diff options
2 files changed, 176 insertions, 355 deletions
diff --git a/functions/utilities.zsh b/functions/utilities.zsh
index 9821b287..eefe47b7 100755
--- a/functions/utilities.zsh
+++ b/functions/utilities.zsh
@@ -86,98 +86,6 @@ segment_in_use() {
-n "${POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS[(r)${key}_joined]}" ]]
-# Given a directory path, truncate it according to the settings.
-# Parameters:
-# * $1 Path: string - the directory path to be truncated
-# * $2 Length: integer - length to truncate to
-# * $3 Delimiter: string - the delimiter to use
-# * $4 From: string - "right" | "middle". If omited, assumes right.
-function truncatePath() {
- # if the current path is not 1 character long (e.g. "/" or "~")
- if (( ${#1} > 1 )); then
- # convert $2 from string to integer
- 2=$(( $2 ))
- # set $3 to "" if not defined
- [[ -z $3 ]] && 3="" || 3=$(echo -n $3)
- # set $4 to "right" if not defined
- [[ -z $4 ]] && 4="right"
- # create a variable for the truncated path.
- local trunc_path
- # if the path is in the home folder, add "~/" to the start otherwise "/"
- [[ $1 == "~"* ]] && trunc_path='~/' || trunc_path='/'
- # split the path into an array using "/" as the delimiter
- local paths=$1
- paths=(${(s:/:)${paths//"~\/"/}})
- # declare locals for the directory being tested and its length
- local test_dir test_dir_length
- # do the needed truncation
- case $4 in
- right)
- # include the delimiter length in the threshhold
- local threshhold=$(( $2 + ${#3} ))
- # loop through the paths
- for (( i=1; i<${#paths}; i++ )); do
- # get the current directory value
- test_dir=$paths[$i]
- test_dir_length=${#test_dir}
- # only truncate if the resulting truncation will be shorter than
- # the truncation + delimiter length and at least 3 characters
- if (( $test_dir_length > $threshhold )) && (( $test_dir_length > 3 )); then
- # use the first $2 characters and the delimiter
- trunc_path+="${test_dir:0:$2}$3/"
- else
- # use the full path
- trunc_path+="${test_dir}/"
- fi
- done
- ;;
- middle)
- # we need double the length for start and end truncation + delimiter length
- local threshhold=$(( $2 * 2 ))
- # create a variable for the start of the end truncation
- local last_pos
- # loop through the paths
- for (( i=1; i<${#paths}; i++ )); do
- # get the current directory value
- test_dir=$paths[$i]
- test_dir_length=${#test_dir}
- # only truncate if the resulting truncation will be shorter than
- # the truncation + delimiter length
- if (( $test_dir_length > $threshhold )); then
- # use the first $2 characters, the delimiter and the last $2 characters
- last_pos=$(( $test_dir_length - $2 ))
- trunc_path+="${test_dir:0:$2}$3${test_dir:$last_pos:$test_dir_length}/"
- else
- # use the full path
- trunc_path+="${test_dir}/"
- fi
- done
- ;;
- esac
- # return the truncated path + the current directory
- echo $trunc_path${1:t}
- else # current path is 1 character long (e.g. "/" or "~")
- echo $1
- fi
-# Search recursively in parent folders for given file.
-function upsearch () {
- if [[ "$PWD" == "$HOME" || "$PWD" == "/" ]]; then
- echo "$PWD"
- elif test -e "$1"; then
- pushd .. > /dev/null
- upsearch "$1"
- popd > /dev/null
- echo "$PWD"
- else
- pushd .. > /dev/null
- upsearch "$1"
- popd > /dev/null
- fi
# Parse IP address from ifconfig on OSX and from IP on Linux
# Parameters:
# $1 - string The desired Interface
diff --git a/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme b/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme
index 96fac690..366c4522 100755
--- a/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme
+++ b/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme
@@ -145,19 +145,22 @@ _p9k_get_icon() {
typeset -ga _P9K_LEFT_JOIN=(1)
typeset -ga _P9K_RIGHT_JOIN=(1)
+_p9k_translate_color() {
+ if [[ $1 == <-> ]]; then # decimal color code: 255
+ _P9K_RETVAL=${(l:3::0:)1}
+ elif [[ $1 == '#'* ]]; then # hexademical color code: #ffffff
+ _P9K_RETVAL=$1
+ else # named color: red
+ # Strip prifixes if there are any.
+ _P9K_RETVAL=$__P9K_COLORS[${${${1#bg-}#fg-}#br}]
+ fi
# Resolves a color to its numerical value, or an empty string. Communicates the result back
# by setting _P9K_RETVAL.
_p9k_color() {
local user_var=POWERLEVEL9K_${(U)${2}#prompt_}_${3}
- local color=${${(P)user_var}:-${1}}
- if [[ $color == <-> ]]; then # decimal color code: 255
- _P9K_RETVAL=${(l:3::0:)color}
- elif [[ $color == '#'* ]]; then # hexademical color code: #ffffff
- _P9K_RETVAL=$color
- else # named color: red
- # Strip prifixes if there are any.
- _P9K_RETVAL=$__P9K_COLORS[${${${color#bg-}#fg-}#br}]
- fi
+ _p9k_translate_color ${${(P)user_var}:-${1}}
_p9k_background() {
@@ -782,31 +785,6 @@ prompt_command_execution_time() {
-# Determine the unique path - this is needed for the
-# truncate_to_unique strategy.
-function getUniqueFolder() {
- local trunc_path directory test_dir test_dir_length
- local -a matching
- local -a paths
- local cur_path='/'
- paths=(${(s:/:)1})
- for directory in ${paths[@]}; do
- test_dir=''
- for (( i=0; i < ${#directory}; i++ )); do
- test_dir+="${directory:$i:1}"
- matching=("$cur_path"/"$test_dir"*/)
- if [[ ${#matching[@]} -eq 1 ]]; then
- break
- fi
- done
- trunc_path+="$test_dir/"
- cur_path+="$directory/"
- done
- echo "${trunc_path: : -1}"
# Dir: current working directory
# Parameters:
# * $1 Alignment: string - left|right
@@ -824,247 +802,176 @@ set_default POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_FOLDER_MARKER ".shorten_folder_marker"
set_default -a POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PACKAGE_FILES package.json composer.json
prompt_dir() {
- # using $PWD instead of "$(print -P '%~')" to allow use of POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PATH_ABSOLUTE
- local current_path=$PWD # WAS: local current_path="$(print -P '%~')"
- [[ "${POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_SHOW_WRITABLE}" == true && ! -w "$PWD" ]]
- local -i writable=$?
- if ! _p9k_cache_get "$0" "$2" "$current_path" "$writable"; then
- # check if the user wants to use absolute paths or "~" paths
- [[ ${(L)POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PATH_ABSOLUTE} != "true" ]] && current_path=${current_path/#$HOME/"~"}
- # declare all local variables
- local paths directory test_dir test_dir_length trunc_path threshhold
- # if we are not in "~" or "/", split the paths into an array and exclude "~"
- (( ${#current_path} > 1 )) && paths=(${(s:/:)${current_path//"~\/"/}}) || paths=()
- # only run the code if SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH is set, or we are using the two strategies that don't rely on it.
- "$POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY" == "truncate_with_folder_marker" ||
- "$POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY" == "truncate_to_last" ||
- "$POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY" == "truncate_with_package_name" ]]; then
- truncate_absolute_chars)
- if [ ${#current_path} -gt $(( $POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH + ${#POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DELIMITER} )) ]; then
- fi
- ;;
- truncate_middle)
- # truncate characters from the middle of the path
- current_path=$(truncatePath $current_path $POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH $POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DELIMITER "middle")
- ;;
- truncate_from_right)
- # truncate characters from the right of the path
- current_path=$(truncatePath "$current_path" $POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH $POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DELIMITER)
- ;;
- truncate_absolute)
- # truncate all characters except the last POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH characters
- if [ ${#current_path} -gt $(( $POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH + ${#POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DELIMITER} )) ]; then
- fi
- ;;
- truncate_to_last)
- # truncate all characters before the current directory
- current_path=${current_path##*/}
- ;;
- truncate_to_first_and_last)
- if (( ${#current_path} > 1 )) && (( ${POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH} > 0 )); then
- threshhold=$(( ${POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH} * 2))
- # if we are in "~", add it back into the paths array
- [[ $current_path == '~'* ]] && paths=("~" "${paths[@]}")
- if (( ${#paths} > $threshhold )); then
- local num=$(( ${#paths} - ${POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH} ))
- # repace the middle elements
- for (( i=$POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH; i<$num; i++ )); do
- done
- [[ $current_path != '~'* ]] && current_path="/" || current_path=""
- current_path+="${(j:/:)paths}"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- truncate_to_unique)
- # for each parent path component find the shortest unique beginning
- # characters sequence. Source:
- if (( ${#current_path} > 1 )); then # root and home are exceptions and won't have paths
- # cheating here to retain ~ as home folder
- local home_path="$(getUniqueFolder $HOME)"
- trunc_path="$(getUniqueFolder $PWD)"
- [[ $current_path == "~"* ]] && current_path="~${trunc_path//${home_path}/}" || current_path="/${trunc_path}"
- fi
- ;;
- truncate_with_folder_marker)
- if (( ${#paths} > 0 )); then # root and home are exceptions and won't have paths, so skip this
- local last_marked_folder marked_folder
- # Search for the folder marker in the parent directories and
- # buildup a pattern that is removed from the current path
- # later on.
- for marked_folder in $(upsearch $POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_FOLDER_MARKER); do
- if [[ "$marked_folder" == "/" ]]; then
- # If we reached root folder, stop upsearch.
- trunc_path="/"
- elif [[ "$marked_folder" == "$HOME" ]]; then
- # If we reached home folder, stop upsearch.
- trunc_path="~"
- elif [[ "${marked_folder%/*}" == $last_marked_folder ]]; then
- trunc_path="${trunc_path%/}/${marked_folder##*/}"
- else
- trunc_path="${trunc_path%/}/$POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DELIMITER/${marked_folder##*/}"
- fi
- last_marked_folder=$marked_folder
- done
- # Replace the shortest possible match of the marked folder from
- # the current path.
- current_path=$trunc_path${current_path#${last_marked_folder}*}
- fi
- ;;
- truncate_with_package_name)
- local name repo_path package_path current_dir zero
- # Get the path of the Git repo, which should have the package.json file
- if [[ $(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null) == "true" ]]; then
- # Get path from the root of the git repository to the current dir
- local gitPath=$(git rev-parse --show-prefix)
- # Remove trailing slash from git path, so that we can
- # remove that git path from the pwd.
- gitPath=${gitPath%/}
- package_path=${PWD%%$gitPath}
- # Remove trailing slash
- package_path=${package_path%/}
- elif [[ $(git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir 2> /dev/null) == "true" ]]; then
- package_path=${PWD%%/.git*}
+ [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PATH_ABSOLUTE == true ]] && local p=$PWD || local p=${(%):-%~}
+ if [[ $p == '~['* ]]; then
+ # If "${(%):-%~}" expands to "~[a]/]/b", is the first component "~[a]" or "~[a]/]"?
+ # One would expect "${(%):-%-1~}" to give the right answer but alas it always simply
+ # gives the segment before the first slash, which would be "~[a]" in this case. Worse,
+ # for "~[a/b]" it'll give the nonsensical "~a[". To solve this problem we have to
+ # repeat what "${(%):-%~}" does and hope that it produces the same result.
+ local func=''
+ local -a parts=()
+ for func in zsh_directory_name $zsh_directory_name_functions; do
+ if (( $+functions[$func] )) && $func d $PWD && [[ $p == '~['$reply[1]']'* ]]; then
+ parts+='~['$reply[1]']'
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if (( $#parts )); then
+ parts+=(${(s:/:)${p#$parts[1]}})
+ else
+ p=$PWD
+ parts=("${(s:/:)p}")
+ fi
+ else
+ local -a parts=("${(s:/:)p}")
+ fi
+ local -i fake_first=0
+ truncate_absolute|truncate_absolute_chars)
+ local -i i=$#parts
+ while true; do
+ local dir=$parts[i]
+ local -i len=$(( $#dir + (i > 1) ))
+ if (( len <= n )); then
+ (( n -= len ))
+ (( --i ))
+ else
+ parts[i]=$'\0'$dir[-n,-1]
+ parts[1,i-1]=()
+ break
- [[ ${(L)POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PATH_ABSOLUTE} != "true" ]] && package_path=${package_path/$HOME/"~"}
- # Replace the shortest possible match of the marked folder from
- # the current path. Remove the amount of characters up to the
- # folder marker from the left. Count only the visible characters
- # in the path (this is done by the "zero" pattern; see
- #
- local zero='%([BSUbfksu]|([FB]|){*})'
- trunc_path=$PWD
- # Then, find the length of the package_path string, and save the
- # subdirectory path as a substring of the current directory's path from 0
- # to the length of the package path's string
- subdirectory_path=$(truncatePath "${trunc_path:${#${(S%%)package_path//$~zero/}}}" $POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH $POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DELIMITER)
- # Parse the 'name' from the package.json; if there are any problems, just
- # print the file path
- local pkgFile="unknown"
- for file in "${POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PACKAGE_FILES[@]}"; do
- if [[ -f "${package_path}/${file}" ]]; then
- pkgFile="${package_path}/${file}"
- break;
+ done
+ fi
+ ;;
+ truncate_with_package_name|truncate_middle|truncate_from_right)
+ () {
+ [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY == truncate_with_package_name ]] || return
+ local -i i=$#parts
+ local pkg_dir=$PWD
+ for (( ; i > 0; --i )); do
+ local fname=''
+ if [[ -f $pkg_dir/$fname ]]; then
+ local pkg_name=''
+ pkg_name=$(jq -j '.name' <$pkg_dir/$fname) && [[ -n $pkg_name ]] || return
+ parts[1,i]=($pkg_name)
+ fake_first=1
+ return
- local packageName=$(jq '.name' ${pkgFile} 2> /dev/null \
- || node -e 'console.log(require(process.argv[1]).name);' ${pkgFile} 2>/dev/null \
- || cat "${pkgFile}" 2> /dev/null | grep -m 1 "\"name\"" | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}' 2>/dev/null \
- )
- if [[ -n "${packageName}" ]]; then
- # Instead of printing out the full path, print out the name of the package
- # from the package.json and append the current subdirectory
- current_path="`echo $packageName | tr -d '"'`$subdirectory_path"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- if [[ $current_path != "~" ]]; then
- current_path="${(%)current_path}"
+ pkg_dir=${pkg_dir:h}
+ done
+ }
+ local -i pref=$POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH suf=0 i=2
+ [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY == truncate_middle ]] && suf=pref
+ for (( ; i < $#parts; ++i )); do
+ local dir=$parts[i]
+ if (( $#dir > pref + suf )); then
+ dir[pref+1,-suf-1]=$'\0'
+ parts[i]=$dir
- ;;
- esac
- fi
+ done
+ fi
+ ;;
+ truncate_to_last)
+ fake_first=$(($#parts > 1))
+ parts[1,-2]=()
+ ;;
+ truncate_to_first_and_last)
+ local -i i=$(( POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH + 1 ))
+ [[ $p == /* ]] && (( ++i ))
+ for (( ; i <= $#parts - POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH; ++i )); do
+ parts[i]=$'\0'
+ done
+ fi
+ ;;
+ truncate_to_unique)
+ local parent="${PWD%/${(pj./.)parts[2,-1]}}" dir
+ local -i i=2
+ for (( ; i <= $#parts; ++i )); do
+ local dir=$parts[i]
+ local -i j=1
+ for (( ; j <= $#dir; ++j )); do
+ local -a matching=($parent/$dir[1,j]*/)
+ (( $#matching == 1 )) && break
+ done
+ parent+=/$dir
+ parts[i]=$dir[1,j]
+ done
+ ;;
+ truncate_with_folder_marker)
+ local dir=$PWD
+ local -a m=()
+ local -i i=$(($#parts - 1))
+ for (( ; i > 1; --i )); do
+ dir=${dir:h}
+ [[ -e $dir/$POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_FOLDER_MARKER ]] && m+=$i
+ done
+ m+=1
+ for (( i=1; i < $#m; ++i )); do
+ (( m[i] - m[i+1] > 2 )) && parts[m[i+1]+1,m[i]-1]=($'\0')
+ done
+ ;;
+ *)
+ local -i len=$#parts
+ [[ -z $parts[1] ]] && (( --len ))
+ if (( len > POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH )); then
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
- current_path=${current_path//\%/%%}
+ parts=("${(@)parts//\%/%%}")
- local path_opt=$current_path
- local current_state icon
- if (( ! writable )); then
- current_state=NOT_WRITABLE
- icon=LOCK_ICON
- else
- case $PWD in
- /etc*)
- current_state=ETC
- icon=ETC_ICON
- ;;
- ~)
- current_state=HOME
- icon=HOME_ICON
- ;;
- ~/*)
- current_state=HOME_SUBFOLDER
- ;;
- *)
- current_state=DEFAULT
- ;;
- esac
- fi
+ local state='' icon=''
+ if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_SHOW_WRITABLE == true && ! -w $PWD ]]; then
+ icon=LOCK_ICON
+ else
+ case $PWD in
+ /etc|/etc/*) state=ETC; icon=ETC_ICON;;
+ ~) state=HOME; icon=HOME_ICON;;
+ ~/*) state=HOME_SUBFOLDER; icon=HOME_SUB_ICON;;
+ *) state=DEFAULT; icon=FOLDER_ICON;;
+ esac
+ fi
- # This is not what Powerlevel9k does but I cannot imagine anyone wanting ~/foo to become /foo.
- if [[ $current_path == /?* ]]; then
- current_path=${current_path[2,-1]}
- elif [[ $current_path == '~'/?* ]]; then
- current_path=${current_path[3,-1]}
- fi
- fi
+ _p9k_color "$DEFAULT_COLOR" "$0_$state" FOREGROUND
+ _p9k_foreground $_P9K_RETVAL
+ local style=$_P9K_RETVAL'%b'
- $path_opt == '~'?* ]]; then
- current_path=${POWERLEVEL9K_HOME_FOLDER_ABBREVIATION}${current_path[2,-1]}
- fi
+ [[ $fake_first == 0 && $parts[1] == '~' ]] && parts[1]=$POWERLEVEL9K_HOME_FOLDER_ABBREVIATION$style
+ [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_OMIT_FIRST_CHARACTER == true && $#parts > 1 && -n $parts[2] ]] && parts[1]=()
+ parts=("${(@)parts//$'\0'/$POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DELIMITER$style}")
- local bld_on bld_off dir_state_foreground dir_state_user_foreground
- # test if user wants the last directory printed in bold
- if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PATH_HIGHLIGHT_BOLD == true ]]; then
- bld_on="%B"
- bld_off="%b"
- else
- bld_on=""
- bld_off=""
- fi
- # determine is the user has set a last directory color
- local dir_state_user_foreground=POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_${current_state}_FOREGROUND
- local dir_state_foreground=${${(P)dir_state_user_foreground}:-$DEFAULT_COLOR}
- local dir_name=${${current_path:h}%/}/
- local base_name=${current_path:t}
- if [[ $dir_name == ./ ]]; then
- dir_name=''
- fi
- # if the user wants the last directory colored...
- if [[ -z $base_name ]]; then
- current_path="${bld_on}%F{$POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PATH_HIGHLIGHT_FOREGROUND}${current_path}${bld_off}"
- else
- current_path="${dir_name}${bld_on}%F{$POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PATH_HIGHLIGHT_FOREGROUND}${base_name}${bld_off}"
- fi
- else # no coloring
- if [[ -z $base_name ]]; then
- current_path="${bld_on}${current_path}${bld_off}"
- else
- current_path="${dir_name}${bld_on}${base_name}${bld_off}"
- fi
- fi
- # check if the user wants the separator colored.
- local repl="%F{$POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PATH_SEPARATOR_FOREGROUND}/%F{$dir_state_foreground}"
- current_path=${current_path//\//$repl}
- fi
- if [[ "${POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PATH_SEPARATOR}" != "/" ]]; then
- current_path=${current_path//\//$POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PATH_SEPARATOR}
- fi
+ _p9k_foreground $_P9K_RETVAL
+ parts[-1]=$_P9K_RETVAL$parts[-1]
+ fi
+ if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PATH_HIGHLIGHT_BOLD == true ]]; then
+ parts[-1]='%B'$parts[-1]'%b'
+ fi
- _p9k_cache_set "$current_state" "$icon" "$current_path"
+ _p9k_foreground $_P9K_RETVAL
+ sep=$_P9K_RETVAL$sep
- "$1_prompt_segment" "$0_${_P9K_CACHE_VAL[1]}" "$2" blue "$DEFAULT_COLOR" "${_P9K_CACHE_VAL[2]}" 0 "" "${_P9K_CACHE_VAL[3]}"
+ "$1_prompt_segment" "$0_$state" "$2" blue "$DEFAULT_COLOR" "$icon" 0 "" "${(pj.$sep.)parts}"
@@ -2450,6 +2357,12 @@ _p9k_init() {
+ if segment_in_use dir &&
+ [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY == truncate_with_package_name && $+commands[jq] == 0 ]]; then
+ >&2 print -P '%F{yellow}WARNING!%f %BPOWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY=truncate_with_package_name%b requires %F{green}jq%f.'
+ >&2 print -P 'Either install %F{green}jq%f or change the value of %BPOWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY%b.'
+ fi
zle -N zle-keymap-select _p9k_zle_keymap_select