diff options
authorromkatv <>2019-10-29 17:54:30 +0300
committerromkatv <>2019-10-29 17:54:30 +0300
commit3377990a6f2a4bc1dd8ba7d4c6ecf479b0842fad (patch)
parent37fbc8c7eac372a239f8bd14810720bb212d516e (diff)
wip: dynamic shit
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/internal/p10k.zsh b/internal/p10k.zsh
index e2c65250..d2a7a764 100644
--- a/internal/p10k.zsh
+++ b/internal/p10k.zsh
@@ -3458,8 +3458,10 @@ function _p9k_set_prompt() {
IFS=$' \t\n\0'
- PROMPT=$_p9k_prompt_prefix_left
+ [[ $1 == instant_ ]] || PROMPT+='${$((_p9k_on_expand()))+}'
+ PROMPT+=$_p9k_prompt_prefix_left
(( _p9k_fetch_iface )) && _p9k_set_iface
@@ -3834,113 +3836,182 @@ function _p9k_restore_state() {
function _p9k_clear_instant_prompt() {
- (( $+__p9k_instant_prompt_active )) || return 0
- () {
- emulate -L zsh
- if (( $+__p9k_fd_0 )); then
- exec 0<&$__p9k_fd_0 {__p9k_fd_0}>&-
- unset __p9k_fd_0
- fi
- exec 1>&$__p9k_fd_1 2>&$__p9k_fd_2 {__p9k_fd_1}>&- {__p9k_fd_2}>&-
- unset __p9k_fd_1 __p9k_fd_2 __p9k_instant_prompt_active
- if [[ -s $__p9k_instant_prompt_output ]]; then
- {
- local content
- [[ $_POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT == verbose ]] && content="$(<$__p9k_instant_prompt_output)"
- local mark="${PROMPT_EOL_MARK-%B%S%#%s%b}"
- _p9k_prompt_length $mark
- local -i fill=$((COLUMNS > _p9k_ret ? COLUMNS - _p9k_ret : 0))
- local sp="${(%):-%b%k%f%s%u$mark${(pl.$fill.. .)}$cr%b%k%f%s%u%E}"
- print -rn -- $terminfo[rc]${(%):-%b%k%f%s%u}$terminfo[ed]
- if [[ -n ${(S)content//$'\e'*$'\a'} ]]; then
- echo -E - ""
- echo -E - "${(%):-[%3FWARNING%f]: Console output during zsh initialization detected.}"
- echo -E - ""
- echo -E - "${(%):-When using Powerlevel10k with instant prompt, console output during zsh}"
- echo -E - "${(%):-initialization may indicate issues.}"
- echo -E - ""
- echo -E - "${(%):-You can:}"
- echo -E - ""
- echo -E - "${(%):- - %BRecommended%b: Change %B$__p9k_zshrc_u%b so that it does not perform console I/O}"
- echo -E - "${(%):- after the instant prompt preamble. See the link below for details.}"
- echo -E - ""
- echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
- echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b and prompt will update %Bsmoothly%b.}"
- echo -E - ""
- echo -E - "${(%):- - Suppress this warning either by running %Bp10k configure%b or by manually}"
- echo -E - "${(%):- defining the following parameter:}"
- echo -E - ""
- echo -E - "${(%):- %3Ftypeset%f -g POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT=quiet}"
- echo -E - ""
- echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
- echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b but prompt will %Bjump down%b after initialization.}"
- echo -E - ""
- echo -E - "${(%):- - Disable instant prompt either by running %Bp10k configure%b or by manually}"
- echo -E - "${(%):- defining the following parameter:}"
- echo -E - ""
- echo -E - "${(%):- %3Ftypeset%f -g POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT=off}"
- echo -E - ""
- echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
- echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bslowly%b.}"
- echo -E - ""
- echo -E - "${(%):- - Do nothing.}"
- echo -E - ""
- echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill%b see this error message every time you start zsh.}"
- echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b but prompt will %Bjump down%b after initialization.}"
- echo -E - ""
- echo -E - "${(%):-For details, see:}"
- echo - "${(%):-\e]8;;\a\e]8;;\a}"
- echo -E - ""
- echo - "${(%):-%3F-- console output produced during zsh initialization follows --%f}"
- echo -E - ""
- fi
- cat $__p9k_instant_prompt_output
- echo -nE - $sp
- zf_rm -f -- $__p9k_instant_prompt_output
- } 2>/dev/null
- else
- zf_rm -f -- $__p9k_instant_prompt_output 2>/dev/null
+ if (( $+__p9k_fd_0 )); then
+ exec 0<&$__p9k_fd_0 {__p9k_fd_0}>&-
+ unset __p9k_fd_0
+ fi
+ exec 1>&$__p9k_fd_1 2>&$__p9k_fd_2 {__p9k_fd_1}>&- {__p9k_fd_2}>&-
+ unset __p9k_fd_1 __p9k_fd_2
+ if [[ -s $__p9k_instant_prompt_output ]]; then
+ {
+ local content
+ [[ $_POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT == verbose ]] && content="$(<$__p9k_instant_prompt_output)"
+ local mark="${PROMPT_EOL_MARK-%B%S%#%s%b}"
+ _p9k_prompt_length $mark
+ local -i fill=$((COLUMNS > _p9k_ret ? COLUMNS - _p9k_ret : 0))
+ local sp="${(%):-%b%k%f%s%u$mark${(pl.$fill.. .)}$cr%b%k%f%s%u%E}"
print -rn -- $terminfo[rc]${(%):-%b%k%f%s%u}$terminfo[ed]
+ if [[ -n ${(S)content//$'\e'*$'\a'} ]]; then
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo -E - "${(%):-[%3FWARNING%f]: Console output during zsh initialization detected.}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo -E - "${(%):-When using Powerlevel10k with instant prompt, console output during zsh}"
+ echo -E - "${(%):-initialization may indicate issues.}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo -E - "${(%):-You can:}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo -E - "${(%):- - %BRecommended%b: Change %B$__p9k_zshrc_u%b so that it does not perform console I/O}"
+ echo -E - "${(%):- after the instant prompt preamble. See the link below for details.}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
+ echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b and prompt will update %Bsmoothly%b.}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo -E - "${(%):- - Suppress this warning either by running %Bp10k configure%b or by manually}"
+ echo -E - "${(%):- defining the following parameter:}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo -E - "${(%):- %3Ftypeset%f -g POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT=quiet}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
+ echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b but prompt will %Bjump down%b after initialization.}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo -E - "${(%):- - Disable instant prompt either by running %Bp10k configure%b or by manually}"
+ echo -E - "${(%):- defining the following parameter:}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo -E - "${(%):- %3Ftypeset%f -g POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT=off}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
+ echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bslowly%b.}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo -E - "${(%):- - Do nothing.}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill%b see this error message every time you start zsh.}"
+ echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b but prompt will %Bjump down%b after initialization.}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo -E - "${(%):-For details, see:}"
+ echo - "${(%):-\e]8;;\a\e]8;;\a}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ echo - "${(%):-%3F-- console output produced during zsh initialization follows --%f}"
+ echo -E - ""
+ fi
+ cat $__p9k_instant_prompt_output
+ echo -nE - $sp
+ zf_rm -f -- $__p9k_instant_prompt_output
+ } 2>/dev/null
+ else
+ zf_rm -f -- $__p9k_instant_prompt_output 2>/dev/null
+ print -rn -- $terminfo[rc]${(%):-%b%k%f%s%u}$terminfo[ed]
+ fi
+ prompt_opts=(percent subst sp cr)
+ if [[ $_POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_INSTANT_PROMPT == 0 && -o prompt_cr ]]; then
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):-[%1FERROR%f]: When using Powerlevel10k with instant prompt, %Bprompt_cr%b must be unset.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):-You can:}"
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - %BRecommended%b: call %Bp10k finalize%b at the end of %B$__p9k_zshrc_u%b.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- You can do this by running the following command:}"
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- %2Fecho%f %3F'(( ! \${+functions[p10k]\} )) || p10k finalize'%f >>! $__p9k_zshrc_u}"
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b and %Bwithout%b prompt flickering.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Find where %Bprompt_cr%b option gets sets in your zsh configs and stop setting it.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b and %Bwithout%b prompt flickering.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Disable instant prompt either by running %Bp10k configure%b or by manually}"
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- defining the following parameter:}"
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- %3Ftypeset%f -g POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT=off}"
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bslowly%b.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Do nothing.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill%b see this error message every time you start zsh.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquckly%b but %Bwith%b prompt flickering.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ fi
+function _p9k_maybe_dump() {
+ (( __p9k_dumps_enabled )) || return 0
+ _p9k__instant_prompt_sig=$_p9k_pwd:$P9K_SSH:${(%):-%#}
+ if (( ! _p9k__dump_pid )) || ! kill -0 $_p9k__dump_pid 2>/dev/null; then
+ _p9k__dump_pid=0
+ if (( _p9k__prompt_idx == 1 )) then
+ (( _p9k__instant_prompt_disabled )) || _p9k_set_instant_prompt
+ if (( !_p9k_state_restored )); then
+ if (( !_p9k__instant_prompt_disabled )); then
+ _p9k_dump_instant_prompt
+ _p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs[$_p9k__instant_prompt_sig]=1
+ fi
+ _p9k_dump_state
+ _p9k__state_dump_scheduled=0
+ elif [[ $_p9k__instant_prompt_disabled == 0 &&
+ "${(pj:\x1f:)__p9k_used_instant_prompt}" != "${(e)_p9k_instant_prompt}" ]]; then
+ _p9k_dump_instant_prompt
+ if (( ! $+_p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs[$_p9k__instant_prompt_sig] )); then
+ _p9k_dump_state
+ _p9k__state_dump_scheduled=0
+ _p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs[$_p9k__instant_prompt_sig]=1
+ fi
+ fi
+ elif (( _p9k__state_dump_scheduled || ! (_p9k__instant_prompt_disabled || $+_p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs[$_p9k__instant_prompt_sig]) )); then
+ setopt no_bg_nice
+ (
+ if ! (( _p9k__instant_prompt_disabled || $+_p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs[$_p9k__instant_prompt_sig] )); then
+ _p9k_set_instant_prompt
+ _p9k_dump_instant_prompt
+ _p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs[$_p9k__instant_prompt_sig]=1
+ fi
+ _p9k_dump_state
+ ) &!
+ _p9k__dump_pid=$!
+ _p9k__state_dump_scheduled=0
+ (( _p9k__instant_prompt_disabled )) || _p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs[$_p9k__instant_prompt_sig]=1
- prompt_opts=(percent subst sp cr)
- if [[ $_POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_INSTANT_PROMPT == 0 && -o prompt_cr ]]; then
- >&2 echo -E - ""
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):-[%1FERROR%f]: When using Powerlevel10k with instant prompt, %Bprompt_cr%b must be unset.}"
- >&2 echo -E - ""
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):-You can:}"
- >&2 echo -E - ""
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - %BRecommended%b: call %Bp10k finalize%b at the end of %B$__p9k_zshrc_u%b.}"
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- You can do this by running the following command:}"
- >&2 echo -E - ""
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- %2Fecho%f %3F'(( ! \${+functions[p10k]\} )) || p10k finalize'%f >>! $__p9k_zshrc_u}"
- >&2 echo -E - ""
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b and %Bwithout%b prompt flickering.}"
- >&2 echo -E - ""
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Find where %Bprompt_cr%b option gets sets in your zsh configs and stop setting it.}"
- >&2 echo -E - ""
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b and %Bwithout%b prompt flickering.}"
- >&2 echo -E - ""
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Disable instant prompt either by running %Bp10k configure%b or by manually}"
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- defining the following parameter:}"
- >&2 echo -E - ""
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- %3Ftypeset%f -g POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT=off}"
- >&2 echo -E - ""
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bslowly%b.}"
- >&2 echo -E - ""
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Do nothing.}"
- >&2 echo -E - ""
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill%b see this error message every time you start zsh.}"
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquckly%b but %Bwith%b prompt flickering.}"
- >&2 echo -E - ""
+ fi
+typeset -gA __p9k_display
+function _p9k_on_expand() {
+ (( _p9k__expanded && ! $+__p9k_instant_prompt_active )) && return
+ () {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob no_prompt_bang prompt_{percent,subst} no_aliases
+ _p9k_maybe_dump
+ (( $+__p9k_instant_prompt_active )) && _p9k_clear_instant_prompt
+ (( _p9k__expanded )) && return
+ _p9k__expanded=1
+ [[ $__p9k_display[empty_line] == print ]] && print -rn -- $_p9k_t[_p9k_empty_line_idx]
+ if [[ $__p9k_display[ruler] == print ]]; then
+ local ruler=$_p9k_t[_p9k_ruler_idx]
+ () {
+ (( __p9k_ksh_arrays )) && setopt ksh_arrays
+ (( __p9k_sh_glob )) && setopt sh_glob
+ print -rP -- $ruler
+ }
- unsetopt localoptions
- setopt prompt_sp prompt_cr
+ if (( $+__p9k_instant_prompt_active )); then
+ unset __p9k_instant_prompt_active
+ unsetopt localoptions
+ setopt prompt_sp prompt_cr
+ fi
+functions -M _p9k_on_expand
_p9k_precmd_impl() {
emulate -L zsh
@@ -3952,8 +4023,9 @@ _p9k_precmd_impl() {
if zle; then
+ _p9k__expanded=1
- print -rn "${_p9k_prompt_newline:-}"
+ _p9k__expanded=0
if (( _p9k__transient_rprompt_active )); then
@@ -4028,51 +4100,6 @@ _p9k_precmd_impl() {
if [[ $precmd_functions[-1] != _p9k_precmd && $precmd_functions[(I)_p9k_precmd] != 0 ]]; then
precmd_functions=(${(@)precmd_functions:#_p9k_precmd} _p9k_precmd)
- if (( $+__p9k_instant_prompt_active )); then
- functions -M _p9k_clear_instant_prompt
- PROMPT+='${$((_p9k_clear_instant_prompt()))+}'
- fi
- (( __p9k_dumps_enabled )) || return 0
- _p9k__instant_prompt_sig=$_p9k_pwd:$P9K_SSH:${(%):-%#}
- if (( ! _p9k__dump_pid )) || ! kill -0 $_p9k__dump_pid 2>/dev/null; then
- _p9k__dump_pid=0
- if (( _p9k__prompt_idx == 1 )) then
- (( _p9k__instant_prompt_disabled )) || _p9k_set_instant_prompt
- if (( !_p9k_state_restored )); then
- if (( !_p9k__instant_prompt_disabled )); then
- _p9k_dump_instant_prompt
- _p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs[$_p9k__instant_prompt_sig]=1
- fi
- _p9k_dump_state
- _p9k__state_dump_scheduled=0
- elif [[ $_p9k__instant_prompt_disabled == 0 &&
- "${(pj:\x1f:)__p9k_used_instant_prompt}" != "${(e)_p9k_instant_prompt}" ]]; then
- _p9k_dump_instant_prompt
- if (( ! $+_p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs[$_p9k__instant_prompt_sig] )); then
- _p9k_dump_state
- _p9k__state_dump_scheduled=0
- _p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs[$_p9k__instant_prompt_sig]=1
- fi
- fi
- elif (( _p9k__state_dump_scheduled || ! (_p9k__instant_prompt_disabled || $+_p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs[$_p9k__instant_prompt_sig]) )); then
- setopt no_bg_nice
- (
- if ! (( _p9k__instant_prompt_disabled || $+_p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs[$_p9k__instant_prompt_sig] )); then
- _p9k_set_instant_prompt
- _p9k_dump_instant_prompt
- _p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs[$_p9k__instant_prompt_sig]=1
- fi
- _p9k_dump_state
- ) &!
- _p9k__dump_pid=$!
- _p9k__state_dump_scheduled=0
- (( _p9k__instant_prompt_disabled )) || _p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs[$_p9k__instant_prompt_sig]=1
- fi
- fi
_p9k_precmd() {
@@ -4353,7 +4380,10 @@ _p9k_init_vars() {
typeset -gi _p9k_g
typeset -gi _p9k_ind
typeset -g _p9k_gap_pre
- typeset -g _p9k_prompt_newline
+ typeset -gi _p9k_ruler_i
+ typeset -gi _p9k_ruler_idx
+ typeset -gi _p9k_empty_line_i
+ typeset -gi _p9k_empty_line_idx
typeset -g _p9k_prompt_prefix_left
typeset -g _p9k_prompt_prefix_right
typeset -g _p9k_prompt_suffix_left
@@ -4386,6 +4416,7 @@ _p9k_init_vars() {
typeset -gi _p9k__transient_rprompt_active
typeset -gA _p9k__dotnet_stat_cache
typeset -gA _p9k__dir_stat_cache
+ typeset -gi _p9k__expanded
typeset -g P9K_CONTENT
@@ -4646,6 +4677,7 @@ _p9k_init_params() {
# These correspond to `java -fullversion` and `java -version` respectively.
local -i i=1
@@ -4886,7 +4918,7 @@ _p9k_all_params_eq() {
_p9k_init_prompt() {
- _p9k_t=($'\n' '')
+ _p9k_t=($'\n' '' '')
_p9k_prompt_overflow_bug && _p9k_t[2]='%{%G%}'
@@ -4932,43 +4964,40 @@ _p9k_init_prompt() {
- repeat $_POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE_COUNT _p9k_prompt_newline+=$'\n'
- fi
- if (( _POWERLEVEL9K_SHOW_RULER )); then
- _p9k_get_icon '' RULER_CHAR
- local ruler_char=$_p9k_ret
- _p9k_prompt_length $ruler_char
- if (( _p9k_ret == 1 && $#ruler_char == 1 )); then
- _p9k_prompt_prefix_left+=$'${${__p9k_x_ruler+\n}:-'
- _p9k_color prompt_ruler BACKGROUND ""
- if [[ -z $_p9k_ret && $ruler_char == ' ' ]]; then
- _p9k_prompt_prefix_left+=$'\n'
- else
- _p9k_background $_p9k_ret
- _p9k_escape_style $_p9k_ret
- _p9k_prompt_prefix_left+=%b$_p9k_ret
- _p9k_color prompt_ruler FOREGROUND ""
- _p9k_foreground $_p9k_ret
- _p9k_escape_style $_p9k_ret
- _p9k_prompt_prefix_left+=$_p9k_ret
- [[ $ruler_char == '.' ]] && local sep=',' || local sep='.'
- local ruler_len='${$((_p9k_clm-_p9k_ind))/#-*/0}'
- _p9k_prompt_prefix_left+="\${(pl$sep$ruler_len$sep$sep${(q)ruler_char}$sep)}%k%f"
- if (( __p9k_ksh_arrays )); then
- _p9k_prompt_prefix_left+='${_p9k_t[$((!_p9k_ind))]}'
- else
- _p9k_prompt_prefix_left+='${_p9k_t[$((1+!_p9k_ind))]}'
- fi
- fi
- _p9k_prompt_prefix_left+='}'
+ else
+ _p9k_t+=''
+ fi
+ _p9k_empty_line_idx=$#_p9k_t
+ _p9k_empty_line_i=3
+ _p9k_prompt_prefix_left+='${_p9k_t[_p9k_empty_line_i-__p9k_ksh_arrays]}'
+ _p9k_get_icon '' RULER_CHAR
+ local ruler_char=$_p9k_ret
+ _p9k_prompt_length $ruler_char
+ (( _p9k_ret == 1 && $#ruler_char == 1 )) || ruler_char=' '
+ _p9k_color prompt_ruler BACKGROUND ""
+ if [[ -z $_p9k_ret && $ruler_char == ' ' ]]; then
+ local ruler=$'\n'
+ else
+ _p9k_background $_p9k_ret
+ local ruler=%b$_p9k_ret
+ _p9k_color prompt_ruler FOREGROUND ""
+ _p9k_foreground $_p9k_ret
+ ruler+=$_p9k_ret
+ [[ $ruler_char == '.' ]] && local sep=',' || local sep='.'
+ ruler+='${(pl'$sep'${$((_p9k_clm-_p9k_ind))/#-*/0}'$sep$sep$ruler_char$sep')}%k%f'
+ if (( __p9k_ksh_arrays )); then
+ ruler+='${_p9k_t[$((!_p9k_ind))]}'
- print -rP -- "%F{red}WARNING!%f %BPOWERLEVEL9K_RULER_CHAR%b is not one character long. Ruler won't be rendered."
- print -rP -- "Either change the value of %BPOWERLEVEL9K_RULER_CHAR%b or set %BPOWERLEVEL9K_SHOW_RULER=false%b to"
- print -rP -- "disable ruler."
+ ruler+='${_p9k_t[$((1+!_p9k_ind))]}'
+ _p9k_t+=$ruler
+ _p9k_ruler_idx=$#_p9k_t
+ _p9k_ruler_i=3
+ _p9k_prompt_prefix_left+='${(e)_p9k_t[_p9k_ruler_i-__p9k_ksh_arrays]}'