path: root/README.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5b4a45d1..6583624c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ The segments that are currently available are:
* **Python Segments:**
* `virtualenv` - Your Python [VirtualEnv](https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/).
* [`anaconda`](#anaconda) - Your active [Anaconda](https://www.continuum.io/why-anaconda) environment.
+ * `pyenv` - Your active python version as reported by the first word of [`pyenv version`](https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv). Note that the segment is not displayed if that word is _system_ i.e. the segment is inactive if you are using system python.
* **Ruby Segments:**
* [`chruby`](#chruby) - Ruby environment information using `chruby` (if one is active).
* [`rbenv`](#rbenv) - Ruby environment information using `rbenv` (if one is active).
@@ -348,8 +349,10 @@ customization is provided via:
|`POWERLEVEL9K_SHOW_CHANGESET`|`false`|Set to `true` to display the hash / changeset in the segment.|
|`POWERLEVEL9K_CHANGESET_HASH_LENGTH`|`12`|How many characters of the hash / changeset to display in the segment.|
|`POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_SHOW_SUBMODULE_DIRTY`|`true`|Set to `false` to not reflect submodule status in the top-level repository prompt.|
+|`POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_HIDE_TAGS`|`false`|Set to `true` to stop tags being displayed in the segment.|
-**vcs Symbols**
+##### vcs symbols
The `vcs` segment uses various symbols to tell you the state of your repository.
These symbols depend on your installed font and selected `POWERLEVEL9K_MODE`