path: root/internal
diff options
authorromkatv <>2020-01-11 21:02:54 +0300
committerromkatv <>2020-01-11 21:02:54 +0300
commitdb9913984d3e7198b9e24ae92e48bdc241a9cb32 (patch)
tree497eb7432fdce375cb85580195cab493b98e1488 /internal
parentfc9cc6f82af5d1fce696a60f510226bae6bf01d8 (diff)
integrate the new command buffer parser intp p10k
Diffstat (limited to 'internal')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/internal/p10k.zsh b/internal/p10k.zsh
index 815ed997..70eaf8e2 100644
--- a/internal/p10k.zsh
+++ b/internal/p10k.zsh
@@ -4804,6 +4804,8 @@ typeset -g _p9k__param_pat
typeset -g _p9k__param_sig
_p9k_init_vars() {
+ typeset -g _p9k__last_buffer
+ typeset -ga _p9k__last_commands
typeset -g _p9k__last_tty
typeset -gi _p9k__must_restore_prompt
typeset -gi _p9k__restore_prompt_fd
@@ -5237,6 +5239,288 @@ _p9k_init_params() {
+typeset -grA __p9k_pb_cmd_skip=(
+ '}' ''
+ '|' ''
+ '||' ''
+ '&' ''
+ '&&' ''
+ '|&' ''
+ '&!' ''
+ '&|' ''
+ ')' ''
+ '(' ''
+ '{' ''
+ '()' ''
+ '!' ''
+ ';' ''
+ 'if' ''
+ 'fi' ''
+ 'elif' ''
+ 'else' ''
+ 'then' ''
+ 'while' ''
+ 'until' ''
+ 'do' ''
+ 'done' ''
+ 'esac' ''
+ 'end' ''
+ 'coproc' ''
+ 'nocorrect' ''
+ 'noglob' ''
+ 'time' ''
+ '[[' '\]\]'
+ '((' '\)\)'
+ 'case' '\)|esac'
+ ';;' '\)|esac'
+ ';&' '\)|esac'
+ ';|' '\)|esac'
+ 'foreach' '\(*\)'
+typeset -grA __p9k_pb_precommand=(
+ '-' ''
+ 'builtin' ''
+ 'command' ''
+ 'exec' '-[^a]#[a]'
+ 'nohup' ''
+ 'setsid' ''
+ 'eatmydata' ''
+ 'catchsegv' ''
+ 'pkexec' '--user'
+ 'doas' '-[^aCu]#[acU]'
+ 'nice' '-[^n]#[n]|--adjustment'
+ 'stdbuf' '-[^ioe]#[ioe]|--(input|output|error)'
+ 'sudo' '-[^aghpuUCcrtT]#[aghpuUCcrtT]|--(close-from|group|host|prompt|role|type|other-user|command-timeout|user)'
+typeset -grA __p9k_pb_redirect=(
+ '&>' ''
+ '>' ''
+ '>&' ''
+ '<' ''
+ '<&' ''
+ '<>' ''
+ '&>|' ''
+ '>|' ''
+ '&>>' ''
+ '>>' ''
+ '>>&' ''
+ '&>>|' ''
+ '>>|' ''
+ '<<<' ''
+typeset -grA __p9k_pb_term=(
+ '|' ''
+ '||' ''
+ ';' ''
+ '&' ''
+ '&&' ''
+ '|&' ''
+ '&!' ''
+ '&|' ''
+ ';;' ''
+ ';&' ''
+ ';|' ''
+ '(' ''
+ ')' ''
+ '{' ''
+ '}' ''
+ '()' ''
+typeset -grA __p9k_pb_term_skip=(
+ '()' ''
+ '(' '\)'
+ ';;' '\)|esac'
+ ';&' '\)|esac'
+ ';|' '\)|esac'
+# False positives:
+# {} always {}
+# False negatives:
+# ---------------
+# : $(x)
+# ---------------
+# : `x`
+# ---------------
+# Broken:
+# ---------------
+# ${x/}
+# ---------------
+# - -- x
+# ---------------
+# command -p -p x
+# ---------------
+# *
+# ---------------
+# x=$y; $x
+# ---------------
+# x <<END
+# ; END
+# END
+# ---------------
+# Setup:
+# setopt interactive_comments
+# alias x='#'
+# Punchline:
+# x; y
+# ---------------
+# More brokenness with non-standard options (ignore_braces, ignore_close_braces, etc.).
+function _p9k_parse_buffer() {
+ local rcquotes
+ [[ -o rcquotes ]] && rcquotes=(-o rcquotes)
+ emulate -L zsh -o extended_glob -o no_nomatch $rcquotes
+ local -r id='(<->|[[:alpha:]_][[:IDENT:]]#)'
+ local -r var="\$$id|\${$id}|\"\$$id\"|\"\${$id}\""
+ local -i e c=1024
+ local skip n s r state
+ local -a aln alp alf v commands match mbegin mend
+ [[ -o interactive_comments ]] && local tokens=(${(Z+C+)1}) || local tokens=(${(z)1})
+ () {
+ while (( $#tokens )); do
+ if (( $#tokens == alp[-1] )); then
+ aln[-1]=()
+ alp[-1]=()
+ if (( $#tokens == alf[-1] )); then
+ alf[-1]=()
+ (( e = 0 ))
+ else
+ (( e = $#state ))
+ fi
+ else
+ (( e = $#state ))
+ fi
+ while (( c-- > 0 )) || return; do
+ token=$tokens[1]
+ tokens[1]=()
+ if (( $+galiases[$token] )); then
+ (( $aln[(eI)p$token] )) && break
+ n=p$token
+ s=$galiases[$token]
+ elif (( e )); then
+ break
+ elif (( $+aliases[$token] )); then
+ (( $aln[(eI)p$token] )) && break
+ n=p$token
+ s=$aliases[$token]
+ elif [[ $token == (#b)?*.(?*) ]] && (( $+saliases[$match[1]] )); then
+ (( $aln[(eI)s$match[1]] )) && break
+ n=s$match[1]
+ s=${saliases[$match[1]]%% #}
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ aln+=$n
+ alp+=$#tokens
+ [[ $s == *' ' ]] && alf+=$#tokens
+ [[ -o interactive_comments ]] && tokens[1,0]=(${(Z+C+)s}) || tokens[1,0]=(${(z)s})
+ done
+ case $state in
+ t|p*)
+ if (( $+__p9k_pb_term[$token] )); then
+ skip=$__p9k_pb_term_skip[$token]
+ state=${skip:+s}
+ [[ $token == '()' ]] || P9K_COMMANDS+=($commands)
+ commands=()
+ continue
+ elif [[ $state == t ]]; then
+ continue
+ fi;;
+ s)
+ if [[ $token == $~skip ]]; then
+ state=
+ fi
+ continue;;
+ *r)
+ state[1]=
+ continue;;
+ h)
+ skip=${(b)token}
+ state=s
+ continue;;
+ esac
+ if [[ $token == '<<'(|-) ]]; then
+ state=h
+ continue
+ fi
+ if (( $+__p9k_pb_redirect[${token#<0-255>}] )); then
+ state+=r
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [[ $token == *'$'* ]]; then
+ if [[ $token == $~var ]]; then
+ n=${${token##[^[:IDENT:]]}%%[^[:IDENT:]]}
+ [[ $token == *'"' ]] && v=("${(@P)n}") || v=(${(P)n})
+ tokens[1,0]=(${(qq)v})
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ case $state in
+ '')
+ if (( $+__p9k_pb_cmd_skip[$token] )); then
+ skip=$__p9k_pb_cmd_skip[$token]
+ state=${skip:+s}
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [[ $token == *=* ]]; then
+ v=${(S)token/#(<->|([[:alpha:]_][[:IDENT:]]#(|'['*[^\\](\\\\)#']')))(|'+')=}
+ if (( $#v < $#token )); then
+ if [[ $v == '(' ]]; then
+ state=s
+ skip='\)'
+ fi
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ : ${token::=${(Q)${~token}}};;
+ p)
+ : ${token::=${(Q)${~token}}}
+ case $token in
+ [^-]*) ;;
+ --) state=p1; continue;;
+ $~skip) state=p2; continue;;
+ *) continue;;
+ esac;;
+ p1) ;;
+ p2)
+ state=p
+ continue;;
+ esac
+ commands+=$token
+ if (( $+__p9k_pb_precommand[$commands[-1]] )); then
+ state=p
+ skip=$__p9k_pb_precommand[$commands[-1]]
+ else
+ state=t
+ fi
+ done
+ }
+ P9K_COMMANDS+=($commands)
+ P9K_COMMANDS=(${(u)P9K_COMMANDS:#('(('*'))'|'`'*'`'|'$'*)})
function _p9k_on_widget_zle-keymap-select() { __p9k_reset_state=2; }
function _p9k_on_widget_overwrite-mode() { __p9k_reset_state=2; }
function _p9k_on_widget_vi-replace() { __p9k_reset_state=2; }
@@ -5300,28 +5584,14 @@ function _p9k_widget_hook() {
setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob no_prompt_bang prompt_{percent,subst}
(( _p9k__restore_prompt_fd )) && _p9k_restore_prompt $_p9k__restore_prompt_fd
- if (( $+_p9k__last_buffer )); then
- local P9K_LASTBUFFER=$_p9k__last_buffer
- local P9K_LASTCURSOR=$_p9k__last_cursor
- local P9K_LASTCOMMAND=$_p9k__last_command
- fi
- if [[ $+_p9k__last_buffer == 1 && $_p9k__last_buffer == $BUFFER ]]; then
- local P9K_COMMAND=$_p9k__last_command
+ local -a P9K_COMMANDS
+ if [[ $_p9k__last_buffer == $PREBUFFER$BUFFER ]]; then
+ P9K_COMMANDS=($_p9k__last_commands)
- local words=("${(@z)BUFFER}") # cannot use an inline array with (A) because of bugs in old zsh
- local P9K_COMMAND="${(Q)words[1]}"
- if (( $+aliases[$P9K_COMMAND] )); then
- if functions[_p9k_buffer_cmd]=${(q)P9K_COMMAND} 2>/dev/null; then
- P9K_COMMAND="${(Q)${(Az)functions[_p9k_buffer_cmd]}[1]}"
- unset 'functions[_p9k_buffer_cmd]'
- else
- fi
- fi
+ _p9k__last_buffer=$PREBUFFER$BUFFER
+ _p9k_parse_buffer $_p9k__last_buffer # 2>/dev/null
+ _p9k__last_commands=($P9K_COMMANDS)
- _p9k__last_buffer=$BUFFER
- _p9k__last_cursor=$CURSOR
- _p9k__last_command=$P9K_COMMAND
(( $+functions[p10k-on-post-widget] )) && p10k-on-post-widget "${@:2}"
(( $+functions[_p9k_on_widget_$1] )) && _p9k_on_widget_$1
(( __p9k_reset_state == 2 )) && _p9k_reset_prompt