diff options
authorRoman Perepelitsa <roman.perepelitsa@gmail.com>2020-07-11 11:07:34 +0300
committerRoman Perepelitsa <roman.perepelitsa@gmail.com>2020-07-11 11:07:34 +0300
commit6c9d0977a6378239f4153f5d3700bc5f70b36c3d (patch)
parent0c341b67024642b8f1741920d1ae5d760bc488b0 (diff)
make omz installation command work when executed from weird shells (no quoting though; that would be too much)
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 754c3d1a..90d8a2cd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -366,14 +366,14 @@ make sure to disable the current theme in your plugin manager. See
### Oh My Zsh
-git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
+git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
Users in mainland China can use the official mirror on gitee.com for faster download.<br>
中国大陆用户可以使用 gitee.com 上的官方镜像加速下载.
-git clone --depth=1 https://gitee.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
+git clone --depth=1 https://gitee.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
Set `ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k"` in `~/.zshrc`.
@@ -591,19 +591,19 @@ Powerlevel10k is released under the
The command to update Powerlevel10k depends on how it was installed.
-| Installation | Update command |
-| [Manual](#manual) | `git -C ~/powerlevel10k pull` |
-| [Oh My Zsh](#oh-my-zsh) | `git -C ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k pull` |
-| [Prezto](#prezto) | `zprezto-update` |
-| [Zim](#zim) | `zimfw update` |
-| [Antigen](#antigen) | `antigen update` |
-| [Zplug](#zplug) | `zplug update` |
-| [Zgen](#zgen) | `zgen update` |
-| [Zplugin](#zplugin) | `zplugin update` |
-| [Zinit](#zinit) | `zinit update` |
-| [Homebrew](#homebrew) | `brew update && brew upgrade` |
-| [Arch Linux](#arch-linux) | `yay -Syu --noconfirm --needed zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git` |
+| Installation | Update command |
+| [Manual](#manual) | `git -C ~/powerlevel10k pull` |
+| [Oh My Zsh](#oh-my-zsh) | `git -C ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k pull` |
+| [Prezto](#prezto) | `zprezto-update` |
+| [Zim](#zim) | `zimfw update` |
+| [Antigen](#antigen) | `antigen update` |
+| [Zplug](#zplug) | `zplug update` |
+| [Zgen](#zgen) | `zgen update` |
+| [Zplugin](#zplugin) | `zplugin update` |
+| [Zinit](#zinit) | `zinit update` |
+| [Homebrew](#homebrew) | `brew update && brew upgrade` |
+| [Arch Linux](#arch-linux) | `yay -Syu --noconfirm --needed zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git` |
**IMPORTANT**: Restart Zsh after updating Powerlevel10k. [Do not use `source ~/.zshrc`](
@@ -641,19 +641,19 @@ The command to update Powerlevel10k depends on how it was installed.
Powerlevel10k. The command to delete them depends on which installation method you'd chosen.
Refer to the [installation instructions](#installation) if you need a reminder.
- | Installation | Uninstall command |
- |---------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | [Manual](#manual) | `rm -rf ~/powerlevel10k` |
- | [Oh My Zsh](#oh-my-zsh) | `rm -rf -- ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k` |
- | [Prezto](#prezto) | n/a |
- | [Zim](#zim) | `zimfw uninstall` |
- | [Antigen](#antigen) | `antigen purge romkatv/powerlevel10k` |
- | [Zplug](#zplug) | `zplug clean` |
- | [Zgen](#zgen) | `zgen reset` |
- | [Zplugin](#zplugin) | `zplugin delete romkatv/powerlevel10k` |
- | [Zinit](#zinit) | `zinit delete romkatv/powerlevel10k` |
- | [Homebrew](#homebrew) | `brew uninstall powerlevel10k; brew untap romkatv/powerlevel10k` |
- | [Arch Linux](#arch-linux) | `yay -R --noconfirm zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git` |
+ | Installation | Uninstall command |
+ |---------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | [Manual](#manual) | `rm -rf ~/powerlevel10k` |
+ | [Oh My Zsh](#oh-my-zsh) | `rm -rf -- ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k` |
+ | [Prezto](#prezto) | n/a |
+ | [Zim](#zim) | `zimfw uninstall` |
+ | [Antigen](#antigen) | `antigen purge romkatv/powerlevel10k` |
+ | [Zplug](#zplug) | `zplug clean` |
+ | [Zgen](#zgen) | `zgen reset` |
+ | [Zplugin](#zplugin) | `zplugin delete romkatv/powerlevel10k` |
+ | [Zinit](#zinit) | `zinit delete romkatv/powerlevel10k` |
+ | [Homebrew](#homebrew) | `brew uninstall powerlevel10k; brew untap romkatv/powerlevel10k` |
+ | [Arch Linux](#arch-linux) | `yay -R --noconfirm zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git` |
5. Restart Zsh. [Do not use `source ~/.zshrc`](#weird-things-happen-after-typing-source-zshrc).
### Where can I ask for help and report bugs?