path: root/
diff options
authorDominik Ritter <>2015-09-30 20:36:23 +0300
committerDominik Ritter <>2015-09-30 20:36:23 +0300
commite8a53c253b4d86c91db4a009a1aa25443b3d5686 (patch)
tree43d6aa302a8fe855ea9b9b7f8eb0334786487133 /
parent43a6079d8396611e6d3693c1766b79b0356af65d (diff)
parent3e7caf5ca6abf53fd139480baaab83359c9fd0ce (diff)
Merge branch 'next' into ram_prompt
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 98033e79..f0c37847 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -195,8 +195,13 @@ a number of additional glyphs.
You then need to indicate that you wish to use the additional glyphs by defining
the following in your `~/.zshrc`:
+ POWERLEVEL9K_MODE='awesome-fontconfig'
+If you chose to use already patched fonts, use instead :
If you choose to make use of this, your prompt will look something like this:
@@ -233,7 +238,6 @@ currently available are:
* **aws** - The current AWS profile, if active (more info below)
* **context** - Your username and host (more info below)
-* **vi_mode** - Vi editing mode (NORMAL|INSERT).
* **dir** - Your current working directory.
* **history** - The command number for the current line.
* **ip** - Shows the current IP address.
@@ -244,10 +248,10 @@ currently available are:
* **rbenv** - Ruby environment information (if one is active).
* **rspec_stats** - Show a ratio of test classes vs code classes for RSpec.
* **status** - The return code of the previous command, and status of background jobs.
-* **longstatus** - Same as previous, except this creates a status segment for the *right* prompt.
* **symfony2_tests** - Show a ratio of test classes vs code classes for Symfony2.
* **symfony2_version** - Show the current Symfony2 version, if you are in a Symfony2-Project dir.
* **time** - System time.
+* **vi_mode** - Vi editing mode (NORMAL|INSERT).
* **virtualenv** - Your Python [VirtualEnv](
* **vcs** - Information about this `git` or `hg` repository (if you are in one).
@@ -255,7 +259,7 @@ To specify which segments you want, just add the following variables to your
`~/.zshrc`. If you don't customize this, the below configuration is the default:
- POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS=(longstatus history time)
#### The AWS Profile Segment
@@ -321,6 +325,13 @@ segment, as well:
# Output time, date, and a symbol from the "Awesome Powerline Font" set
POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_FORMAT="%D{%H:%M:%S \uE868 %d.%m.%y}"
+#### Showing Status
+Usually we display always the status, and in case a command failed, the return
+code of the last executed program. In case you want to display the status only
+if something special happend, you can set `POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_VERBOSE=false`
+in your `~/.zshrc`.
#### Unit Test Ratios
The `symfony2_tests` and `rspec_tests` segments both show a ratio of "real"
@@ -330,6 +341,26 @@ is count your source files and test files, and calculate the ratio between them.
Just enough to give you a quick overview about the test situation of the project
you are dealing with.
+#### VI-Mode Indicator
+This Segment shows the current mode of your ZSH. If you want to use your ZSH in
+VI-Mode, you need to configure it separatly in your `~/.zshrc`:
+ # VI-Mode
+ # general activation
+ bindkey -v
+ # set some nice hotkeys
+ bindkey '^P' up-history
+ bindkey '^N' down-history
+ bindkey '^?' backward-delete-char
+ bindkey '^h' backward-delete-char
+ bindkey '^w' backward-kill-word
+ bindkey '^r' history-incremental-search-backward
+ # make it more responsive
+ export KEYTIMEOUT=1
#### The 'vcs' Segment
By default, the `vcs` segment will provide quite a bit of information. If you