path: root/README.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index dc8798fe..c62b7da0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,6 +9,30 @@ Look like a bad-ass. Impress everyone in 'Screenshot Your Desktop' threads. Use
In addition to looking amazing, this theme actually provides a lot of useful
information in configurable prompt segments.
+<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
+**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc)*
+- [Features](#features)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+ - [Install Powerlevel9k](#install-powerlevel9k)
+- [Segment Customization](#segment-customization)
+ - [The AWS Profile Segment](#the-aws-profile-segment)
+ - [The 'context' Segment](#the-context-segment)
+ - [Test ratio](#test-ratio)
+ - [The 'time' segment](#the-time-segment)
+ - [The 'vcs' Segment](#the-vcs-segment)
+ - [Symbols](#symbols)
+- [Styling](#styling)
+ - [Fonts](#fonts)
+ - [Double-Lined Prompt](#double-lined-prompt)
+ - [Light Color Theme](#light-color-theme)
+- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
+ - [Gaps Between Segments](#gaps-between-segments)
+- [Contributions / Bugs / Contact](#contributions--bugs--contact)
+<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
### Features
* Supports `git` and `mercurial` repo information through ZSH's `VCS_INFO`:
@@ -40,19 +64,9 @@ Here are some screenshots of `powerlevel9k` with default settings:
### Installation
-There are two things you need to make this theme work correctly: Powerline
-fonts, and the theme itself.
-#### Install Powerline Fonts
-First, you need to install Powerline Fonts. You can find the [installation
-You can also find the raw font files [in this Github
-repository](https://github.com/powerline/fonts) if you want to manually install
-them for your OS.
-After you have installed Powerline fonts, make the default font in your terminal
-emulator the Powerline font you want to use.
+You just need to install the theme and set `POWERLEVEL9K_MODE='compatible'`
+to join the experience. If you want to customize your experience even further
+read the chapter about "[fonts](#fonts)" or about "[segment customization](#segment-customization)".
#### Install Powerlevel9k
@@ -143,22 +157,51 @@ Example:
##### Symbols
-The `vcs` segment uses various symbols to tell you the state of your repository:
-* `↑4` - The number of commits your repository is ahead of your remote branch
-* `↓5` - The number of commits your repository is behind of your remote branch
-* `⍟3` - The number of stashes, here 3.
-* `●` - There are unstaged changes in your working copy
-* `✚` - There are staged changes in your working copy
-* `?` - There are files in your working copy, that are unknown to your repository
-* `→` - The name of your branch differs from its tracking branch.
-* `☿` - A mercurial bookmark is active.
+The `vcs` segment uses various symbols to tell you the state of your repository.
+These symbols depend on your installed [Font](#fonts) and your `POWERLEVEL9K_MODE`
+| `compatible` | `powerline-patched` | `awesome-patched` | explanation
+| `↑4` | `↑4` | ![icon_outgoing](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1544760/7976089/b5904d6e-0a76-11e5-8147-5e873ac52d79.gif)4 | Number of commits your repository is ahead of your remote branch
+| `↓5` | `↓5` | ![icon_incoming](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1544760/7976091/b5909c9c-0a76-11e5-9cad-9bf0a28a897c.gif)5 | Number of commits your repository is behind of your remote branch
+| None | `⍟3` | ![icon_stash](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1544760/7976094/b5ae9346-0a76-11e5-8cc7-e98b81824118.gif)3 | Number of stashes, here 3.
+| `●` | `●` | ![icon_unstaged](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1544760/7976096/b5aefa98-0a76-11e5-9408-985440471215.gif) | There are unstaged changes in your working copy
+| `✚` | `✚` | ![icon_staged](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1544760/7976095/b5aecc8a-0a76-11e5-8988-221afc6e8982.gif) | There are staged changes in your working copy
+| `?` | `?` | ![icon_untracked](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1544760/7976098/b5c7a2e6-0a76-11e5-8c5b-315b595b2bc4.gif) | There are files in your working copy, that are unknown to your repository
+| `→` | `→` | ![icon_remote_tracking_branch](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1544760/7976093/b5ad2c0e-0a76-11e5-9cd3-62a077b1b0c7.gif) | The name of your branch differs from its tracking branch.
+| None | `☿` | ![icon_bookmark](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1544760/7976197/546cfac6-0a78-11e5-88a6-ce3a1e0a174e.gif) | A mercurial bookmark is active.
+| `@` | ![icon_branch_powerline](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1544760/8000852/e7e8d8a0-0b5f-11e5-9834-de9b25c92284.gif) | ![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1544760/7976087/b58bbe3e-0a76-11e5-8d0d-7a5c1bc7f730.gif) | Branch Icon
+| None | None | ![icon_commit](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1544760/7976088/b58f4e50-0a76-11e5-9e70-86450d937030.gif)2c3705 | The current commit hash. Here "2c3705"
+| None | None | ![icon_git](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1544760/7976092/b5909f80-0a76-11e5-9950-1438b9d72465.gif) | Repository is a git repository
+| None | None | ![icon_mercurial](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1544760/7976090/b5908da6-0a76-11e5-8c91-452b6e73f631.gif) | Repository is a Mercurial repository
### Styling
You can configure the look and feel of your prompt easily with some built-in
+#### Fonts
+If you set `POWERLEVEL9K_MODE='compatible'` you just get a little glimpse of
+the beauty of this theme.
+To get nicer Icons you need to install a [powerline-patched](https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts) font.
+In your terminal emulator you need to select this font and in your `~/.zshrc` you need
+to set `POWERLEVEL9K_MODE='powerline-patched'`.
+You can find the [installation instructions here](https://powerline.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installation/linux.html#fonts-installation).
+You can also find the raw font files [in this Github repository](https://github.com/powerline/fonts) if you want to manually install them for your OS.
+If even these Icons did not impress you, have a look at `POWERLEVEL9K_MODE='awesome-patched'`.
+For this mode, you have to install a [awesome-patched](https://github.com/gabrielelana/awesome-terminal-fonts/tree/patching-strategy/patched) font and set the according mode.
+If you prefer segements as rectangles, just set `POWERLEVEL9K_MODE='flat'`, but
+beware: You still need a [awesome-patched](https://github.com/gabrielelana/awesome-terminal-fonts/tree/patching-strategy/patched) font.
#### Double-Lined Prompt
By default, `powerlevel9k` is a single-lined prompt. If you would like to have