path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index db25c295..7d5a5f76 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ like with a normal installation and default settings:
- [Further color customizations](#further-color-customizations)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [Gaps Between Segments](#gaps-between-segments)
-- [Contributions / Bugs / Contact](#contributions--bugs--contact)
+- [Meta](#meta)
+ - [Kudos](#kudos)
+ - [Contributions / Bugs / Contact](#contributions--bugs--contact)
<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
@@ -136,9 +138,12 @@ You then need to select this theme in your `~/.zpreztorc`:
If you prefer [antigen](, just add this
theme to the antigen config in your `~/.zshrc`:
- $ echo 'antigen theme /vagrant_data powerlevel9k' >> ~/.zshrc
+ $ echo 'antigen theme bhilburn/powerlevel9k powerlevel9k' >> ~/.zshrc
$ echo 'antigen apply' >> ~/.zshrc
+Note that you should define any customizations before calling `antigen theme`
+(i.e. setting the `POWERLEVEL9K_*` variables) in your `.zshrc`.
#### Step 2: Install Powerline Fonts
Technically, you don't *have* to install Powerline fonts. If you are using
a font that has some of the basic glyphs we need, you can use the theme in
@@ -222,6 +227,7 @@ currently available are:
* **rspec_stats** - Show a ratio of test classes vs code classes for RSpec.
* **status** - The return code of the previous command, and status of background jobs.
* **symfony2_tests** - Show a ratio of test classes vs code classes for Symfony2.
+* **symfony2_version** - Show the current Symfony2 version, if you are in a Symfony2-Project dir.
* **time** - System time.
* **virtualenv** - Your Python [VirtualEnv](
* **vcs** - Information about this `git` or `hg` repository (if you are in one).
@@ -275,14 +281,19 @@ By default, the `vcs` segment will provide quite a bit of information. If you
would also like for it to display the current hash / changeset, simply define
`POWERLEVEL9K_SHOW_CHANGESET` in your `~/.zshrc`. If activated, it will show
the first 12 characters of the changeset id. To change the amount of characters,
-set `POWERLEVEL9K_CHANGESET_HASH_LENTH` to any value you want.
+set `POWERLEVEL9K_CHANGESET_HASH_LENGTH` to any value you want.
# enable the vcs segment in general
# just show the 6 first characters of changeset
+You can also enable an additional branch icon in your prompt by setting
+ # Show an icon before the branch name
##### Symbols
The `vcs` segment uses various symbols to tell you the state of your repository.
@@ -395,13 +406,20 @@ Thankfully, this is easy to fix. This happens if you have successfully installed
Powerline fonts, but did not make a Powerline font the default font in your
terminal emulator (e.g., 'terminator', 'gnome-terminal', 'konsole', etc.,).
-### Contributions / Bugs / Contact
+### Meta
+#### Kudos
+This theme wouldn't have happened without inspiration from the original [agnoster]( Oh-My-ZSH theme.
+Before creating this theme, I also tried [jeremyFreeAgent's theme]( and [maverick2000's theme, ZSH2000](
+#### Contributions / Bugs / Contact
If you have any requests or bug reports, please use the tracker in this Github
-I'm happy to accept code contributions from anyone who has an improvement!
-Please submit your contribution as a Github pull-request.
+I'm happy to accept code contributions from anyone who has a bug fix, new feature, or just a general improvement! Please submit your contribution as a Github pull-request.
If you would like to contact me directly, you can find my e-mail address on my
[Github profile page](