path: root/
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-## v0.6.7
-- PR #1175 - Fix home dir shortening when using package_name truncation strategy
-- PR #1158 - [Bugfix] dir: Fix package name path truncation inside home dir
-- PR #1157 - Hide stderr from git ls-files
-- PR #1154 - Fix issues with debug/fonts script in Konsole
-- PR #1151 - [Bugfix] Only abbreviate $HOME at the beginning of cwd
-- PR #1148 - Remove checking for NODEENV_DISABLE_PROMPT
-- PR #1147 - Fix newlines in ZSH 5.7
-- PR #1149 - Fix RVM
-- PR #1128 - [Bugfix] virtualenv prompt displaying
-- PR #981 - [Bugfix] Fix for #974
-- PR #1126 - Use ip command for VPN segment
-- PR #1079 - [Bugfix] Update VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT value
-- PR #1080 - [Bugfix] Port #1071 to `master` (Fix fatal errors emitted by untracked file check in vcs.zsh)
-- PR #1074 - Add vcs vulnerability tests master
-- PR #1070 - [Docs] Uniformly apply inline code formatting in README
-- PR #1065 - Protect locale
-- PR #1048 - Speedup Improvements in `vcs` segment
-- PR #1037 - Fix vpn_ip segment
-- PR #1036 - Make truncate with package name work without setting shorten length
-- PR #1020 - Fix context spec
-- PR #990 - [Docs] Add forgotten backtick
-- PR #981 - Avoid error if `/etc/os-release` does not exist
-- PR #966 - [Bugfix] Fix icons cut off in RPROMPT segments
-## v0.6.6
-- The `rbenv` segment is no longer a default segment in the LPROMPT.
-- PR #959 - Fixing issue in v0.6.5 where we changed some color codes.
-- PR #934 - Add Tests
-- PR #884 - test-in-docker: fix with newer ZSH versions
-- PR #928 - [Docs] Add etc state description in dir docs
-- PR #937 - Use SUDO_COMMAND to check for sudo
-- PR #925 - [Bugfix] Resolve #918 Transparent background
-- PR #923 - Fix font issue debugging script
-- PR #921 - Add missing colors to fix color comparison
-- PR #951 - Add fallback icon for missing linux distro icons
-- PR #956 - Fix broken link in readme
-- Fixed #936 - fallback icons for Linux distros
-- Fixed #926 - `etc` state for `dir` segment in docs
-- Fixed #852 - `sudo` detection got crazy, there. sorry, everyone.
-- Fixed #927 - more default color issues.
-## v0.6.5
-- Multiple PRs: General fixes to README, improved documentation.
-- Multiple PRs: Improvements to icons / glyphs.
-- PR #777: now possible to always show the Ruby env segment.
-- PR #773: Fixed issue with home abbreviation in directory segment.
-- PR #789: Now properly working around some odd ZSH status return codes.
-- PR #716: Now possible to configure the colors of the VCS segment in rebase mode.
-- PR #722: Removed dependency on `bc` for `load` segment.
-- PR #686: Fixed issue where whitespaces in path occasionally broke `dir` segment.
-- PR #685: No longer accidentally invoking user `grep` aliases.
-- PR #680: Using env variable for `PYENV` properly, now.
-- PR #676, #611: Fixes for Kubernetes segment.
-- PR #667: Supporting multiple AWS profiles.
-- PR #660: Fixing directory parsing issue with PYTHONPATH.
-- PR #663: Fixed silly issues causing ZSH warnings.
-- PR #647: Fixing `public_ip` segment for macOS.
-- PR #643: Fixing `vpn_ip` segment naming.
-- PR #636: `context` segment now grabs user with command rather than env.
-- PR #618: Fix issue where `su -` didn't change context segment.
-- PR #608: Load average selection in `load` segment.
-### New Segment: `laravel_version`
-Displays the current laravel version.
-## v0.6.4
-- `load` segment now has configurable averages.
-- Update to `dir` segment to add `dir_writable` feature.
-- `status` segment can now display POSIX signal name of exit code.
-- Added `teardown` command to turn off P9k prompt.
-- Fixes for P9k in Cygwin and 32-bit systems.
-- Better colors in virtualization segments.
-- Added 'Gopher' icon to the `go_version` segment.
-- Improved detection in `nvm`
-- Added option to support command status reading from piped command sequences.
-- Fixed issue with visual artifacts with quick consecutive commands.
-- Updated 'ananconda' segment for more uniform styling.
-- `rvm` segment can now support usernames with dashes.
-- Fixed Python icon reference in some font configurations.
-- Vi mode indicator fixed.
-- Fixes for Docker segment.
-- Added new Docker-based testing system.
-- Significant enhancements to the `battery` segment. Check out the README to
- read more!
-- New truncation strategy that truncates until the path becomes unique.
-### New Segments: `host` and `user`
-Provides two separate segments for `host` and `user` in case you don't wont both
-in one (per the `context` segment).
-### New Segment: `newline`
-Allows you to split segments across multiple lines.
-### New Segment: `kubecontext`
-Shows the current context of your `kubectl` configuration.
-### New Segment: `vpn`
-Shows current `vpn` interface.
-## v0.6.3
-- Fixed susceptibility to [pw3nage exploit](
-- Added support for Android
-- The abbreviation for $HOME is now configurable (doesn't have to be `~`).
-- Fixed colorization of VCS segment in Subversion repos.
-- Improved handling of symlinks in installation paths.
-## v0.6.2
-- Fixed some issues with the new `nerdfont-fontconfig` option.
-- Fixed typo in README.
-- The `get_icon_names` function can now print sorted output, and show which
- icons users have overridden.
-- Added a FreeBSD VM for testing.
-### Add debug script for iTerm2 issues
-A new script `debug/iterm.zsh` was added for easier spotting problems with your iTerm2 configuration.
-### Add debug script for font issues
-A new script `debug/font-issues.zsh` was added, so that problems with your font could be spotted easier.
-### `ram` changes
-The `ram` segment now shows the available ram instead of free.
-### Add new segments `host` and `user`
-The user and host segments allow you to have different icons and colors for both the user and host segments
-depending on their state.
-## v0.6.0
-- Fixed a bug where the tag display was broken on detached HEADs.
-- Fixed a bug where SVN detection sometimes failed.
-- Fixed the `load` and `ram` segments for BSD.
-- Fixed code-points that changed in Awesome fonts.
-- Fixed display of "OK_ICON" in `status` segment in non-verbose mode.
-- Fixed an issue where dir name truncation that was very short sometimes failed.
-- Speed & accuracy improvements to the battery segment.
-- Added Github syntax highlighting to README.
-- Various documentation cleanup.
-### New Font Option: nerd-fonts
-There is now an option to use [nerd-fonts]( with P9k. Simply configure the `nerdfont-fontconfig`, and you'll be set!
-### `vcs` changes
-The VCS segment can now display icons for remote repo hosting services, including Github, Gitlab, and 'other'.
-### `dir` changes
-Added an option to configure the path separator. If you want something
-else than an ordinary slash, you could set
-`POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PATH_SEPARATOR` to whatever you want.
-#### `truncate_with_package_name` now searches for `composer.json` as well
-Now `composer.json` files are searched as well. By default `package.json` still takes
-precedence. If you want to change that, set `POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PACKAGE_FILES=(composer.json package.json)`.
-### New segment `command_execution_time` added
-Shows the duration a command needed to run. By default only durations over 3 seconds
-are shown (can be adjusted by setting POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_THRESHOLD).
-### New segment `dir_writable` added
-This segment displays a lock icon if your user has no write permissions in the current folder.
-### New segment `disk_usage` added
-This segment will show the usage level of your current partition.
-### New segment `public_ip` added
-Fetches your Public IP (using and displays it in your prompt.
-### New segment `swift_version` added
-This segment displays the version of Swift that is installed / in your path.
-### New segment `detect_virt` added
-Detects and reports if you are in a virtualized session using `systemd`.
-## v0.5.0
-### `load` and `ram` changes
-These two segments now support BSD.
-### `vcs` changes
-- We implemented a huge speed improvement for this segment.
-- Now this segment supports Subversion repositories.
-- Add ability to hide tags by setting `POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_HIDE_TAGS` to true.
-## `anaconda` changes
-Speed improvements for `anaconda` segment.
-## v0.4.0
-### Development changes
-From now on, development makes use of a CI system "travis".
-### `vcs` changes
-The default state was renamed to `clean`. If you overrode foreground
-or background color in the past, you need to rename your variables to:
-Additionaly the vcs segment now has an `untracked` state which
-indicates that you have untracked files in your repository.
-The foreground color of actionformat is now configurable via:
-Also, the vcs segment uses the foreground color it was configured to.
-That said, the variables `POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_FOREGROUND` and
-`POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_DARK_FOREGROUND` are no longer used. Instead use
-the proper variable `POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_<STATE>_FOREGROUND` to change
-foreground color.
-### `dir` Shortening Strategies
-There is now a path shortening strategy that will use the `package.json` file to
-shorten your directory path. See the documentation for the `dir` segment for more
-Also, the shorten delimiter was changed to an unicode ellipsis. It is configurable
-### `rbenv` changes
-The `rbenv` segment now makes use of the full rbenv command, so the correct
-ruby version is now shown if it differs from the globally one.
-### `node`, `nvm` Segments
-Improvements to speed / reliability.
-### `ram` changes
-The `ram` segment was split up into `ram` and `swap`. The
-`POWERLEVEL9K_RAM_ELEMENTS` variable is obsolete.
-### New segment `swap` added
-Due to the split up of the ram segment, this one was created. It
-shows the currently used swap size.
-### New segment `nodeenv` added
-Added new `nodeenv` segment that shows the currently used node environment.
-### New segment `aws_eb_env` added
-This segment displays the current Elastic Beanstalk environment.
-### New segment `chruby` added
-Added new `chruby` segment to support this version manager.
-### New segment `docker_machine` added
-Added new `docker_machine` segment that will show your Docker machine.
-### New segment `anaconda` added
-A new segment `anaconda` was added that shows the current used
-anaconda environment.
-## New segment `pyenv` added
-This segment shows your active python version as reported by `pyenv`.
-## v0.3.2
-### `vcs` changes
-A new state `UNTRACKED` was added to the `vcs` segment. So we now
-have 3 states for repositories: `UNTRACKED`, `MODIFIED`, and the
-default state. The `UNTRACKED` state is active when there are files
-in the repository directory which have not been added to the repo
-(the same as when the `+` icon appears). The default color for the
-`UNTRACKED` state is now yellow, and the default color for the
-`MODIFIED` state is now read, but those colors can be changed by
-setting these variables, for example:
-## v0.3.1
-### `dir` changes
-A new state `HOME_SUBFOLDER` was added. So if you want to overwrite
-colors for this segment, also set this variables:
-### `background_jobs` changes
-Now displays the number of background jobs if there's more than 1.
-You can disable it by setting :
-## v0.3.0
-### Introduced "visual identifiers" to the segments
-Now almost every segment can have a visual identifier, which is an
-icon whose color could be adjusted by users.
-### Added ability for "joined" segments
-You can now merge segments together by suffixing the segment name with "_joined".
-For Developers: Be aware that the order of parameters in left/right_prompt_segment
-has changed. Now a boolean parameter must be set as second parameter (true if joined).
-### `dir` changes
-This segment now has "state", which means you now can change the colors seperatly
-depending if you are in your homefolder or not.
-Your variables for that should now look like:
-### `status` changes
-The `status` segment was split up into three segments. `background_jobs` prints
-an icon if there are background jobs. `root_indicator` prints an icon if the user
-is root. The `status` segment focuses now on the status only.
-The `status` segment also now has "state". If you want to overwrite the colors,
-you have to add the state to your variables:
-### New segment `custom_command` added
-A new segment that allows users to define a custom command was added.
-### `virtualenv` changes
-This segment now respects `VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT`. If this variable is set
-to `true`, the segments does not get rendered.
-### `load` changes
-The `load` segement was split and a new segment `ram` was extracted. This new
-segment is able to show the free ram and used swap.
-### `vcs` changes
-This prompt uses the `VCS_INFO` subsystem by ZSH. From now on this subsystem
-is only invoked if a `vcs` segment was configured.
-### `rvm` changes
-This segment now does not invoke RVM directly anymore. Instead, is relys on the
-circumstance that RVM was invoked beforehand and just reads the environment
-variables '$GEM_HOME' and '$MY_RUBY_HOME'. It also now displays the used gemset.
-### New segment `battery` added
-A new segment that shows the battery status of your laptop was added.
-### New segment `go_version` added
-This segment shows the GO version.
-### New segment `nvm` added
-This segment shows your NodeJS version by using NVM (and if it is not 'default').
-### New segment `todo` added
-This segment shows your ToDos from [](
-### New segment `rust_version` added
-This segment shows your local rust version.
-## v0.2.0
-### `longstatus` is now `status`
-The segments got merged together. To show the segment only if an error occurred,
-set `POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_VERBOSE=false` (this is the same behavior as the old
-`status` segment.
-### Icon overriding mechanism added
-All icons can now be overridden by setting a variable named by the internal icon
-name. You can get a full list of icon name by calling `get_icon_names`.
-### Same color segements get visual separator
-This separator can be controlled by setting `POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR`
-or `POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR`. By default this separator is
-printed in the foreground color.
-### `dir` segment has different strategies for truncation
-Now you can choose between `truncate_middle` or `truncate_from_right` by setting
-`POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY`. Default behavior is unchanged (truncate whole
-directories). `POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH` can be used to influence how
-much will be truncated (either direcories or chars).
-### New segment `ip` added
-This segment shows your internal IP address. You can define which interfaces IP
-will be shown by specifying it via `POWERLEVEL9K_IP_INTERFACE`.
-### New segment `load` added
-This segment shows your computers 5min load average.
-### New segment `os_icon` added
-This segment shows a little indicator which OS you are running.
-### New segment `php_version` added
-This segment shows your PHP version.
-### New segment `vi_mode` added
-This segment gives you a hint in which VI-mode you currently are. This
-segment requires a proper configured VI-mode.
-### Added the ability to have empty left or right prompts
-By setting the according variable to an empty array, the left or right
-prompt will be empty.
-## v0.1.0
-This is the first release