path: root/gitstatus/README.md
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+# gitstatus
+**gitstatus** is a 10x faster alternative to `git status` and `git describe`. Its primary use
+case is to enable fast git prompt in interactive shells.
+Heavy lifting is done by **gitstatusd** -- a custom binary written in C++. It comes with Zsh and
+Bash bindings for integration with shell.
+## Table of Contents
+1. [Using from Zsh](#using-from-zsh)
+1. [Using from Bash](#using-from-bash)
+2. [Using from other shells](#using-from-other-shells)
+1. [How it works](#how-it-works)
+1. [Benchmarks](#benchmarks)
+1. [Why fast](#why-fast)
+1. [Requirements](#requirements)
+1. [Compiling](#compiling)
+1. [License](#license)
+## Using from Zsh
+The easiest way to take advantage of gitstatus from Zsh is to use a theme that's already integrated
+with it. For example, [Powerlevel10k](https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k) is a flexible and
+fast theme with first-class gitstatus integration.
+![Powerlevel10k Zsh Theme](
+ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k-media/master/prompt-styles-high-contrast.png)
+For those who wish to use gitstatus without a theme, there is
+[gitstatus.prompt.zsh](gitstatus.prompt.zsh). Install it as follows:
+git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/romkatv/gitstatus.git ~/gitstatus
+echo 'source ~/gitstatus/gitstatus.prompt.zsh' >>! ~/.zshrc
+Alternatively, on macOS you can install with Homebrew:
+brew install romkatv/gitstatus/gitstatus
+echo 'source /usr/local/opt/gitstatus/gitstatus.prompt.zsh' >>! ~/.zshrc
+(If you choose this option, replace `~/gitstatus` with `/usr/local/opt/gitstatus` in all code
+snippets below.)
+_Make sure to disable your current theme if you have one._
+This will give you a basic yet functional prompt with git status in it. It's
+[over 10x faster](#benchmarks) than any alternative that can give you comparable prompt. In order
+to customize it, set `PROMPT` and/or `RPROMPT` at the end of `~/.zshrc` after sourcing
+`gitstatus.prompt.zsh`. Insert `${GITSTATUS_PROMPT}` where you want git status to go. For example:
+source ~/gitstatus/gitstatus.prompt.zsh
+PROMPT='%~%# ' # left prompt: directory followed by %/# (normal/root)
+RPROMPT='$GITSTATUS_PROMPT' # right prompt: git status
+The expansion of `${GITSTATUS_PROMPT}` can contain the following bits:
+| segment | meaning |
+| `master` | current branch |
+| `#v1` | HEAD is tagged with `v1`; not shown when on a branch |
+| `@5fc6fca4` | current commit; not shown when on a branch or tag |
+| `⇣1` | local branch is behind the remote by 1 commit |
+| `⇡2` | local branch is ahead of the remote by 2 commits |
+| `⇠3` | local branch is behind the push remote by 3 commits |
+| `⇢4` | local branch is ahead of the push remote by 4 commits |
+| `*5` | there are 5 stashes |
+| `merge` | merge is in progress (could be some other action) |
+| `~6` | there are 6 merge conflicts |
+| `+7` | there are 7 staged changes |
+| `!8` | there are 8 unstaged changes |
+| `?9` | there are 9 untracked files |
+`$GITSTATUS_PROMPT_LEN` tells you how long `$GITSTATUS_PROMPT` is when printed to the console.
+[gitstatus.prompt.zsh](gitstatus.prompt.zsh) has an example of using it to truncate the current
+If you'd like to change the format of git status, or want to have greater control over the
+process of assembling `PROMPT`, you can copy and modify parts of
+[gitstatus.prompt.zsh](gitstatus.prompt.zsh) instead of sourcing the script. Your `~/.zshrc`
+might look something like this:
+source ~/gitstatus/gitstatus.plugin.zsh
+function my_set_prompt() {
+ PROMPT='%~%# '
+ if gitstatus_query MY && [[ $VCS_STATUS_RESULT == ok-sync ]]; then
+ fi
+ setopt no_prompt_{bang,subst} prompt_percent # enable/disable correct prompt expansions
+gitstatus_stop 'MY' && gitstatus_start -s -1 -u -1 -c -1 -d -1 'MY'
+autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
+add-zsh-hook precmd my_set_prompt
+This snippet is sourcing `gitstatus.plugin.zsh` rather than `gitstatus.prompt.zsh`. The former
+defines low-level bindings that communicate with gitstatusd over pipes. The latter is a simple
+script that uses these bindings to assemble git prompt.
+Unlike [Powerlevel10k](https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k), code based on
+[gitstatus.prompt.zsh](gitstatus.prompt.zsh) is communicating with gitstatusd synchronously. This
+can make your prompt slow when working in a large git repository or on a slow machine. To avoid
+this problem, call `gitstatus_query` asynchronously as documented in
+[gitstatus.plugin.zsh](gitstatus.plugin.zsh). This can be quite challenging.
+## Using from Bash
+The easiest way to take advantage of gitstatus from Bash is via
+[gitstatus.prompt.sh](gitstatus.prompt.sh). Install it as follows:
+git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/romkatv/gitstatus.git ~/gitstatus
+echo 'source ~/gitstatus/gitstatus.prompt.sh' >> ~/.bashrc
+Alternatively, on macOS you can install with Homebrew:
+brew install romkatv/gitstatus/gitstatus
+echo 'source /usr/local/opt/gitstatus/gitstatus.prompt.sh' >> ~/.bashrc
+(If you choose this option, replace `~/gitstatus` with `/usr/local/opt/gitstatus` in all code
+snippets below.)
+This will give you a basic yet functional prompt with git status in it. It's
+[over 10x faster](#benchmarks) than any alternative that can give you comparable prompt.
+![Bash Prompt with GitStatus](
+ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/gitstatus/1ac366952366d89980b3f3484f270b4fa5ae4293/bash-prompt.png)
+In order to customize your prompt, set `PS1` at the end of `~/.bashrc` after sourcing
+`gitstatus.prompt.sh`. Insert `${GITSTATUS_PROMPT}` where you want git status to go. For example:
+source ~/gitstatus/gitstatus.prompt.sh
+PS1='\w ${GITSTATUS_PROMPT}\n\$ ' # directory followed by git status and $/# (normal/root)
+The expansion of `${GITSTATUS_PROMPT}` can contain the following bits:
+| segment | meaning |
+| `master` | current branch |
+| `#v1` | HEAD is tagged with `v1`; not shown when on a branch |
+| `@5fc6fca4` | current commit; not shown when on a branch or tag |
+| `⇣1` | local branch is behind the remote by 1 commit |
+| `⇡2` | local branch is ahead of the remote by 2 commits |
+| `⇠3` | local branch is behind the push remote by 3 commits |
+| `⇢4` | local branch is ahead of the push remote by 4 commits |
+| `*5` | there are 5 stashes |
+| `merge` | merge is in progress (could be some other action) |
+| `~6` | there are 6 merge conflicts |
+| `+7` | there are 7 staged changes |
+| `!8` | there are 8 unstaged changes |
+| `?9` | there are 9 untracked files |
+If you'd like to change the format of git status, or want to have greater control over the
+process of assembling `PS1`, you can copy and modify parts of
+[gitstatus.prompt.sh](gitstatus.prompt.sh) instead of sourcing the script. Your `~/.bashrc` might
+look something like this:
+source ~/gitstatus/gitstatus.plugin.sh
+function my_set_prompt() {
+ PS1='\w'
+ if gitstatus_query && [[ "$VCS_STATUS_RESULT" == ok-sync ]]; then
+ if [[ -n "$VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH" ]]; then
+ PS1+=" ${VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH//\\/\\\\}" # escape backslash
+ else
+ PS1+=" @${VCS_STATUS_COMMIT//\\/\\\\}" # escape backslash
+ fi
+ [[ "$VCS_STATUS_HAS_STAGED" == 1 ]] && PS1+='+'
+ [[ "$VCS_STATUS_HAS_UNSTAGED" == 1 ]] && PS1+='!'
+ [[ "$VCS_STATUS_HAS_UNTRACKED" == 1 ]] && PS1+='?'
+ fi
+ PS1+='\n\$ '
+ shopt -u promptvars # disable expansion of '$(...)' and the like
+gitstatus_stop && gitstatus_start
+This snippet is sourcing `gitstatus.plugin.sh` rather than `gitstatus.prompt.sh`. The former
+defines low-level bindings that communicate with gitstatusd over pipes. The latter is a simple
+script that uses these bindings to assemble git prompt.
+Note: Bash bindings, unlike Zsh bindings, don't support asynchronous calls.
+## Using from other shells
+If there are no gitstatusd bindings for your shell, you'll need to get your hands dirty.
+Use the existing bindings for inspiration; run `gitstatusd --help` or read the same thing in
+## How it works
+gitstatusd reads requests from stdin and prints responses to stdout. Requests contain an ID and
+a directory. Responses contain the same ID and machine-readable git status for the directory.
+gitstatusd keeps some state in memory for the directories it has seen in order to serve future
+requests faster.
+[Zsh bindings](gitstatus.plugin.zsh) and [Bash bindings](gitstatus.plugin.sh) start gitstatusd in
+the background and communicate with it via pipes. Themes such as
+[Powerlevel10k](https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k) use these bindings to put git status in
+Note that gitstatus cannot be used as a drop-in replacement for `git status` command as it doesn't
+produce output in the same format. It does perform the same computation though.
+## Benchmarks
+The following benchmark results were obtained on Intel i9-7900X running Ubuntu 18.04 in
+a clean [chromium](https://github.com/chromium/chromium) repository synced to `9394e49a`. The
+repository was checked out to an ext4 filesystem on M.2 SSD.
+Three functionally equivalent tools for computing git status were benchmarked:
+* `gitstatusd`
+* `git` with untracked cache enabled
+* `lg2` -- a demo/example executable from [libgit2](https://github.com/romkatv/libgit2) that
+ implements a subset of `git` functionality on top of libgit2 API; for the purposes of this
+ benchmark the subset is sufficient to generate the same data as the other tools
+Every tool was benchmark in cold and hot conditions. For `git` the first run in a repository was
+considered cold, with the following runs considered hot. `lg2` was patched to compute results twice
+in a single invocation without freeing the repository in between; the second run was considered hot.
+The same patching was not done for `git` because `git` cannot be easily modified to refresh inmemory
+index state between invocations; in fact, this limitation is one of the primary reasons developers
+use libgit2. `gitstatusd` was benchmarked similarly to `lg2` with two result computations in the
+same invocation.
+Two commands were benchmarked: `status` and `describe`.
+### Status
+In this benchmark all tools were computing the equivalent of `git status`. Lower numbers are better.
+| Tool | Cold | Hot |
+| **gitstatus** | **291 ms** | **30.9 ms** |
+| git | 876 ms | 295 ms |
+| lg2 | 1730 ms | 1310 ms |
+gitstatusd is substantially faster than the alternatives, especially on hot runs. Note that hot runs
+are of primary importance to the main use case of gitstatus in interactive shells.
+The performance of `git status` fluctuated wildly in this benchmarks for reasons unknown to the
+author. Moreover, performance is sticky -- once `git status` settles around a number, it stays
+there for a long time. Numbers as diverse as 295, 352, 663 and 730 had been observed on hot runs on
+the same repository. The number in the table is the lowest (fastest or best) that `git status` had
+### Describe
+In this benchmark all tools were computing the equivalent of `git describe --tags --exact-match`
+to find tags that resolve to the same commit as `HEAD`. Lower numbers are better.
+| Tool | Cold | Hot |
+| **gitstatus** | **4.04 ms** | **0.0345 ms** |
+| git | 18.0 ms | 14.5 ms |
+| lg2 | 185 ms | 45.2 ms |
+gitstatusd is once again faster than the alternatives, more so on hot runs.
+## Why fast
+Since gitstatusd doesn't have to print all staged/unstaged/untracked files but only report
+whether there are any, it can terminate repository scan early. It can also remember which files
+were dirty on the previous run and check them first on the next run to avoid the scan entirely if
+the files are still dirty. However, the benchmarks above were performed in a clean repository where
+these shortcuts do not trigger. All benchmarked tools had to do the same work -- check the status
+of every file in the index to see if it has changed, check every directory for newly created files,
+etc. And yet, gitstatusd came ahead by a large margin. This section describes what it does that
+makes it so fast.
+Most of the following comparisons are done against libgit2 rather than git because of the author's
+familiarity with the former but not the with latter. libgit2 has clean, well-documented APIs and an
+elegant implementation, which makes it so much easier to work with and to analyze performance
+### Summary for the impatient
+Under the benchmark conditions described above, the equivalent of libgit2's
+`git_diff_index_to_workdir` (the most expensive part of `status` command) is 46.3 times faster in
+gitstatusd. The speedup comes from the following sources.
+* gitstatusd uses more efficient data structures and algorithms and employs performance-conscious
+coding style throughout the codebase. This reduces CPU time in userspace by 32x compared to libgit2.
+* gitstatusd uses less expensive system calls and makes fewer of them. This reduces CPU time spent
+in kernel by 1.9x.
+* gitstatusd can utilize multiple cores to scan index and workdir in parallel with almost perfect
+scaling. This reduces total run time by 12.4x while having virtually no effect on total CPU time.
+### Problem statement
+The most resource-intensive part of the `status` command is finding the difference between _index_
+and _workdir_ (`git_diff_index_to_workdir` in libgit2). Index is a list of all files in the git
+repository with their last modification times. This is an obvious simplification but it suffices for
+this exposition. On disk, index is stored sorted by file path. Here's an example of git index:
+| File | Last modification time |
+| Makefile | 2019-04-01T14:12:32Z |
+| src/hello.c | 2019-04-01T14:12:00Z |
+| src/hello.h | 2019-04-01T14:12:32Z |
+This list needs to be compared to the list of files in the working directory. If any of the files
+listed in the index are missing from the workdir or have different last modification time, they are
+"unstaged" in gitstatusd parlance. If you run `git status`, they'll be shown as "changes not staged
+for commit". Thus, any implementation of `status` command has to call `stat()` or one of its
+variants on every file in the index.
+In addition, all files in the working directory for which there is no entry in the index at all are
+"untracked". `git status` will show them as "untracked files". Finding untracked files requires some
+form of work directory traversal.
+### Single-threaded scan
+Let's see how `git_diff_index_to_workdir` from libgit2 accomplishes these tasks. Here's its CPU
+profile from 200 hot runs over chromium repository.
+![libgit2 CPU profile (hot)](
+ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/gitstatus/1ac366952366d89980b3f3484f270b4fa5ae4293/cpu-profile-libgit2.png)
+(The CPU profile was created with [gperftools](https://github.com/gperftools/gperftools) and
+rendered with [pprof](https://github.com/google/pprof)).
+We can see `__GI__lxstat` taking a lot of time. This is the `stat()` call for every file in the
+index. We can also identify `__opendir`, `__readdir` and `__GI___close_nocancel` -- glibc wrappers
+for reading the contents of a directory. This is for finding untracked files. Out of the total 232
+seconds, 111 seconds -- or 47.7% -- was spent on these calls. The rest is computation -- comparing
+strings, sorting arrays, etc.
+Now let's take a look at the CPU profile of gitstatusd on the same task.
+![gitstatusd CPU profile (hot)](
+ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/gitstatus/1ac366952366d89980b3f3484f270b4fa5ae4293/cpu-profile-gitstatusd-hot.png)
+The first impression is that this profile looks pruned. This isn't an artifact. The profile was
+generated with the same tools and the same flags as the profile of libgit2.
+Since both profiles were generated from the same workload, absolute numbers can be compared. We can
+see that gitstatusd took 62 seconds in total compared to libgit2's 232 seconds. System calls at the
+core of the algorithm are cleary visible. `__GI___fxstatat` is a flavor of `stat()`, and the other
+three calls -- `__libc_openat64`, `__libc_close` and `__GI___fxstat` are responsible for opening
+directories and finding untracked files. Notice that there is almost nothing else in the profile
+apart from these calls. The rest of the code accounts for 3.77 seconds of CPU time -- 32 times less
+than in libgit2.
+So, one reason gitstatusd is fast is that it has efficient diffing code -- very little time is spent
+outside of kernel. However, if we look closely, we can notice that system calls in gitstatusd are
+_also_ faster than in libgit2. For example, libgit2 spent 72.07 seconds in `__GI__lxstat` while
+gitstatusd spent only 48.82 seconds in `__GI___fxstatat`. There are two reasons for this difference.
+First, libgit2 makes more `stat()` calls than is strictly required. It's not necessary to stat
+directories because index only has files. There are 25k directories in chromium repository (and 300k
+files) -- that's 25k `stat()` calls that could be avoided. The second reason is that libgit2 and
+gitstatusd use different flavors of `stat()`. libgit2 uses `lstat()`, which takes a path to the file
+as input. Its performance is linear in the number of subdirectories in the path because it needs to
+perform a lookup for every one of them and to check permissions. gitstatusd uses `fstatat()`, which
+takes a file descriptor to the parent directory and a name of the file. Just a single lookup, less
+CPU time.
+Similarly to `lstat()` vs `fstatat()`, it's faster to open files and directories with `openat()`
+from the parent directory file descriptor than with regular `open()` that accepts full file path.
+gitstatusd takes advantage of `openat()` to open directories as fast as possible. It opens about 90%
+of the directories (this depends on the actual directory structure of the repository) from the
+immediate parent -- the most efficient way -- and the remaining 10% it opens from the repository's
+root directory. The reason it's done this way is to keep the maximum number of simultaneously open
+file descriptors bounded. libgit2 can have O(repository depth) simultaneously open file descriptors,
+which may be OK for a single-threaded application but can balloon to a large number when scans are
+done by many threads simultaneously, like in gitstatusd.
+There is no equivalent to `__opendir` or `__readdir` in the gitstatusd profile because it uses the
+equivalent of [untracked cache](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-update-index#_untracked_cache) from
+git. On the first scan of the workdir gitstatusd lists all files just like libgit2. But, unlike
+libgit2, it remembers the last modification time of every directory along with the list of
+untracked files under it. On the next scan, gitstatusd can skip listing files in directories whose
+last modification time hasn't changed.
+To summarize, here's what gitstatusd was doing when the CPU profile was captured:
+1. `__libc_openat64`: Open every directory for which there are files in the index.
+2. `__GI___fxstat`: Check last modification time of the directory. Since it's the same as on the
+ last scan, this directory has the same list of untracked files as before, which is empty (the
+ repository is clean).
+3. `__GI___fxstatat`: Check last modification time for every file in the index that belongs to this
+ directory.
+4. `__libc_close`: Close the file descriptor to the directory.
+Here's how the very first scan of a repository looks like in gitstatusd:
+![gitstatusd CPU profile (cold)](
+ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/gitstatus/1ac366952366d89980b3f3484f270b4fa5ae4293/cpu-profile-gitstatusd-cold.png)
+(Some glibc functions are mislabel on this profile. `explicit_bzero` and `__nss_passwd_lookup` are
+in reality `strcmp` and `memcmp`.)
+This is a superset of the previous -- hot -- profile, with an extra `syscall` and string sorting for
+directory listing. gitstatusd uses `getdents64` Linux system call directly, bypassing the glibc
+wrapper that libgit2 uses. This is 23% faster. The details of this optimization can be found in a
+[separate document](docs/listdir.md).
+### Multithreading
+The diffing algorithm in gitstatusd was designed from the ground up with the intention of using it
+concurrently from multiple threads. With a fast SSD, `status` is CPU bound, so taking advantage of
+all available CPU cores is an obvious way to yield results faster.
+gitstatusd exhibits almost perfect scaling from multithreading. Engaging all cores allows it to
+produce results 12.4 times faster than in single-threaded execution. This is on Intel i9-7900X with
+10 cores (20 with hyperthreading) with single-core frequency of 4.3GHz and all-core frequency of
+Note: `git status` also uses all available cores in some parts of its algorithm while `lg2` does
+everything in a single thread.
+### Postprocessing
+Once the difference between the index and the workdir is found, we have a list of _candidates_ --
+files that may be unstaged or untracked. To make the final judgement, these files need to be checked
+against `.gitignore` rules and a few other things.
+gitstatusd uses [patched libgit2](https://github.com/romkatv/libgit2) for this step. This fork
+adds several optimizations that make libgit2 faster. The patched libgit2 performs more than twice
+as fast in the benchmark as the original even without changes in the user code (that is, in the
+code that uses the libgit2 APIs). The fork also adds several API extensions, most notable of which
+is the support for multi-threaded scans. If `lg2 status` is modified to take advantage of these
+extensions, it outperforms the original libgit2 by a factor of 18. Lastly, the fork fixes a score of
+bugs, most of which become apparent only when using libgit2 from multiple threads.
+_WARNING: Changes to libgit2 are extensive but the testing they underwent isn't. It is
+**not recommended** to use the patched libgit2 in production._
+## Requirements
+* To compile: binutils, cmake, gcc, g++, git and GNU make.
+* To run: Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, Android, WSL, Cygwin or MSYS2.
+## Compiling
+There are prebuilt `gitstatusd` binaries in [releases](
+ https://github.com/romkatv/gitstatus/releases). When using the official shell bindings
+provided by gitstatus, the right binary for your architecture gets downloaded automatically.
+If prebuilt binaries don't work for you, you'll need to get your hands dirty.
+### Compiling for personal use
+git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/romkatv/gitstatus.git
+cd gitstatus
+./build -w -s -d docker
+- If it says that `-d docker` is not supported on your OS, remove this flag.
+- If it says that `-s` is not supported on your OS, remove this flag.
+- If it tell you to install docker but you cannot or don't want to, remove `-d docker`.
+- If it says that some command is missing, install it.
+If everything goes well, the newly built binary will appear in `./usrbin`. It'll be picked up
+by shell bindings automatically.
+When you update shell bindings, they may refuse to work with the binary you've built earlier. In
+this case you'll need to rebuild.
+### Compiling for distribution
+If you want to package gitstatus, it's best to do it based off [releases](
+ https://github.com/romkatv/gitstatus/releases).
+The following code should work without patching anything in gitstatus sources. If it doesn't, please
+open an issue.
+**IMPORTANT:** *Change version to what you want to package. This example doesn't get updated when
+new versions are released.*
+# Download and extract gitstatus tarball.
+wget https://github.com/romkatv/gitstatus/archive/v"$gitstatus_version".tar.gz
+tar -xzf v"$gitstatus_version".tar.gz
+cd gitstatus-"$gitstatus_version"
+# Download libgit2 tarball and compile gitstatusd.
+./build -w
+# Post-process.
+rm ./deps/libgit2-*.tar.gz
+for file in *.zsh install; do
+ zsh -fc "emulate zsh -o no_aliases && zcompile -R -- $file.zwc $file"
+This needs binutils, cmake, gcc, g++, git, GNU make, wget, zsh and either shasum or sha256sum.
+Once build completes, *do not delete or move any files*. Package the whole directory as is. Don't
+add the directory or any of its subdirectories to `PATH`.
+You probably don't want to build in docker, so don't pass `-d` to `./build`.
+gitstatus depends on a [custom fork of libgit2](https://github.com/romkatv/libgit2/). When you run
+`./build -w`, it'll automatically download the appropriate libgit2 tarball and verify its sha256.
+If you want to separate the downloading of source tarballs from compilation, you can download the
+libgit2 tarball manually and invoke `./build` without `-w`.
+# Download and extract gitstatus tarball.
+wget https://github.com/romkatv/gitstatus/archive/v"$gitstatus_version".tar.gz
+tar -xzf v"$gitstatus_version".tar.gz
+cd gitstatus-"$gitstatus_version"
+# Download libgit2 tarball and place it where ./build expects it.
+. ./build.info
+wget -O "$libgit2_path" "$libgit2_url"
+# Compile gitstatusd.
+# Post-process.
+rm ./deps/libgit2-*.tar.gz
+for file in *.zsh install; do
+ zsh -fc "emulate zsh -o no_aliases && zcompile -R -- $file.zwc $file"
+Note that the URL and the content of the libgit2 tarball are fully defined by the main gitstatus
+tarball. Thus, you can set URLs and sha256 checksums of the two tarball in the same place (package
+definition) and update them at the same time when bumping package version. In other words, you don't
+have to extract `libgit2_version` programmatically. You can manually copy it from [build.info](
+ https://github.com/romkatv/gitstatus/blob/master/build.info) to your package definition, if you
+[Powerlevel10k](https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k) has an embedded version of gitstatus. It
+must stay that way. If you decide to package both of them, follow the respective instructions from
+each project. The embedded gitstatus in Powerlevel10k won't conflict with the standalone gitstatus.
+They can have different versions and can coexist within the same Zsh process. Do not attempt to
+surgically remove gitstatus from Powerlevel10k, package the result and then force Powerlevel10k to
+use a separately packaged gitstatus. Instead, treat Powerlevel10k and gitstatus as independent
+projects that don't depend on each other.
+## License
+GNU General Public License v3.0. See [LICENSE](LICENSE). Contributions are covered by the same