path: root/gitstatus/mbuild
diff options
authorRoman Perepelitsa <roman.perepelitsa@gmail.com>2022-02-14 21:26:12 +0300
committerRoman Perepelitsa <roman.perepelitsa@gmail.com>2022-02-14 21:26:12 +0300
commit123136c0e7566a2a12385f3836e3e92df6b42be1 (patch)
tree529dd66eb3a7daf84be26ef8fa7db163398801ef /gitstatus/mbuild
parent5fe28f0a010acd251c25a5bd62dfd8002c37f46c (diff)
parentc0a028351ff9a611c4061938ebd5ec4cafb900eb (diff)
Merge commit 'c0a028351ff9a611c4061938ebd5ec4cafb900eb'
Diffstat (limited to 'gitstatus/mbuild')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/gitstatus/mbuild b/gitstatus/mbuild
index ab096e8b..d3de3317 100755
--- a/gitstatus/mbuild
+++ b/gitstatus/mbuild
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ function build-unix() {
case $2 in
linux-ppc64le) ;;
linux-*) flags+=(-d docker);;
- darwin-arm64) intro='PATH="/opt/local/bin:$PATH"';;
+ darwin-arm64) intro='PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH"';;
darwin-*) intro='PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"';;
ssh $1 -- /bin/sh -uex <<<"
@@ -271,16 +271,52 @@ function build-windows() {
chmod +x $binaries/gitstatusd-$2
+if [[ -r /proc/version && "$(</proc/version)" == *Microsoft* ]]; then
+ () {
+ (( $# )) || return 0
+ print -ru2 -- "WARNING: lock files exist: $@"
+ (( $# )) && rm -- $@
+ } $locks/*(N)
+ function flock() {
+ local fd
+ sysopen -ro cloexec -u fd <(
+ exec </dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ (
+ trap '' TERM PIPE
+ local fd
+ while true; do
+ sysopen -wo create,excl -u fd -- $1 && break
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ exec {fd}>&-
+ while true; do
+ print || break
+ done
+ rm -- $1
+ ) &!
+ )
+ local REPLY
+ IFS= read -ru $fd
+ }
+ function flock() {
+ : >>$1
+ zsystem flock $1
+ }
function build() (
setopt xtrace
local platform=$1
local machine=$assets[$platform]
- print -n >>$locks/$machine
- zsystem flock $locks/$machine
+ flock $locks/$machine
build-${protocol[(k)$platform]} $machine $platform
local tmp=gitstatusd-$platform.tmp.$$.tar.gz
( cd -q -- $binaries; tar --owner=0 --group=0 -I 'gzip -9' -cf $tmp gitstatusd-$platform )
mv -f -- $binaries/$tmp $binaries/gitstatusd-$platform.tar.gz
+ # Make sure the last command is a built-in (important for flock).
+ :
function mbuild() {
@@ -365,4 +401,8 @@ function run-process-tree() {
mkdir -p -- $logs $locks $binaries
-run-process-tree mbuild $@
+() {
+ run-process-tree mbuild $@
+ exit
+} "$@"