<?php /** * This file is part of the MathExecutor package * * (c) Alexander Kiryukhin * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code */ namespace NXP\Tests; use NXP\MathExecutor; use NXP\Exception\DivisionByZeroException; use NXP\Exception\IncorrectBracketsException; use NXP\Exception\IncorrectExpressionException; use NXP\Exception\MathExecutorException; use NXP\Exception\UnknownFunctionException; use NXP\Exception\UnknownOperatorException; use NXP\Exception\UnknownTokenException; use NXP\Exception\UnknownVariableException; class MathTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @dataProvider providerExpressions */ public function testCalculating($expression) { $calculator = new MathExecutor(); /** @var float $phpResult */ eval('$phpResult = ' . $expression . ';'); $this->assertEquals($calculator->execute($expression), $phpResult); } /** * Expressions data provider */ public function providerExpressions() { return [ ['0.1 + 0.2'], ['1 + 2'], ['0.1 - 0.2'], ['1 - 2'], ['0.1 * 2'], ['1 * 2'], ['0.1 / 0.2'], ['1 / 2'], ['2 * 2 + 3 * 3'], ['1 + 0.6 - 3 * 2 / 50'], ['(5 + 3) * -1'], ['2- 2*2'], ['2-(2*2)'], ['(2- 2)*2'], ['2 + 2*2'], ['2+ 2*2'], ['2+2*2'], ['(2+2)*2'], ['(2 + 2)*-2'], ['(2+-2)*2'], ['1 + 2 * 3 / (min(1, 5) + 2 + 1)'], ['1 + 2 * 3 / (min(1, 5) - 2 + 5)'], ['1 + 2 * 3 / (min(1, 5) * 2 + 1)'], ['1 + 2 * 3 / (min(1, 5) / 2 + 1)'], ['1 + 2 * 3 / (min(1, 5) / 2 * 1)'], ['1 + 2 * 3 / (min(1, 5) / 2 / 1)'], ['1 + 2 * 3 / (3 + min(1, 5) + 2 + 1)'], ['1 + 2 * 3 / (3 - min(1, 5) - 2 + 1)'], ['1 + 2 * 3 / (3 * min(1, 5) * 2 + 1)'], ['1 + 2 * 3 / (3 / min(1, 5) / 2 + 1)'], ['sin(10) * cos(50) / min(10, 20/2)'], ['sin(10) * cos(50) / min(10, (20/2))'], ['sin(10) * cos(50) / min(10, (max(10,20)/2))'], ['100500 * 3.5E5'], ['100500 * 3.5E-5'], ['1 + "2" / 3'], ["1.5 + '2.5' / 4"], ['1.5 + "2.5" * ".5"'], ['-1 + -2'], ['-1+-2'], ['-1- -2'], ['-1/-2'], ['-1*-2'], ]; } public function testUnknownFunctionException() { $calculator = new MathExecutor(); $this->expectException(UnknownFunctionException::class); $calculator->execute('1 * fred("wilma") + 3'); } public function testIncorrectExpressionException() { $calculator = new MathExecutor(); $this->expectException(IncorrectExpressionException::class); $calculator->execute('1 * + '); } public function testZeroDivision() { $calculator = new MathExecutor(); $this->assertEquals($calculator->execute('10 / 0'), 0); } public function testZeroDivisionException() { $calculator = new MathExecutor(); $calculator->setDivisionByZeroException(); $this->expectException(DivisionByZeroException::class); $calculator->execute('10 / 0'); } public function testExponentiation() { $calculator = new MathExecutor(); $this->assertEquals($calculator->execute('10 ^ 2'), 100); } public function testFunction() { $calculator = new MathExecutor(); $calculator->addFunction('round', function ($arg) { return round($arg); }, 1); /** @var float $phpResult */ eval('$phpResult = round(100/30);'); $this->assertEquals($calculator->execute('round(100/30)'), $phpResult); } }