diff options
authorromkatv <>2019-07-25 15:11:04 +0300
committerromkatv <>2019-07-25 15:12:11 +0300
commitb07d0b70837442b660a5c8be5728184658f25cb7 (patch)
parent2ec4ed0702a1994471b74a11b4486f047163f71d (diff)
add nordvpn prompt segment
This segment has four states. MISSING: nordvpn is not installed. By default the segment is not shown in this state. Override POWERLEVEL9K_NORDVPN_MISSING_CONTENT_EXPANSION and/or POWERLEVEL9K_NORDVPN_MISSING_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION to make the segment visible. CONNECTED: nordvpn is connected. By default shows LOCK_ICON as icon and country code as content. In addition, the following variables are set for the use by POWERLEVEL9K_NORDVPN_CONNECTED_CONTENT_EXPANSION and POWERLEVEL9K_NORDVPN_CONNECTED_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION: P9K_NORDVPN_PROTOCOL, P9K_NORDVPN_IP_ADDRESS, P9K_NORDVPN_SERVER, P9K_NORDVPN_COUNTRY, P9K_NORDVPN_CITY and P9K_NORDVPN_STATUS (always "Connected"). These correspond to the output lines of `nordvpn status`. DISCONNECTED: nordvpn is disconnected. By default shows LOCK_ICON as icon and FAIL_ICON as content. P9K_NORDVPN_STATUS is set to "Disconnected". OTHER: nordvpn is in status other than "Connected" or "Disconnected". I'm not sure this is possible. By default shows LOCK_ICON as icon and FAIL_ICON as content. P9K_NORDVPN_STATUS is set to the actual status (neither empty, "Connected" nor "Disconnected"). Fixes #133. Needs more testing.
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/internal/p10k.zsh b/internal/p10k.zsh
index f60d5534..a15c1b4b 100755
--- a/internal/p10k.zsh
+++ b/internal/p10k.zsh
@@ -2946,6 +2946,68 @@ prompt_java_version() {
_p9k_prompt_segment "$0" "red" "white" "JAVA_ICON" 0 '' "${v//\%/%%}"
+typeset -gra __p9k_nordvpn_tag=(
+function _p9k_fetch_nordvpn_status() {
+ setopt err_return
+ unset $__p9k_nordvpn_tag P9K_NORDVPN_COUNTRY_CODE
+ (( $+commands[nordvpn] ))
+ [[ -e /run/nordvpnd.sock ]]
+ local REPLY
+ zsocket /run/nordvpnd.sock 2>/dev/null
+ local -i fd=$REPLY
+ {
+ >&$fd echo -nE - $'PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n\0\0\0\4\1\0\0\0\0\0\0N\1\4\0\0\0\1\203\206E\221bA\226\223\325\\k\337\31i=LnH\323j?A\223\266\243y\270\303\fYmLT{$\357]R.\203\223\257_\213\35u\320b\r&=LMedz\212\232\312\310\264\307`+\210K\203@\2te\206M\2035\5\261\37\0\0\5\0\1\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0'
+ local tag len val
+ local -i n
+ IFS='' read -r tag <&3
+ tag=$'\015'
+ while true; do
+ tag=${__p9k_char2byte[${(q+)tag}]:-0}
+ (( (tag >>= 3) && tag <= $#__p9k_nordvpn_tag )) || break
+ tag=$__p9k_nordvpn_tag[tag]
+ sysread -c n -s 1 len <&3
+ (( n == 1 ))
+ len=${__p9k_char2byte[${(q+)len}]}
+ [[ -n $len ]]
+ val=
+ (( ! len )) || {
+ sysread -c n -s $len val <&3
+ (( n == len ))
+ }
+ typeset -g $tag=$val
+ sysread -c n -s 1 tag <&3
+ (( n < 2 ))
+ done
+ } always {
+ exec {fd}>&-
+ [[ $P9K_NORDVPN_SERVER != (#b)([[:alpha:]]##)[[:digit:]] ]] || P9K_NORDVPN_COUNTRY_CODE=${(U)match[1]}
+ }
+function prompt_nordvpn() {
+ _p9k_fetch_nordvpn_status
+ '')
+ _p9k_prompt_segment $0_MISSING blue white '' 0 '' '';;
+ Connected)
+ _p9k_prompt_segment $0_CONNECTED blue white LOCK_ICON 0 '' "$P9K_NORDVPN_COUNTRY_CODE";;
+ Disconnected)
+ _p9k_get_icon $0_DISCONNECTED FAIL_ICON
+ _p9k_prompt_segment $0_DISCONNECTED yellow white LOCK_ICON 0 '' "$_p9k_ret";;
+ *)
+ _p9k_get_icon $0_OTHER FAIL_ICON
+ _p9k_prompt_segment $0_OTHER yellow white LOCK_ICON 0 '' "$_p9k_ret";;
+ esac
_p9k_preexec() {
if (( $+_p9k_real_zle_rprompt_indent )); then
if [[ -n $_p9k_real_zle_rprompt_indent ]]; then
@@ -4041,6 +4103,17 @@ _p9k_init() {
>&2 print -P 'Either install %F{green}jq%f or change the value of %BPOWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY%b.'
+ if (( !$+__p9k_char2byte )) && _p9k_segment_in_use nordvpn; then
+ typeset -gA __p9k_char2byte=()
+ local -i x=0 y=0
+ for x in {0..7}; do
+ for y in {0..7}; do
+ __p9k_char2byte[${(q+)${(g:o:):-\\$x$y}}]=$((8*x+y))
+ done
+ done
+ typeset -grA __p9k_char2byte
+ fi
_p9k_wrap_zle_widget zle-keymap-select _p9k_zle_keymap_select
@@ -4083,5 +4156,12 @@ zmodload zsh/datetime
zmodload zsh/mathfunc
zmodload zsh/system
zmodload -F zsh/stat b:zstat
+zmodload -F zsh/net/socket b:zsocket
+# zsocket -v /run/nordvpnd.sock
+# echo -n $'PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n\0\0\0\4\1\0\0\0\0\0\0N\1\4\0\0\0\1\203\206E\221bA\226\223\325\\k\337\31i=LnH\323j?A\223\266\243y\270\303\fYmLT{$\357]R.\203\223\257_\213\35u\320b\r&=LMedz\212\232\312\310\264\307`+\210K\203@\2te\206M\2035\5\261\37\0\0\5\0\1\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0' >&3
+# cat <&3 > reply # A\223\266\243y\270\303\fY A\226\223\325\\k\337\31i =LnH\323
+# exec 3>&-; hexdump -c <reply
+# \0\0\16\1\4\0\0\0\1\210_\213\35u\320b\r&=LMed\0\0_\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\0Z\n\tConnected\22\3UDP\32\01637.120.137.147\"\*\vSwitzerland2\6Zurich8\244\224\211\10@\242\315\305\1H\334\375\316\260\372\243\1\0\0\30\1\5\0\0\0\1@\210\232\312\310\262\0224\332\217\0010@\211\232\312\310\265%B\0071\177\0