diff options
authorromkatv <>2019-07-27 21:37:34 +0300
committerromkatv <>2019-07-27 21:37:34 +0300
commit3a741475f8c1ace7d4dd90aa776ceaae31e1d9b3 (patch)
parent10fd41d187c084144bf9040117cad79ea9be3e69 (diff)
more progress on the wizard
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/internal/wizard.zsh b/internal/wizard.zsh
index 94ae1d62..f8283cfe 100644..100755
--- a/internal/wizard.zsh
+++ b/internal/wizard.zsh
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env zsh
+emulate -L zsh
+setopt extended_glob noaliases
+readonly _p9k_root_dir=${1:-${0:h:h}}
+source $_p9k_root_dir/internal/icons.zsh || return
+readonly zd=${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}
+readonly zdu=${zd/#(#b)$HOME(|\/*)/'~'$match[1]}
function _p9k_clear() {
if (( $+commands[clear] )); then
@@ -109,23 +123,20 @@ function _p9k_ask_python() {
function _p9k_ask_icon_width() {
- if [[ $1 == (powerline|compatible) ]]; then
+ if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == (powerline|compatible) ]]; then
typeset -gi _p9k_caps_narrow_icons=0
- local text=$(
- _p9k_init_icons
- echo -n "X%1F${icons[VCS_GIT_ICON]// }%fX"
- echo -n "%2F${icons[VCS_GIT_GITHUB_ICON]// }%fX"
- echo -n "%3F${icons[DATE_ICON]// }%fX"
- echo -n "%4F${icons[TIME_ICON]// }%fX"
- echo -n "%5F${icons[RUBY_ICON]// }%fX"
- echo -n "%6F${icons[AWS_EB_ICON]// }%fX"
- )
+ local text="X"
+ text+="X%1F${icons[VCS_GIT_ICON]// }%fX"
+ text+="%2F${icons[VCS_GIT_GITHUB_ICON]// }%fX"
+ text+="%3F${icons[DATE_ICON]// }%fX"
+ text+="%4F${icons[TIME_ICON]// }%fX"
+ text+="%5F${icons[RUBY_ICON]// }%fX"
+ text+="%6F${icons[AWS_EB_ICON]// }%fX"
while true; do
- print -P " %BDo all these icons %2Ffit between the crosses%f?"
+ print -P " %BDo all these icons %2Ffit between the crosses%f?%b"
print -P ""
print -P " ---> %B$text%b <---"
print -P ""
@@ -156,13 +167,149 @@ function _p9k_configure_quit() {
print -P "an option that does nothing except for disabling Powerlevel10k"
print -P "configuration wizard, type the following command:"
print -P ""
- print -P " %2Fecho%f %3F'POWERLEVEL9K_MODE='%f %15F>>! ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zshrc%f"
+ print -P " %2Fecho%f %3F'POWERLEVEL9K_MODE='%f %15F>>! $zdu/.zshrc%f"
print -P ""
-function _p9k_configure() {
- emulate -L zsh && setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob
+function _p9k_ask_style() {
+ if (( ! _p9k_caps_diamond )); then
+ typeset -g _p9k_style=lean
+ return
+ fi
+ while true; do
+ _p9k_clear
+ print -P " %BChoose your prompt style%b"
+ print -P ""
+ print -P " %B%3FLean%f%b"
+ print -P ""
+ print -P " %B%39F~%b%12F/%B%39Fpowerlevel10k%b %76Fmaster ⇡2%f"
+ print -P " %76F❯%f █"
+ print -P ""
+ print -P " %B%3FClassic%f%b"
+ print -P ""
+ print -P " %8F╭─%K{0} %B%39F~%b%K{0}%12F/%B%39Fpowerlevel10k%b%K{0} %244F\uE0B1 %76Fmaster ⇡2 %k%0F\uE0B0"
+ print -P " %8F╰─%f █"
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "(%B1%b) %B%3FLean%f%b."
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "(%B2%b) %B%4FClassic%f%b."
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "%248F(r) Restart from the beginning.%f"
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "%248F(q) Quit and do nothing.%f"
+ print -P ""
+ local key=
+ read -k key"?Choice [12rq]: " || return 1
+ case $key in
+ q) _p9k_configure_quit; return 1;;
+ r) return 2;;
+ 1) typeset -g _p9k_style=lean; break;;
+ 2) typeset -g _p9k_style=classic; break;;
+ esac
+ done
+function _p9k_ask_lines() {
+ while true; do
+ _p9k_clear
+ print -P " %BOne or two prompt lines?%b"
+ print -P ""
+ print -P " %BOne Line%b"
+ print -P ""
+ if [[ $_p9k_style == lean ]]; then
+ print -P " %B%39F~%b%12F/%B%39Fpowerlevel10k%b %76Fmaster ⇡2 %76F❯%f █"
+ else
+ print -P " %K{0} %B%39F~%b%K{0}%12F/%B%39Fpowerlevel10k%b%K{0} %244F\uE0B1 %76Fmaster ⇡2 %k%0F\uE0B0%f █"
+ fi
+ print -P ""
+ print -P " %BTwo Lines%b"
+ print -P ""
+ if [[ $_p9k_style == lean ]]; then
+ print -P " %B%39F~%b%12F/%B%39Fpowerlevel10k%b %76Fmaster ⇡2%f"
+ print -P " %76F❯%f █"
+ else
+ print -P " %8F╭─%K{0} %B%39F~%b%K{0}%12F/%B%39Fpowerlevel10k%b%K{0} %244F\uE0B1 %76Fmaster ⇡2 %k%0F\uE0B0"
+ print -P " %8F╰─%f █"
+ fi
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "(%B1%b) %BOne Line%b."
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "(%B2%b) %BTwo lines%b."
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "%248F(r) Restart from the beginning.%f"
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "%248F(q) Quit and do nothing.%f"
+ print -P ""
+ local key=
+ read -k key"?Choice [12rq]: " || return 1
+ case $key in
+ q) _p9k_configure_quit; return 1;;
+ r) return 2;;
+ 1|2) typeset -gi _p9k_lines=$key; break;;
+ esac
+ done
+function _p9k_ask_overwrite() {
+ typeset -g _p9k_config_backup
+ if [[ ! -e $zd/.p10k.zsh ]]; then
+ typeset -gi _p9k_overwrite=1
+ return
+ fi
+ while true; do
+ _p9k_clear
+ print -P " %BConfig already exists: %2F$zdu/.p10k.zsh%f%b"
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "(%Bw%b) %B%2FOverwrite%f $zdu/.p10k.zsh%b with the new config."
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "(%Bk%b) %B%2FKeep%f $zdu/.p10k.zsh%b and discard the new content."
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "%248F(r) Restart from the beginning.%f"
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "%248F(q) Quit and do nothing.%f"
+ print -P ""
+ local key=
+ read -k key"?Choice [wkrq]: " || return 1
+ case $key in
+ q) _p9k_configure_quit; return 1;;
+ r) return 2;;
+ w)
+ _p9k_config_backup=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/.p10k.zsh.XXXXXXXXXX) || return 1
+ cp $zd/.p10k.zsh $_p9k_config_backup
+ typeset -gi _p9k_overwrite=1
+ break
+ ;;
+ k) typeset -gi _p9k_overwrite=0; break;;
+ esac
+ done
+function _p9k_generate_config() {
+ local -a cfg && cfg=("${(@f)$(< $_p9k_root_dir/config/p10k-$_p9k_style.zsh)}") || return
+ cfg=("${(@)cfg/# typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=*/ typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=$POWERLEVEL9K_MODE}")
+ if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == (powerline|compatible) && $_p9k_style == lean ]]; then
+ local exp="''"
+ elif (( _p9k_caps_narrow_icons )); then
+ local exp="'\${P9K_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER// }'"
+ else
+ local exp="'\${P9K_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER}'"
+ fi
+ if (( _p9k_lines == 1 )); then
+ local -a tmp
+ local line
+ for line in "$cfg[@]"; do
+ [[ $line == (' newline'|*'===[ Line #'*) ]] || tmp+=$line
+ done
+ cfg=("$tmp[@]")
+ fi
+ print -lr -- "$cfg[@]" >$zd/.p10k.zsh
+function _p9k_configure() {
local zd=${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}
[[ -w $zd ]] || return 1
[[ -t 0 && -t 1 ]] || return 1
@@ -170,26 +317,50 @@ function _p9k_configure() {
while true; do
_p9k_ask_diamond || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return }
- local mode
if [[ -n $AWESOME_GLYPHS_LOADED ]]; then
- mode=awesome-mapped-fontconfig
+ POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=awesome-mapped-fontconfig
_p9k_ask_lock || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return }
if [[ $_p9k_caps_lock == 1 ]]; then
- (( _p9k_caps_diamond )) && mode=awesome-patched || mode=flat
+ (( _p9k_caps_diamond )) && POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=awesome-patched || POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=flat
elif [[ -z $_p9k_caps_lock ]]; then
- (( _p9k_caps_diamond )) && mode=powerline || mode=compatible
+ (( _p9k_caps_diamond )) && POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=powerline || POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=compatible
_p9k_ask_python || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return }
- (( _p9k_caps_python )) && mode=awesome-fontconfig || mode=nerdfont-complete
+ (( _p9k_caps_python )) && POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=awesome-fontconfig || POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=nerdfont-complete
- _p9k_ask_icon_width $mode || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return }
+ _p9k_init_icons
+ _p9k_ask_icon_width || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return }
+ _p9k_ask_style || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return }
+ _p9k_ask_lines || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return }
+ _p9k_ask_overwrite || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return }
- typeset -p mode _p9k_caps_diamond _p9k_caps_narrow_icons
+ if [[ -n $_p9k_config_backup ]]; then
+ print -P "The previous version of your %B%2F$zdu/.p10k.zsh%f%b has been moved"
+ print -P "to %B%2F$_p9k_config_backup%f%b."
+ fi
+ if (( _p9k_overwrite )); then
+ _p9k_generate_config || return
+ fi
+ local comments=(
+ "# Apply the personalized Powerlevel10k configuration."
+ "# You can customize your prompt by editing this file."
+ "# To run configuration wizard again, remove the next line."
+ )
+ print -lr -- "" $comments "source $zdu/.p10k.zsh" >>$zd/.zshrc
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "The following lines have been appended to your %B%2F$zdu/.zshrc%f%b:"
+ print -P ""
+ print -lP -- ' %8F'${^comments}'%f' " %2Fsource%f %15F$zdu/.p10k.zsh%f"