<?php /** * This file is part of the MathExecutor package * * (c) Alexander Kiryukhin * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code */ namespace NXP; use NXP\Classes\Calculator; use NXP\Classes\CustomFunction; use NXP\Classes\Operator; use NXP\Classes\Token; use NXP\Classes\Tokenizer; use NXP\Exception\DivisionByZeroException; use NXP\Exception\MathExecutorException; use NXP\Exception\UnknownVariableException; use ReflectionException; /** * Class MathExecutor * @package NXP */ class MathExecutor { /** * Available variables * * @var array<string, float|string> */ protected array $variables = []; /** * @var callable|null */ protected $onVarNotFound = null; /** * @var callable|null */ protected $onVarValidation = null; /** * @var Operator[] */ protected array $operators = []; /** * @var array<string, CustomFunction> */ protected array $functions = []; /** * @var array<string, Token[]> */ protected array $cache = []; /** * Base math operators */ public function __construct() { $this->addDefaults(); } public function __clone() { $this->addDefaults(); } /** * Add operator to executor * * @return MathExecutor */ public function addOperator(Operator $operator) : self { $this->operators[$operator->operator] = $operator; return $this; } /** * Execute expression * * @throws Exception\IncorrectBracketsException * @throws Exception\IncorrectExpressionException * @throws Exception\UnknownOperatorException * @throws UnknownVariableException * @return int|float|string|null */ public function execute(string $expression, bool $cache = true) { $cacheKey = $expression; if (! \array_key_exists($cacheKey, $this->cache)) { $tokens = (new Tokenizer($expression, $this->operators))->tokenize()->buildReversePolishNotation(); if ($cache) { $this->cache[$cacheKey] = $tokens; } } else { $tokens = $this->cache[$cacheKey]; } $calculator = new Calculator($this->functions, $this->operators); return $calculator->calculate($tokens, $this->variables, $this->onVarNotFound); } /** * Add function to executor * * @param string $name Name of function * @param callable|null $function Function * @param int|null $places Count of arguments * * @throws Exception\IncorrectNumberOfFunctionParametersException * @throws ReflectionException * @return MathExecutor */ public function addFunction(string $name, ?callable $function = null, ?int $places = null) : self { $this->functions[$name] = new CustomFunction($name, $function, $places); return $this; } /** * Get all vars * * @return array<string, float|string> */ public function getVars() : array { return $this->variables; } /** * Get a specific var * * @throws UnknownVariableException if VarNotFoundHandler is not set * @return int|float */ public function getVar(string $variable) { if (! \array_key_exists($variable, $this->variables)) { if ($this->onVarNotFound) { return \call_user_func($this->onVarNotFound, $variable); } throw new UnknownVariableException("Variable ({$variable}) not set"); } return $this->variables[$variable]; } /** * Add variable to executor. To set a custom validator use setVarValidationHandler. * * @throws MathExecutorException if the value is invalid based on the default or custom validator * @return MathExecutor */ public function setVar(string $variable, $value) : self { if ($this->onVarValidation) { \call_user_func($this->onVarValidation, $variable, $value); } $this->variables[$variable] = $value; return $this; } /** * Test to see if a variable exists * */ public function varExists(string $variable) : bool { return \array_key_exists($variable, $this->variables); } /** * Add variables to executor * * @param array<string, float|int|string> $variables * @param bool $clear Clear previous variables * @throws \Exception * @return MathExecutor */ public function setVars(array $variables, bool $clear = true) : self { if ($clear) { $this->removeVars(); } foreach ($variables as $name => $value) { $this->setVar($name, $value); } return $this; } /** * Define a method that will be invoked when a variable is not found. * The first parameter will be the variable name, and the returned value will be used as the variable value. * * * @return MathExecutor */ public function setVarNotFoundHandler(callable $handler) : self { $this->onVarNotFound = $handler; return $this; } /** * Define a validation method that will be invoked when a variable is set using setVar. * The first parameter will be the variable name, and the second will be the variable value. * Set to null to disable validation. * * @param ?callable $handler throws a MathExecutorException in case of an invalid variable * * @return MathExecutor */ public function setVarValidationHandler(?callable $handler) : self { $this->onVarValidation = $handler; return $this; } /** * Remove variable from executor * * @return MathExecutor */ public function removeVar(string $variable) : self { unset($this->variables[$variable]); return $this; } /** * Remove all variables and the variable not found handler * @return MathExecutor */ public function removeVars() : self { $this->variables = []; $this->onVarNotFound = null; return $this; } /** * Get all registered operators to executor * * @return array<Operator> of operator class names */ public function getOperators() { return $this->operators; } /** * Get all registered functions * * @return array<string, CustomFunction> containing callback and places indexed by * function name */ public function getFunctions() : array { return $this->functions; } /** * Set division by zero returns zero instead of throwing DivisionByZeroException */ public function setDivisionByZeroIsZero() : self { $this->addOperator(new Operator('/', false, 180, static fn($a, $b) => 0 == $b ? 0 : $a / $b)); return $this; } /** * Get cache array with tokens * @return array<string, Token[]> */ public function getCache() : array { return $this->cache; } /** * Clear token's cache */ public function clearCache() : void { $this->cache = []; } /** * Set default operands and functions * @throws ReflectionException */ protected function addDefaults() : void { foreach ($this->defaultOperators() as $name => $operator) { [$callable, $priority, $isRightAssoc] = $operator; $this->addOperator(new Operator($name, $isRightAssoc, $priority, $callable)); } foreach ($this->defaultFunctions() as $name => $callable) { $this->addFunction($name, $callable); } $this->onVarValidation = [$this, 'defaultVarValidation']; $this->variables = $this->defaultVars(); } /** * Get the default operators * * @return array<string, array{callable, int, bool}> */ protected function defaultOperators() : array { return [ '+' => [static fn($a, $b) => $a + $b, 170, false], '-' => [static fn($a, $b) => $a - $b, 170, false], // unary positive token 'uPos' => [static fn($a) => $a, 200, false], // unary minus token 'uNeg' => [static fn($a) => 0 - $a, 200, false], '*' => [static fn($a, $b) => $a * $b, 180, false], '/' => [ static function($a, $b) { /** @todo PHP8: Use throw as expression -> static fn($a, $b) => 0 == $b ? throw new DivisionByZeroException() : $a / $b */ if (0 == $b) { throw new DivisionByZeroException(); } return $a / $b; }, 180, false ], '^' => [static fn($a, $b) => \pow($a, $b), 220, true], '&&' => [static fn($a, $b) => $a && $b, 100, false], '||' => [static fn($a, $b) => $a || $b, 90, false], '==' => [static fn($a, $b) => \is_string($a) || \is_string($b) ? 0 == \strcmp($a, $b) : $a == $b, 140, false], '!=' => [static fn($a, $b) => \is_string($a) || \is_string($b) ? 0 != \strcmp($a, $b) : $a != $b, 140, false], '>=' => [static fn($a, $b) => $a >= $b, 150, false], '>' => [static fn($a, $b) => $a > $b, 150, false], '<=' => [static fn($a, $b) => $a <= $b, 150, false], '<' => [static fn($a, $b) => $a < $b, 150, false], ]; } /** * Gets the default functions as an array. Key is function name * and value is the function as a closure. * * @return array<callable> */ protected function defaultFunctions() : array { return [ 'abs' => static fn($arg) => \abs($arg), 'acos' => static fn($arg) => \acos($arg), 'acosh' => static fn($arg) => \acosh($arg), 'arcsin' => static fn($arg) => \asin($arg), 'arcctg' => static fn($arg) => M_PI / 2 - \atan($arg), 'arccot' => static fn($arg) => M_PI / 2 - \atan($arg), 'arccotan' => static fn($arg) => M_PI / 2 - \atan($arg), 'arcsec' => static fn($arg) => \acos(1 / $arg), 'arccosec' => static fn($arg) => \asin(1 / $arg), 'arccsc' => static fn($arg) => \asin(1 / $arg), 'arccos' => static fn($arg) => \acos($arg), 'arctan' => static fn($arg) => \atan($arg), 'arctg' => static fn($arg) => \atan($arg), 'asin' => static fn($arg) => \asin($arg), 'atan' => static fn($arg) => \atan($arg), 'atan2' => static fn($arg1, $arg2) => \atan2($arg1, $arg2), 'atanh' => static fn($arg) => \atanh($arg), 'atn' => static fn($arg) => \atan($arg), 'avg' => static fn($arg1, $arg2) => ($arg1 + $arg2) / 2, 'bindec' => static fn($arg) => \bindec($arg), 'ceil' => static fn($arg) => \ceil($arg), 'cos' => static fn($arg) => \cos($arg), 'cosec' => static fn($arg) => 1 / \sin($arg), 'csc' => static fn($arg) => 1 / \sin($arg), 'cosh' => static fn($arg) => \cosh($arg), 'ctg' => static fn($arg) => \cos($arg) / \sin($arg), 'cot' => static fn($arg) => \cos($arg) / \sin($arg), 'cotan' => static fn($arg) => \cos($arg) / \sin($arg), 'cotg' => static fn($arg) => \cos($arg) / \sin($arg), 'ctn' => static fn($arg) => \cos($arg) / \sin($arg), 'decbin' => static fn($arg) => \decbin($arg), 'dechex' => static fn($arg) => \dechex($arg), 'decoct' => static fn($arg) => \decoct($arg), 'deg2rad' => static fn($arg) => \deg2rad($arg), 'exp' => static fn($arg) => \exp($arg), 'expm1' => static fn($arg) => \expm1($arg), 'floor' => static fn($arg) => \floor($arg), 'fmod' => static fn($arg1, $arg2) => \fmod($arg1, $arg2), 'hexdec' => static fn($arg) => \hexdec($arg), 'hypot' => static fn($arg1, $arg2) => \hypot($arg1, $arg2), 'if' => function($expr, $trueval, $falseval) { if (true === $expr || false === $expr) { $exres = $expr; } else { $exres = $this->execute($expr); } if ($exres) { return $this->execute($trueval); } return $this->execute($falseval); }, 'intdiv' => static fn($arg1, $arg2) => \intdiv($arg1, $arg2), 'ln' => static fn($arg) => \log($arg), 'lg' => static fn($arg) => \log10($arg), 'log' => static fn($arg) => \log($arg), 'log10' => static fn($arg) => \log10($arg), 'log1p' => static fn($arg) => \log1p($arg), 'max' => static fn($arg1, $arg2) => \max($arg1, $arg2), 'min' => static fn($arg1, $arg2) => \min($arg1, $arg2), 'octdec' => static fn($arg) => \octdec($arg), 'pi' => static fn() => M_PI, 'pow' => static fn($arg1, $arg2) => $arg1 ** $arg2, 'rad2deg' => static fn($arg) => \rad2deg($arg), 'round' => static fn($arg) => \round($arg), 'sin' => static fn($arg) => \sin($arg), 'sinh' => static fn($arg) => \sinh($arg), 'sec' => static fn($arg) => 1 / \cos($arg), 'sqrt' => static fn($arg) => \sqrt($arg), 'tan' => static fn($arg) => \tan($arg), 'tanh' => static fn($arg) => \tanh($arg), 'tn' => static fn($arg) => \tan($arg), 'tg' => static fn($arg) => \tan($arg) ]; } /** * Returns the default variables names as key/value pairs * * @return array<string, float> */ protected function defaultVars() : array { return [ 'pi' => 3.14159265359, 'e' => 2.71828182846 ]; } /** * Default variable validation, ensures that the value is a scalar. * @throws MathExecutorException if the value is not a scalar */ protected function defaultVarValidation(string $variable, $value) : void { if (! \is_scalar($value) && null !== $value) { $type = \gettype($value); throw new MathExecutorException("Variable ({$variable}) type ({$type}) is not scalar"); } } }