path: root/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme
diff options
authorChristian Rebischke <Chris.Rebischke@posteo.de>2017-02-10 18:48:35 +0300
committerChristian Rebischke <Chris.Rebischke@posteo.de>2017-02-10 18:53:49 +0300
commit15cbe8dbc94ef08506cce5acb2511f51a1cd20be (patch)
treeaca34da863980c5dcbad7845394b9a670fc7a811 /powerlevel9k.zsh-theme
parent30076080a734c0bff552293b8b2d4e7c69019c03 (diff)
parenta58e8bdc8cf4c51c80dc9e63eef52e95214c54f2 (diff)
[SSH]: resolved merge conflict and merged with current next
Diffstat (limited to 'powerlevel9k.zsh-theme')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme b/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme
index f2262994..1fdedd6b 100755
--- a/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme
+++ b/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ else
-# Resolve the instllation path
+# Resolve the installation path
# If this theme is sourced as a symlink, we need to locate the real URL
filename="$(realpath -P $POWERLEVEL9K_INSTALLATION_PATH 2>/dev/null || readlink -f $POWERLEVEL9K_INSTALLATION_PATH 2>/dev/null || perl -MCwd=abs_path -le 'print abs_path readlink(shift);' $POWERLEVEL9K_INSTALLATION_PATH 2>/dev/null)"
@@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ fi
# Methodology behind user-defined variables overwriting colors:
# The first parameter to the segment constructors is the calling function's
-# name. From this function name, we strip the "prompt_"-prefix and
-# uppercase it. This is then prefixed with "POWERLEVEL9K_" and suffixed
+# name. From this function name, we strip the "prompt_"-prefix and
+# uppercase it. This is then prefixed with "POWERLEVEL9K_" and suffixed
# with either "_BACKGROUND" or "_FOREGROUND", thus giving us the variable
-# name. So each new segment is user-overwritable by a variable following
+# name. So each new segment is user-overwritten by a variable following
# this naming convention.
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ CURRENT_BG='NONE'
# Begin a left prompt segment
# Takes four arguments:
-# * $1: Name of the function that was orginally invoked (mandatory).
+# * $1: Name of the function that was originally invoked (mandatory).
# Necessary, to make the dynamic color-overwrite mechanism work.
# * $2: The array index of the current segment
# * $3: Background color
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ CURRENT_RIGHT_BG='NONE'
# Begin a right prompt segment
# Takes four arguments:
-# * $1: Name of the function that was orginally invoked (mandatory).
+# * $1: Name of the function that was originally invoked (mandatory).
# Necessary, to make the dynamic color-overwrite mechanism work.
# * $2: The array index of the current segment
# * $3: Background color
@@ -337,9 +337,51 @@ prompt_background_jobs() {
+# Segment that indicates usage level of current partition.
+prompt_disk_usage() {
+ local current_state="unknown"
+ typeset -AH hdd_usage_forecolors
+ hdd_usage_forecolors=(
+ 'normal' 'yellow'
+ 'warning' "$DEFAULT_COLOR"
+ 'critical' 'white'
+ )
+ typeset -AH hdd_usage_backcolors
+ hdd_usage_backcolors=(
+ 'normal' $DEFAULT_COLOR
+ 'warning' 'yellow'
+ 'critical' 'red'
+ )
+ local disk_usage="${$(\df -P . | sed -n '2p' | awk '{ print $5 }')%%\%}"
+ if [ "$disk_usage" -ge "$POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_WARNING_LEVEL" ]; then
+ current_state='warning'
+ if [ "$disk_usage" -ge "$POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_CRITICAL_LEVEL" ]; then
+ current_state='critical'
+ fi
+ else
+ if [[ "$POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_ONLY_WARNING" == true ]]; then
+ current_state=''
+ return
+ fi
+ current_state='normal'
+ fi
+ local message="${disk_usage}%%"
+ # Draw the prompt_segment
+ if [[ -n $disk_usage ]]; then
+ "$1_prompt_segment" "${0}_${current_state}" "$2" "${hdd_usage_backcolors[$current_state]}" "${hdd_usage_forecolors[$current_state]}" "$message" 'DISK_ICON'
+ fi
prompt_battery() {
# The battery can have four different states - default to 'unknown'.
- local current_state="unknown"
+ local current_state='unknown'
typeset -AH battery_states
'low' 'red'
@@ -350,43 +392,37 @@ prompt_battery() {
# Set default values if the user did not configure them
- if [[ $OS =~ OSX && -f /usr/sbin/ioreg && -x /usr/sbin/ioreg ]]; then
- # Pre-Grep as much information as possible to save some memory and
- # avoid pollution of the xtrace output.
- local raw_data="$(ioreg -n AppleSmartBattery | grep -E "MaxCapacity|TimeRemaining|CurrentCapacity|ExternalConnected|IsCharging")"
+ if [[ $OS =~ OSX && -f /usr/bin/pmset && -x /usr/bin/pmset ]]; then
+ # obtain battery information from system
+ local raw_data="$(pmset -g batt | awk 'FNR==2{print}')"
# return if there is no battery on system
- [[ -z $(echo $raw_data | grep MaxCapacity) ]] && return
- # Convert time remaining from minutes to hours:minutes date string
- local time_remaining=$(echo $raw_data | grep TimeRemaining | awk '{ print $5 }')
- if [[ -n $time_remaining ]]; then
- # this value is set to a very high number when the system is calculating
- [[ $time_remaining -gt 10000 ]] && local tstring="..." || local tstring=${(f)$(/bin/date -u -r $(($time_remaining * 60)) +%k:%M)}
- fi
+ [[ -z $(echo $raw_data | grep "InternalBattery") ]] && return
- # Get charge values
- local max_capacity=$(echo $raw_data | grep MaxCapacity | awk '{ print $5 }')
- local current_capacity=$(echo $raw_data | grep CurrentCapacity | awk '{ print $5 }')
+ # Time remaining on battery operation (charging/discharging)
+ local tstring=$(echo $raw_data | awk -F ';' '{print $3}' | awk '{print $1}')
+ # If time has not been calculated by system yet
+ [[ $tstring =~ '(\(no|not)' ]] && tstring="..."
- if [[ -n "$max_capacity" && -n "$current_capacity" ]]; then
- typeset -i 10 bat_percent
- bat_percent=$(( (current_capacity * 100) / max_capacity ))
- fi
+ # percent of battery charged
+ typeset -i 10 bat_percent
+ bat_percent=$(echo $raw_data | grep -o '[0-9]*%' | sed 's/%//')
local remain=""
# Logic for string output
- if [[ $(echo $raw_data | grep ExternalConnected | awk '{ print $5 }') =~ "Yes" ]]; then
- # Battery is charging
- if [[ $(echo $raw_data | grep IsCharging | awk '{ print $5 }') =~ "Yes" ]]; then
+ case $(echo $raw_data | awk -F ';' '{print $2}' | awk '{$1=$1};1') in
+ # for a short time after attaching power, status will be 'AC attached;'
+ 'charging'|'finishing charge'|'AC attached')
remain=" ($tstring)"
- else
+ ;;
+ 'discharging')
+ [[ $bat_percent -lt $POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_LOW_THRESHOLD ]] && current_state="low" || current_state="disconnected"
+ remain=" ($tstring)"
+ ;;
+ *)
- fi
- else
- [[ $bat_percent -lt $POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_LOW_THRESHOLD ]] && current_state="low" || current_state="disconnected"
- remain=" ($tstring)"
- fi
+ ;;
+ esac
if [[ $OS =~ Linux ]]; then
@@ -397,20 +433,22 @@ prompt_battery() {
# Return if no battery found
[[ -z $bat ]] && return
- [[ $(cat $bat/capacity) -gt 100 ]] && local bat_percent=100 || local bat_percent=$(cat $bat/capacity)
- [[ $(cat $bat/status) =~ Charging ]] && local connected=true
- [[ $(cat $bat/status) =~ Charging && $bat_percent =~ 100 ]] && current_state="charged"
- [[ $(cat $bat/status) =~ Charging && $bat_percent -lt 100 ]] && current_state="charging"
+ local capacity=$(cat $bat/capacity)
+ local battery_status=$(cat $bat/status)
+ [[ $capacity -gt 100 ]] && local bat_percent=100 || local bat_percent=$capacity
+ [[ $battery_status =~ Charging || $battery_status =~ Full ]] && local connected=true
if [[ -z $connected ]]; then
[[ $bat_percent -lt $POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_LOW_THRESHOLD ]] && current_state="low" || current_state="disconnected"
+ else
+ [[ $bat_percent =~ 100 ]] && current_state="charged"
+ [[ $bat_percent -lt 100 ]] && current_state="charging"
if [[ -f /usr/bin/acpi ]]; then
local time_remaining=$(acpi | awk '{ print $5 }')
if [[ $time_remaining =~ rate ]]; then
local tstring="..."
elif [[ $time_remaining =~ "[[:digit:]]+" ]]; then
- local tstring=${(f)$(date -u -d "$(echo $time_remaining)" +%k:%M)}
+ local tstring=${(f)$(date -u -d "$(echo $time_remaining)" +%k:%M 2> /dev/null)}
[[ -n $tstring ]] && local remain=" ($tstring)"
@@ -431,6 +469,79 @@ prompt_battery() {
+prompt_public_ip() {
+ # set default values for segment
+ set_default POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_FILE "/tmp/p9k_public_ip"
+ set_default POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_HOST "http://ident.me"
+ # Do we need a fresh IP?
+ local refresh_ip=false
+ if [[ -f $POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_FILE ]]; then
+ typeset -i timediff
+ # if saved IP is more than
+ timediff=$(($(date +%s) - $(date -r $POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_FILE +%s)))
+ [[ $timediff -gt $POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_TIMEOUT ]] && refresh_ip=true
+ # If tmp file is empty get a fresh IP
+ [[ -z $(cat $POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_FILE) ]] && refresh_ip=true
+ else
+ touch $POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_FILE && refresh_ip=true
+ fi
+ # grab a fresh IP if needed
+ if [[ $refresh_ip =~ true && -w $POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_FILE ]]; then
+ # if method specified, don't use fallback methods
+ if [[ -n $POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_METHOD ]] && [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_METHOD =~ 'wget|curl|dig' ]]; then
+ fi
+ if [[ -n $method ]]; then
+ case $method in
+ 'dig')
+ if type -p dig >/dev/null; then
+ fresh_ip="$(dig +time=1 +tries=1 +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com 2> /dev/null)"
+ [[ "$fresh_ip" =~ ^\; ]] && unset fresh_ip
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 'curl')
+ if [[ -z "$fresh_ip" ]] && type -p curl >/dev/null; then
+ fresh_ip="$(curl --max-time 10 -w '\n' "$POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_HOST" 2> /dev/null)"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 'wget')
+ if [[ -z "$fresh_ip" ]] && type -p wget >/dev/null; then
+ fresh_ip="$(wget -T 10 -qO- "$POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_HOST" 2> /dev/null)"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ if type -p dig >/dev/null; then
+ fresh_ip="$(dig +time=1 +tries=1 +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com 2> /dev/null)"
+ [[ "$fresh_ip" =~ ^\; ]] && unset fresh_ip
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "$fresh_ip" ]] && type -p curl >/dev/null; then
+ fresh_ip="$(curl --max-time 10 -w '\n' "$POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_HOST" 2> /dev/null)"
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "$fresh_ip" ]] && type -p wget >/dev/null; then
+ fresh_ip="$(wget -T 10 -qO- "$POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_HOST" 2> /dev/null)"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # write IP to tmp file or clear tmp file if an IP was not retrieved
+ fi
+ # read public IP saved to tmp file
+ local public_ip=$(cat $POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_FILE)
+ if [[ -n $public_ip ]]; then
+ $1_prompt_segment "$0" "$2" "$DEFAULT_COLOR" "$DEFAULT_COLOR_INVERTED" "${public_ip}" 'PUBLIC_IP_ICON'
+ fi
# Context: user@hostname (who am I and where am I)
# Note that if $DEFAULT_USER is not set, this prompt segment will always print
prompt_context() {
@@ -559,6 +670,26 @@ prompt_history() {
"$1_prompt_segment" "$0" "$2" "244" "$DEFAULT_COLOR" '%h'
+# Detection for virtualization (systemd based systems only)
+prompt_detect_virt() {
+ if ! command -v systemd-detect-virt;then
+ return
+ fi
+ local virt=$(systemd-detect-virt)
+ local color="yellow"
+ if [[ "$virt" == "none" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$(ls -di / | grep -o 2)" != "2" ]]; then
+ virt="chroot"
+ "$1_prompt_segment" "$0" "$2" "$color" "$DEFAULT_COLOR" "$virt"
+ else
+ ;
+ fi
+ else
+ "$1_prompt_segment" "$0" "$2" "$color" "$DEFAULT_COLOR" "$virt"
+ fi
prompt_icons_test() {
for key in ${(@k)icons}; do
# The lower color spectrum in ZSH makes big steps. Choosing
@@ -985,6 +1116,15 @@ prompt_pyenv() {
+# Swift version
+prompt_swift_version() {
+ # Get the first number as this is probably the "main" version number..
+ local swift_version=$(swift --version 2>/dev/null | grep -o -E "[0-9.]+" | head -n 1)
+ [[ -z "${swift_version}" ]] && return
+ "$1_prompt_segment" "$0" "$2" "magenta" "white" "${swift_version}" 'SWIFT_ICON'
# Prompt processing and drawing
@@ -1036,7 +1176,7 @@ powerlevel9k_prepare_prompts() {
if [[ "$POWERLEVEL9K_RPROMPT_ON_NEWLINE" != true ]]; then
# The right prompt should be on the same line as the first line of the left
- # prompt. To do so, there is just a quite ugly workaround: Before zsh draws
+ # prompt. To do so, there is just a quite ugly workaround: Before zsh draws
# the RPROMPT, we advise it, to go one line up. At the end of RPROMPT, we
# advise it to go one line down. See:
# http://superuser.com/questions/357107/zsh-right-justify-in-ps1
@@ -1058,7 +1198,7 @@ $(print_icon 'MULTILINE_SECOND_PROMPT_PREFIX')"
-powerlevel9k_init() {
+prompt_powerlevel9k_setup() {
# Display a warning if the terminal does not support 256 colors
local term_colors
term_colors=$(echotc Co)
@@ -1110,4 +1250,5 @@ powerlevel9k_init() {
add-zsh-hook precmd powerlevel9k_prepare_prompts
-powerlevel9k_init "$@"
+prompt_powerlevel9k_setup "$@"