addDefaults(); } /** * Set default operands and functions * @throws ReflectionException */ protected function addDefaults() : void { foreach ($this->defaultOperators() as $name => $operator) { list($callable, $priority, $isRightAssoc) = $operator; $this->addOperator(new Operator($name, $isRightAssoc, $priority, $callable)); } foreach ($this->defaultFunctions() as $name => $callable) { $this->addFunction($name, $callable); } $this->variables = $this->defaultVars(); } /** * Get the default operators * * @return array of class names */ protected function defaultOperators() : array { return [ '+' => [ function ($a, $b) { return $a + $b; }, 170, false ], '-' => [ function ($a, $b) { return $a - $b; }, 170, false ], '*' => [ function ($a, $b) { return $a * $b; }, 180, false ], '/' => [ function ($a, $b) { if ($b == 0) { throw new DivisionByZeroException(); } return $a / $b; }, 180, false ], '^' => [ function ($a, $b) { return pow($a, $b); }, 220, true ], '&&' => [ function ($a, $b) { return $a && $b; }, 100, false ], '||' => [ function ($a, $b) { return $a || $b; }, 90, false ], '==' => [ function ($a, $b) { return $a == $b; }, 140, false ], '!=' => [ function ($a, $b) { return $a != $b; }, 140, false ], '>=' => [ function ($a, $b) { return $a >= $b; }, 150, false ], '>' => [ function ($a, $b) { return $a > $b; }, 150, false ], '<=' => [ function ($a, $b) { return $a <= $b; }, 150, false ], '<' => [ function ($a, $b) { return $a < $b; }, 150, false ], ]; } /** * Add operator to executor * * @param Operator $operator * @return MathExecutor */ public function addOperator(Operator $operator) : self { $this->operators[$operator->operator] = $operator; return $this; } /** * Gets the default functions as an array. Key is function name * and value is the function as a closure. * * @return array */ protected function defaultFunctions() : array { return [ 'abs' => function ($arg) { return abs($arg); }, 'acos' => function ($arg) { return acos($arg); }, 'acosh' => function ($arg) { return acosh($arg); }, 'asin' => function ($arg) { return asin($arg); }, 'atan' => function ($arg) { return atan($arg); }, 'atan2' => function ($arg1, $arg2) { return atan2($arg1, $arg2); }, 'atanh' => function ($arg) { return atanh($arg); }, 'atn' => function ($arg) { return atan($arg); }, 'avg' => function ($arg1, $arg2) { return ($arg1 + $arg2) / 2; }, 'bindec' => function ($arg) { return bindec($arg); }, 'ceil' => function ($arg) { return ceil($arg); }, 'cos' => function ($arg) { return cos($arg); }, 'cosh' => function ($arg) { return cosh($arg); }, 'decbin' => function ($arg) { return decbin($arg); }, 'dechex' => function ($arg) { return dechex($arg); }, 'decoct' => function ($arg) { return decoct($arg); }, 'deg2rad' => function ($arg) { return deg2rad($arg); }, 'exp' => function ($arg) { return exp($arg); }, 'expm1' => function ($arg) { return expm1($arg); }, 'floor' => function ($arg) { return floor($arg); }, 'fmod' => function ($arg1, $arg2) { return fmod($arg1, $arg2); }, 'hexdec' => function ($arg) { return hexdec($arg); }, 'hypot' => function ($arg1, $arg2) { return hypot($arg1, $arg2); }, 'if' => function ($expr, $trueval, $falseval) { if ($expr === true || $expr === false) { $exres = $expr; } else { $exres = $this->execute($expr); } if ($exres) { return $this->execute($trueval); } else { return $this->execute($falseval); } }, 'intdiv' => function ($arg1, $arg2) { return intdiv($arg1, $arg2); }, 'log' => function ($arg) { return log($arg); }, 'log10' => function ($arg) { return log10($arg); }, 'log1p' => function ($arg) { return log1p($arg); }, 'max' => function ($arg1, $arg2) { return max($arg1, $arg2); }, 'min' => function ($arg1, $arg2) { return min($arg1, $arg2); }, 'octdec' => function ($arg) { return octdec($arg); }, 'pi' => function () { return pi(); }, 'pow' => function ($arg1, $arg2) { return pow($arg1, $arg2); }, 'rad2deg' => function ($arg) { return rad2deg($arg); }, 'round' => function ($arg) { return round($arg); }, 'sin' => function ($arg) { return sin($arg); }, 'sinh' => function ($arg) { return sinh($arg); }, 'sqrt' => function ($arg) { return sqrt($arg); }, 'tan' => function ($arg) { return tan($arg); }, 'tanh' => function ($arg) { return tanh($arg); }, 'tn' => function ($arg) { return tan($arg); } ]; } /** * Execute expression * * @param $expression * @return number * @throws Exception\IncorrectExpressionException * @throws Exception\IncorrectBracketsException * @throws Exception\UnknownOperatorException * @throws Exception\UnknownVariableException */ public function execute(string $expression) { $cachekey = $expression; if (!array_key_exists($cachekey, $this->cache)) { $tokens = (new Tokenizer($expression, $this->operators))->tokenize()->buildReversePolishNotation(); $this->cache[$cachekey] = $tokens; } else { $tokens = $this->cache[$cachekey]; } $calculator = new Calculator($this->functions, $this->operators); return $calculator->calculate($tokens, $this->variables); } /** * Add function to executor * * @param string $name Name of function * @param callable $function Function * @param int $places Count of arguments * @return MathExecutor * @throws ReflectionException */ public function addFunction(string $name, callable $function = null, int $places = null) : self { $this->functions[$name] = new CustomFunction($name, $function, $places); return $this; } /** * Returns the default variables names as key/value pairs * * @return array */ protected function defaultVars() : array { return [ 'pi' => 3.14159265359, 'e' => 2.71828182846 ]; } public function __clone() { $this->addDefaults(); } }