::String, $this->stringBuffer); $this->inSingleQuotedString = false; $this->stringBuffer = ""; continue 2; } $this->stringBuffer .= $ch; continue 2; case $this->inDoubleQuotedString: if ($ch === "\"") { $this->tokens[] = new Token(Token::String, $this->stringBuffer); $this->inDoubleQuotedString = false; $this->stringBuffer = ""; continue 2; } $this->stringBuffer .= $ch; continue 2; case $ch == " " || $ch == "\n" || $ch == "\r" || $ch == "\t": $this->tokens[] = new Token(Token::Space, ""); continue 2; case $this->isNumber($ch): if ($this->stringBuffer != "") { $this->stringBuffer .= $ch; continue 2; } $this->numberBuffer .= $ch; $this->allowNegative = false; break; /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */ case strtolower($ch) === "e": if ($this->numberBuffer != "" && strpos($this->numberBuffer, ".") !== false) { $this->numberBuffer .= "e"; $this->allowNegative = true; break; } case $this->isAlpha($ch): if ($this->numberBuffer != "") { $this->emptyNumberBufferAsLiteral(); $this->tokens[] = new Token(Token::Operator, "*"); } $this->allowNegative = false; $this->stringBuffer .= $ch; break; case $ch == "\"": $this->inDoubleQuotedString = true; continue 2; case $ch == "'": $this->inSingleQuotedString = true; continue 2; case $this->isDot($ch): $this->numberBuffer .= $ch; $this->allowNegative = false; break; case $this->isLP($ch): if ($this->stringBuffer != "") { $this->tokens[] = new Token(Token::Function, $this->stringBuffer); $this->stringBuffer = ""; } elseif ($this->numberBuffer != "") { $this->emptyNumberBufferAsLiteral(); $this->tokens[] = new Token(Token::Operator, "*"); } $this->allowNegative = true; $this->tokens[] = new Token(Token::LeftParenthesis, ""); break; case $this->isRP($ch): $this->emptyNumberBufferAsLiteral(); $this->emptyStrBufferAsVariable(); $this->allowNegative = false; $this->tokens[] = new Token(Token::RightParenthesis, ""); break; case $this->isComma($ch): $this->emptyNumberBufferAsLiteral(); $this->emptyStrBufferAsVariable(); $this->allowNegative = true; $this->tokens[] = new Token(Token::ParamSeparator, ""); break; default: if ($this->allowNegative && $ch == "-") { $this->allowNegative = false; $this->numberBuffer .= "-"; continue 2; } $this->emptyNumberBufferAsLiteral(); $this->emptyStrBufferAsVariable(); if (count($this->tokens) > 0) { if ($this->tokens[count($this->tokens) - 1]->type === Token::Operator) { $this->tokens[count($this->tokens) - 1]->value .= $ch; } else { $this->tokens[] = new Token(Token::Operator, $ch); } } else { $this->tokens[] = new Token(Token::Operator, $ch); } $this->allowNegative = true; } } $this->emptyNumberBufferAsLiteral(); $this->emptyStrBufferAsVariable(); return $this; } private function isNumber($ch) { return $ch >= '0' && $ch <= '9'; } private function isAlpha($ch) { return $ch >= 'a' && $ch <= 'z' || $ch >= 'A' && $ch <= 'Z' || $ch == '_'; } private function emptyNumberBufferAsLiteral() { if ($this->numberBuffer != "") { $this->tokens[] = new Token(Token::Literal, $this->numberBuffer); $this->numberBuffer = ""; } } private function isDot($ch) { return $ch == '.'; } private function isLP($ch) { return $ch == '('; } private function isRP($ch) { return $ch == ')'; } private function emptyStrBufferAsVariable() { if ($this->stringBuffer != "") { $this->tokens[] = new Token(Token::Variable, $this->stringBuffer); $this->stringBuffer = ""; } } private function isComma($ch) { return $ch == ','; } /** * @return Token[] Array of tokens in revers polish notation * @throws IncorrectBracketsException * @throws UnknownOperatorException */ public function buildReversePolishNotation() { $tokens = []; /** @var SplStack<Token> $stack */ $stack = new SplStack(); foreach ($this->tokens as $token) { switch ($token->type) { case Token::Literal: case Token::Variable: case Token::String: $tokens[] = $token; break; case Token::Function: case Token::LeftParenthesis: $stack->push($token); break; case Token::ParamSeparator: while ($stack->top()->type !== Token::LeftParenthesis) { if ($stack->count() === 0) { throw new IncorrectBracketsException(); } $tokens[] = $stack->pop(); } break; case Token::Operator: if (!array_key_exists($token->value, $this->operators)) { throw new UnknownOperatorException(); } $op1 = $this->operators[$token->value]; while ($stack->count() > 0 && $stack->top()->type === Token::Operator) { if (!array_key_exists($stack->top()->value, $this->operators)) { throw new UnknownOperatorException(); } $op2 = $this->operators[$stack->top()->value]; if ($op2->priority >= $op1->priority) { $tokens[] = $stack->pop(); continue; } break; } $stack->push($token); break; case Token::RightParenthesis: while (true) { try { $ctoken = $stack->pop(); if ($ctoken->type === Token::LeftParenthesis) { break; } $tokens[] = $ctoken; } catch (RuntimeException $e) { throw new IncorrectBracketsException(); } } if ($stack->count() > 0 && $stack->top()->type == Token::Function) { $tokens[] = $stack->pop(); } break; case Token::Space: //do nothing } } while ($stack->count() !== 0) { if ($stack->top()->type === Token::LeftParenthesis || $stack->top()->type === Token::RightParenthesis) { throw new IncorrectBracketsException(); } if ($stack->top()->type === Token::Space) { $stack->pop(); continue; } $tokens[] = $stack->pop(); } return $tokens; } }