path: root/internal/p10k.zsh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'internal/p10k.zsh')
1 files changed, 701 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/internal/p10k.zsh b/internal/p10k.zsh
index 89a7cf19..3da8ba0a 100644
--- a/internal/p10k.zsh
+++ b/internal/p10k.zsh
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ prompt_dir() {
# for "~[a/b]" it'll give the nonsensical "~[a". To solve this problem we have to
# repeat what "${(%):-%~}" does and hope that it produces the same result.
local func=''
- local -a parts=()
+ local -a parts=() reply=()
for func in zsh_directory_name $zsh_directory_name_functions; do
if (( $+functions[$func] )) && $func d $_p9k_pwd && [[ $p == '~['$reply[1]']'* ]]; then
@@ -3933,7 +3933,7 @@ _p9k_set_instant_prompt() {
-typeset -gri __p9k_instant_prompt_version=14
+typeset -gri __p9k_instant_prompt_version=17
_p9k_dump_instant_prompt() {
local user=${(%):-%n}
@@ -4001,19 +4001,42 @@ _p9k_dump_instant_prompt() {
>&$fd print -r -- ' fi
local -i _p9k__empty_line_i=3 _p9k__ruler_i=3
- local -A _p9k__display_k=('${(j: :)${(@q)${(kv)_p9k__display_k}}}')
+ local -A _p9k_display_k=('${(j: :)${(@q)${(kv)_p9k_display_k}}}')
local -a _p9k__display_v=('${(j: :)${(@q)display_v}}')
function p10k() {
emulate -L zsh
setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob prompt_percent prompt_subst no_aliases
[[ $1 == display ]] || return
- local opt match MATCH prev new pair list name var
- local -i k
- for opt; do
+ local -i OPTIND k dump
+ local OPTARG opt match MATCH prev new pair list name var
+ while getopts ":ha" opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ a) dump=1;;
+ h) return 0;;
+ ?) return 1;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if (( dump )); then
+ reply=()
+ shift $((OPTIND-1))
+ (( ARGC )) || set -- "*"
+ for opt; do
+ for k in ${(u@)_p9k_display_k[(I)$opt]:/(#m)*/$_p9k_display_k[$MATCH]}; do
+ reply+=($_p9k__display_v[k,k+1])
+ done
+ done
+ return 0
+ fi
+ for opt in "${@:$OPTIND}"; do
- for k in ${(u@)_p9k__display_k[(I)$pair[1]]:/(#m)*/$_p9k__display_k[$MATCH]}; do
+ if [[ ${(b)pair[1]} == $pair[1] ]]; then
+ local ks=($_p9k_display_k[$pair[1]])
+ else
+ local ks=(${(u@)_p9k_display_k[(I)$pair[1]]:/(#m)*/$_p9k_display_k[$MATCH]})
+ fi
+ for k in $ks; do
if (( $#list == 1 )); then
[[ $_p9k__display_v[k+1] == $list[1] ]] && continue
@@ -4039,12 +4062,52 @@ _p9k_dump_instant_prompt() {
>&$fd print -r -- '[[ $P9K_TTY == old ]] && { unset _p9k__ruler_i; _p9k__display_v[4]=print }'
+ if (( $+functions[p10k-on-init] )); then
+ >&$fd print -r -- '
+ p10k-on-init() { '$functions[p10k-on-init]' }'
+ fi
+ if (( $+functions[p10k-on-pre-prompt] )); then
+ >&$fd print -r -- '
+ p10k-on-pre-prompt() { '$functions[p10k-on-pre-prompt]' }'
+ fi
+ if (( $+functions[p10k-on-post-prompt] )); then
+ >&$fd print -r -- '
+ p10k-on-post-prompt() { '$functions[p10k-on-post-prompt]' }'
+ fi
+ if (( $+functions[p10k-on-post-widget] )); then
+ >&$fd print -r -- '
+ p10k-on-post-widget() { '$functions[p10k-on-post-widget]' }'
+ fi
+ if (( $+functions[p10k-on-init] )); then
+ >&$fd print -r -- '
+ p10k-on-init'
+ fi
+ local pat idx var
+ for pat idx var in $_p9k_show_on_command; do
+ >&$fd print -r -- "
+ local $var=
+ _p9k__display_v[$idx]=hide"
+ done
+ if (( $+functions[p10k-on-pre-prompt] )); then
+ >&$fd print -r -- '
+ p10k-on-pre-prompt'
+ fi
+ if (( $+functions[p10k-on-init] )); then
+ >&$fd print -r -- '
+ unfunction p10k-on-init'
+ fi
if (( $+functions[p10k-on-pre-prompt] )); then
>&$fd print -r -- '
- p10k-on-pre-prompt() { '$functions[p10k-on-pre-prompt]' }
- p10k-on-pre-prompt
unfunction p10k-on-pre-prompt'
+ if (( $+functions[p10k-on-post-prompt] )); then
+ >&$fd print -r -- '
+ unfunction p10k-on-post-prompt'
+ fi
+ if (( $+functions[p10k-on-post-widget] )); then
+ >&$fd print -r -- '
+ unfunction p10k-on-post-widget'
+ fi
>&$fd print -r -- '
trap "unset -m _p9k__\*; unfunction p10k" EXIT
local -a _p9k_t=("${(@ps:$us:)${tail%%$rs*}}")'
@@ -4462,14 +4525,13 @@ function _p9k_on_expand() {
- _p9k__last_tty=$P9K_TTY
if [[ $P9K_TTY == new ]]; then
- elif [[ -z $_p9k_transient_prompt ]]; then
+ elif [[ -z $_p9k_transient_prompt && $+functions[p10k-on-post-prompt] == 0 ]]; then
@@ -4482,7 +4544,7 @@ function _p9k_on_expand() {
if [[ $P9K_TTY == new ]]; then
- elif [[ -z $_p9k_transient_prompt ]]; then
+ elif [[ -z $_p9k_transient_prompt && $+functions[p10k-on-post-prompt] == 0 ]]; then
@@ -4491,13 +4553,19 @@ function _p9k_on_expand() {
- typeset -g P9K_PROMPT=regular
- if (( $+functions[p10k-on-pre-prompt] )); then
- p10k-on-pre-prompt
+ if [[ -z $_p9k__last_tty ]]; then
+ _p9k_wrap_widgets
+ (( $+functions[p10k-on-init] )) && p10k-on-init
+ local pat idx var
+ for pat idx var in $_p9k_show_on_command; do
+ _p9k_display_segment $idx $var hide
+ done
+ (( $+functions[p10k-on-pre-prompt] )) && p10k-on-pre-prompt
+ _p9k__last_tty=$P9K_TTY
if ! zle; then
@@ -4613,7 +4681,7 @@ _p9k_trapint() {
if (( __p9k_enabled )); then
emulate -L zsh
setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob no_prompt_bang prompt_{percent,subst}
- zle && _p9k_zle_line_finish int
+ zle && _p9k_on_widget_zle-line-finish int
return 0
@@ -4645,14 +4713,6 @@ function _p9k_reset_prompt() {
-function _p9k_zle_keymap_select() {
- _p9k_reset_prompt
-function _p9k_zle_state_changed() {
- _p9k_reset_prompt
_p9k_deinit_async_pump() {
if (( _p9k__async_pump_lock_fd )); then
zsystem flock -u $_p9k__async_pump_lock_fd
@@ -4836,6 +4896,9 @@ typeset -g _p9k__param_pat
typeset -g _p9k__param_sig
_p9k_init_vars() {
+ typeset -ga _p9k_show_on_command
+ typeset -g _p9k__last_buffer
+ typeset -ga _p9k__last_commands
typeset -g _p9k__last_tty
typeset -gi _p9k__must_restore_prompt
typeset -gi _p9k__restore_prompt_fd
@@ -4948,7 +5011,7 @@ _p9k_init_vars() {
typeset -g _p9k_uname_m
typeset -g _p9k_transient_prompt
typeset -g _p9k__last_prompt_pwd
- typeset -gA _p9k__display_k
+ typeset -gA _p9k_display_k
typeset -ga _p9k__display_v
typeset -gA _p9k__dotnet_stat_cache
@@ -4959,6 +5022,7 @@ _p9k_init_vars() {
typeset -g P9K_CONTENT
typeset -g P9K_GAP
+ typeset -g P9K_PROMPT=regular
_p9k_init_params() {
@@ -4979,6 +5043,8 @@ _p9k_init_params() {
+ _p9k_declare -a POWERLEVEL9K_HOOK_WIDGETS --
@@ -5267,92 +5333,423 @@ _p9k_init_params() {
-typeset -ga __p9k_wrapped_zle_widgets
+typeset -grA __p9k_pb_cmd_skip=(
+ '}' 'always' # handled specially
+ '{' ''
+ '{' ''
+ '|' ''
+ '||' ''
+ '&' ''
+ '&&' ''
+ '|&' ''
+ '&!' ''
+ '&|' ''
+ ')' ''
+ '(' ''
+ '()' ''
+ '!' ''
+ ';' ''
+ 'if' ''
+ 'fi' ''
+ 'elif' ''
+ 'else' ''
+ 'then' ''
+ 'while' ''
+ 'until' ''
+ 'do' ''
+ 'done' ''
+ 'esac' ''
+ 'end' ''
+ 'coproc' ''
+ 'nocorrect' ''
+ 'noglob' ''
+ 'time' ''
+ '[[' '\]\]'
+ '((' '\)\)'
+ 'case' '\)|esac'
+ ';;' '\)|esac'
+ ';&' '\)|esac'
+ ';|' '\)|esac'
+ 'foreach' '\(*\)'
-# _p9k_wrap_zle_widget zle-keymap-select _p9k_zle_keymap_select
-_p9k_wrap_zle_widget() {
- local widget=$1
- local hook=$2
- (( __p9k_wrapped_zle_widgets[(I)$widget:$hook] )) && return
- __p9k_wrapped_zle_widgets+=$widget:$hook
- local orig=p9k-orig-$widget
- case $widgets[$widget] in
- user:*)
- zle -N $orig ${widgets[$widget]#user:}
- ;;
- builtin)
- functions[_p9k_orig_$widget]="zle .${(q)widget}"
- zle -N $orig _p9k_orig_$widget
- ;;
- esac
+typeset -grA __p9k_pb_precommand=(
+ '-' ''
+ 'builtin' ''
+ 'command' ''
+ 'exec' '-[^a]#[a]'
+ 'nohup' ''
+ 'setsid' ''
+ 'eatmydata' ''
+ 'catchsegv' ''
+ 'pkexec' '--user'
+ 'doas' '-[^aCu]#[acU]'
+ 'nice' '-[^n]#[n]|--adjustment'
+ 'stdbuf' '-[^ioe]#[ioe]|--(input|output|error)'
+ 'sudo' '-[^aghpuUCcrtT]#[aghpuUCcrtT]|--(close-from|group|host|prompt|role|type|other-user|command-timeout|user)'
- local wrapper=_p9k_wrapper_$widget_$hook
- functions[$wrapper]="
- emulate -L zsh
- setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob no_prompt_bang prompt_{percent,subst}
- (( __p9k_enabled )) && ${(q)hook} \"\$@\"
- (( \$+widgets[${(q)orig}] )) && zle ${(q)orig} -- \"\$@\""
+typeset -grA __p9k_pb_redirect=(
+ '&>' ''
+ '>' ''
+ '>&' ''
+ '<' ''
+ '<&' ''
+ '<>' ''
+ '&>|' ''
+ '>|' ''
+ '&>>' ''
+ '>>' ''
+ '>>&' ''
+ '&>>|' ''
+ '>>|' ''
+ '<<<' ''
- zle -N -- $widget $wrapper
+typeset -grA __p9k_pb_term=(
+ '|' ''
+ '||' ''
+ ';' ''
+ '&' ''
+ '&&' ''
+ '|&' ''
+ '&!' ''
+ '&|' ''
+ ';;' ''
+ ';&' ''
+ ';|' ''
+ '(' ''
+ ')' ''
+ '()' '' # handled specially
+ '}' '' # handled specially
-function _p9k_zle_line_init() {
- (( _p9k__cursor_hidden )) || return 0
- _p9k__cursor_hidden=0
- echoti cnorm
+typeset -grA __p9k_pb_term_skip=(
+ '(' '\)'
+ ';;' '\)|esac'
+ ';&' '\)|esac'
+ ';|' '\)|esac'
+# Usage: _p9k_parse_buffer <buffer> [token-limit]
+# Parses the specified command line buffer and pupulates array P9K_COMMANDS
+# with commands from it. Terminates early and returns 1 if there are more
+# tokens than the specified limit.
+# Broken:
+# ---------------
+# : $(x)
+# ---------------
+# : `x`
+# ---------------
+# ${x/}
+# ---------------
+# - -- x
+# ---------------
+# command -p -p x
+# ---------------
+# *
+# ---------------
+# x=$y; $x
+# ---------------
+# alias x=y; y
+# ---------------
+# x <<END
+# ; END
+# END
+# ---------------
+# Setup:
+# setopt interactive_comments
+# alias x='#'
+# Punchline:
+# x; y
+# ---------------
+# More brokenness with non-standard options (ignore_braces, ignore_close_braces, etc.).
+function _p9k_parse_buffer() {
+ [[ ${2:-0} == <-> ]] || return 2
+ local rcquotes
+ [[ -o rcquotes ]] && rcquotes=(-o rcquotes)
+ emulate -L zsh -o extended_glob -o no_nomatch $rcquotes
+ typeset -ga P9K_COMMANDS=()
+ local -r id='(<->|[[:alpha:]_][[:IDENT:]]#)'
+ local -r var="\$$id|\${$id}|\"\$$id\"|\"\${$id}\""
+ local -i e ic c=${2:-'1 << 62'}
+ local skip n s r state cmd prev
+ local -a aln alp alf v
+ if [[ -o interactive_comments ]]; then
+ ic=1
+ local tokens=(${(Z+C+)1})
+ else
+ local tokens=(${(z)1})
+ fi
-function _p9k_restore_prompt() {
- emulate -L zsh
- setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob no_prompt_bang prompt_{percent,subst}
- (( _p9k__must_restore_prompt )) || return
- _p9k__must_restore_prompt=0
+ while (( $#tokens )); do
+ (( e = $#state ))
+ while (( $#tokens == alp[-1] )); do
+ aln[-1]=()
+ alp[-1]=()
+ if (( $#tokens == alf[-1] )); then
+ alf[-1]=()
+ (( e = 0 ))
+ fi
+ done
- unset _p9k__line_finished
- _p9k_refresh_reason=restore
- _p9k_set_prompt
- _p9k_refresh_reason=
+ while (( c-- > 0 )) || return; do
+ token=$tokens[1]
+ tokens[1]=()
+ if (( $+galiases[$token] )); then
+ (( $aln[(eI)p$token] )) && break
+ s=$galiases[$token]
+ n=p$token
+ elif (( e )); then
+ break
+ elif (( $+aliases[$token] )); then
+ (( $aln[(eI)p$token] )) && break
+ s=$aliases[$token]
+ n=p$token
+ elif [[ $token == ?*.?* ]] && (( $+saliases[${token##*.}] )); then
+ r=${token##*.}
+ (( $aln[(eI)s$r] )) && break
+ s=${saliases[$r]%% #}
+ n=s$r
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ aln+=$n
+ alp+=$#tokens
+ [[ $s == *' ' ]] && alf+=$#tokens
+ (( ic )) && tokens[1,0]=(${(Z+C+)s}) || tokens[1,0]=(${(z)s})
+ done
- local tty=$P9K_TTY
- P9K_TTY=$_p9k__last_tty
- _p9k__expanded=0
- _p9k_reset_prompt
- P9K_TTY=$tty
+ case $token in
+ '<<'(|-))
+ state=h
+ continue
+ ;;
+ *('`'|['<>=$']'(')*)
+ if [[ $token == ('`'[^'`']##'`'|'"`'[^'`']##'`"'|'$('[^')']##')'|'"$('[^')']##')"'|['<>=']'('[^')']##')') ]]; then
+ s=${${token##('"'|)(['$<>']|)?}%%?('"'|)}
+ (( ic )) && tokens+=(';' ${(Z+C+)s}) || tokens+=(';' ${(z)s})
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case $state in
+ *r)
+ state[-1]=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ a)
+ if [[ $token == $skip ]]; then
+ if [[ $token == '{' ]]; then
+ P9K_COMMANDS+=$cmd
+ cmd=
+ state=
+ else
+ skip='{'
+ fi
+ continue
+ else
+ state=t
+ fi
+ ;& # fall through
+ t|p*)
+ if (( $+__p9k_pb_term[$token] )); then
+ if [[ $token == '()' ]]; then
+ state=
+ else
+ P9K_COMMANDS+=$cmd
+ if [[ $token == '}' ]]; then
+ state=a
+ skip=always
+ else
+ skip=$__p9k_pb_term_skip[$token]
+ state=${skip:+s}
+ fi
+ fi
+ cmd=
+ continue
+ elif [[ $state == t ]]; then
+ continue
+ elif [[ $state == *x ]]; then
+ if (( $+__p9k_pb_redirect[$token] )); then
+ prev=
+ state[-1]=r
+ continue
+ else
+ state[-1]=
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ s)
+ if [[ $token == $~skip ]]; then
+ state=
+ fi
+ continue
+ ;;
+ h)
+ while (( $#tokens )); do
+ (( e = ${tokens[(i)${(Q)token}]} ))
+ if [[ $tokens[e-1] == ';' && $tokens[e+1] == ';' ]]; then
+ tokens[1,e]=()
+ break
+ else
+ tokens[1,e]=()
+ fi
+ done
+ while (( $#alp && alp[-1] >= $#tokens )); do
+ aln[-1]=()
+ alp[-1]=()
+ done
+ state=t
+ continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if (( $+__p9k_pb_redirect[${token#<0-255>}] )); then
+ state+=r
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [[ $token == *'$'* ]]; then
+ if [[ $token == $~var ]]; then
+ n=${${token##[^[:IDENT:]]}%%[^[:IDENT:]]}
+ [[ $token == *'"' ]] && v=("${(P)n}") || v=(${(P)n})
+ tokens[1,0]=(${(qq)v})
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ case $state in
+ '')
+ if (( $+__p9k_pb_cmd_skip[$token] )); then
+ skip=$__p9k_pb_cmd_skip[$token]
+ [[ $token == '}' ]] && state=a || state=${skip:+s}
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [[ $token == *=* ]]; then
+ v=${(S)token/#(<->|([[:alpha:]_][[:IDENT:]]#(|'['*[^\\](\\\\)#']')))(|'+')=}
+ if (( $#v < $#token )); then
+ if [[ $v == '(' ]]; then
+ state=s
+ skip='\)'
+ fi
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ : ${token::=${(Q)${~token}}}
+ ;;
+ p2)
+ if [[ -n $prev ]]; then
+ prev=
+ else
+ : ${token::=${(Q)${~token}}}
+ if [[ $token == '{'$~id'}' ]]; then
+ state=p2x
+ prev=$token
+ else
+ state=p
+ fi
+ continue
+ fi
+ ;& # fall through
+ p)
+ if [[ -n $prev ]]; then
+ token=$prev
+ prev=
+ else
+ : ${token::=${(Q)${~token}}}
+ case $token in
+ '{'$~id'}') prev=$token; state=px; continue;;
+ [^-]*) ;;
+ --) state=p1; continue;;
+ $~skip) state=p2; continue;;
+ *) continue;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ ;;
+ p1)
+ if [[ -n $prev ]]; then
+ token=$prev
+ prev=
+ else
+ : ${token::=${(Q)${~token}}}
+ if [[ $token == '{'$~id'}' ]]; then
+ state=p1x
+ prev=$token
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if (( $+__p9k_pb_precommand[$token] )); then
+ prev=
+ state=p
+ skip=$__p9k_pb_precommand[$token]
+ cmd+=$token$'\0'
+ else
+ state=t
+ [[ $token == ('(('*'))'|'`'*'`'|'$'*|['<>=']'('*')'|*$'\0'*) ]] || cmd+=$token$'\0'
+ fi
+ done
} always {
- zle -F $1
- exec {1}>&-
- _p9k__restore_prompt_fd=0
+ [[ $state == (px|p1x) ]] && cmd+=$prev
+ P9K_COMMANDS+=$cmd
+ P9K_COMMANDS=(${(u)P9K_COMMANDS%$'\0'})
-function _p9k_zle_line_finish() {
- [[ -z $1 && $CONTEXT != start ]] && _p9k__must_restore_prompt=0
+function _p9k_on_widget_zle-keymap-select() { __p9k_reset_state=2; }
+function _p9k_on_widget_overwrite-mode() { __p9k_reset_state=2; }
+function _p9k_on_widget_vi-replace() { __p9k_reset_state=2; }
+function _p9k_check_visual_mode() {
+ [[ ${KEYMAP:-} == vicmd ]] || return 0
+ local region=${${REGION_ACTIVE:-0}/2/1}
+ [[ $region != $_p9k__region_active ]] || return 0
+ _p9k__region_active=$region
+ __p9k_reset_state=2
+function _p9k_on_widget_visual-mode() { _p9k_check_visual_mode; }
+function _p9k_on_widget_visual-line-mode() { _p9k_check_visual_mode; }
+function _p9k_on_widget_deactivate-region() { _p9k_check_visual_mode; }
+function _p9k_on_widget_zle-line-init() {
+ (( _p9k__cursor_hidden )) || return 0
+ _p9k__cursor_hidden=0
+ echoti cnorm
+function _p9k_on_widget_zle-line-finish() {
(( $+_p9k__line_finished )) && return
- local -i reset=_p9k_reset_on_line_finish
- if (( $+functions[p10k-on-post-prompt] )); then
- __p9k_reset_state=1
- p10k-on-post-prompt
- if (( __p9k_reset_state == 2 )); then
- reset=1
- fi
- __p9k_reset_state=0
- fi
+ (( _p9k_reset_on_line_finish )) && __p9k_reset_state=2
+ (( $+functions[p10k-on-post-prompt] )) && p10k-on-post-prompt
if [[ -n $_p9k_transient_prompt ]]; then
if [[ $_POWERLEVEL9K_TRANSIENT_PROMPT == always || $_p9k_pwd == $_p9k__last_prompt_pwd ]]; then
- reset=1
+ __p9k_reset_state=2
- if (( reset )); then
+ if (( __p9k_reset_state == 2 )); then
if [[ $1 == int ]]; then
if (( !_p9k__restore_prompt_fd )); then
@@ -5365,17 +5762,131 @@ function _p9k_zle_line_finish() {
echo -nE - $hide$'\n'$termcap[up]
+ __p9k_reset_state=0
-function _p9k_zle_line_pre_redraw() {
- [[ ${KEYMAP:-} == vicmd ]] || return 0
- local region=${${REGION_ACTIVE:-0}/2/1}
- [[ $region != $_p9k__region_active ]] || return 0
- _p9k__region_active=$region
- _p9k_reset_prompt
+# Usage example: _p9k_display_segment 58 _p9k__1rkubecontext hide
+function _p9k_display_segment() {
+ [[ $_p9k__display_v[$1] == $3 ]] && return
+ _p9k__display_v[$1]=$3
+ [[ $3 == hide ]] && typeset -g $2= || unset $2
+ __p9k_reset_state=2
+function _p9k_widget_hook() {
+ if (( $+functions[p10k-on-post-widget] || $#_p9k_show_on_command )); then
+ local -a P9K_COMMANDS
+ if [[ "$_p9k__last_buffer" == "$PREBUFFER$BUFFER" ]]; then
+ P9K_COMMANDS=(${_p9k__last_commands[@]})
+ else
+ _p9k__last_buffer="$PREBUFFER$BUFFER"
+ if [[ -n "$_p9k__last_buffer" ]]; then
+ # this must run with user options
+ _p9k_parse_buffer "$_p9k__last_buffer" $_POWERLEVEL9K_COMMANDS_MAX_TOKEN_COUNT
+ fi
+ _p9k__last_commands=(${P9K_COMMANDS[@]})
+ fi
+ fi
+ emulate -L zsh
+ setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob no_prompt_bang prompt_{percent,subst}
+ (( _p9k__restore_prompt_fd )) && _p9k_restore_prompt $_p9k__restore_prompt_fd
+ __p9k_reset_state=1
+ local pat idx var
+ for pat idx var in $_p9k_show_on_command; do
+ if (( $P9K_COMMANDS[(I)$pat] )); then
+ _p9k_display_segment $idx $var show
+ else
+ _p9k_display_segment $idx $var hide
+ fi
+ done
+ (( $+functions[p10k-on-post-widget] )) && p10k-on-post-widget "${@:2}"
+ (( $+functions[_p9k_on_widget_$1] )) && _p9k_on_widget_$1
+ (( __p9k_reset_state == 2 )) && _p9k_reset_prompt
+ __p9k_reset_state=0
+function _p9k_widget() {
+ (( ! ${+widgets[._p9k_orig_$1]} )) || zle ._p9k_orig_$1 "${@:2}"
+ local res=$?
+ (( ! __p9k_enabled )) || [[ $CONTEXT != start ]] || _p9k_widget_hook "$@"
+ return res
+typeset -gi __p9k_widgets_wrapped=0
+function _p9k_wrap_widgets() {
+ (( __p9k_widgets_wrapped )) && return
+ typeset -gir __p9k_widgets_wrapped=1
+ local -a widget_list
+ if is-at-least 5.3; then
+ local -aU widget_list=(
+ zle-line-pre-redraw
+ zle-line-init
+ zle-line-finish
+ zle-keymap-select
+ overwrite-mode
+ vi-replace
+ visual-mode
+ visual-line-mode
+ deactivate-region
+ )
+ else
+ # There is no zle-line-pre-redraw in zsh < 5.3, so we have to wrap all widgets
+ # with key bindings. This costs extra 3ms: 1.5ms to fetch the list of widgets and
+ # another 1.5ms to wrap them.
+ local keymap tmp=${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/p10k.bindings.$sysparams[pid]
+ {
+ for keymap in $keymaps; do bindkey -M $keymap; done >$tmp
+ local -aU widget_list=(
+ zle-isearch-exit
+ zle-isearch-update
+ zle-line-init
+ zle-line-finish
+ zle-history-line-set
+ zle-keymap-select
+ ${${${(f)"$(<$tmp)"}##* }:#(*\"|.*)}
+ )
+ } always {
+ zf_rm -f $tmp
+ }
+ fi
+ local widget
+ for widget in $widget_list; do
+ functions[_p9k_widget_$widget]='_p9k_widget '${(q)widget}' "$@"'
+ # The leading dot is to work around bugs in zsh-syntax-highlighting.
+ zle -A $widget ._p9k_orig_$widget
+ zle -N $widget _p9k_widget_$widget
+ done 2>/dev/null # `zle -A` fails for inexisting widgets and complains to stderr
+function _p9k_restore_prompt() {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob no_prompt_bang prompt_{percent,subst}
+ {
+ (( _p9k__must_restore_prompt )) || return
+ _p9k__must_restore_prompt=0
+ unset _p9k__line_finished
+ _p9k_refresh_reason=restore
+ _p9k_set_prompt
+ _p9k_refresh_reason=
+ local tty=$P9K_TTY
+ P9K_TTY=$_p9k__last_tty
+ _p9k__expanded=0
+ _p9k_reset_prompt
+ P9K_TTY=$tty
+ } always {
+ zle -F $1
+ exec {1}>&-
+ _p9k__restore_prompt_fd=0
+ }
prompt__p9k_internal_nothing() { _p9k__prompt+='${_p9k_sss::=}'; }
@@ -5553,33 +6064,23 @@ _p9k_all_params_eq() {
_p9k_init_display() {
- _p9k__display_k=(empty_line 1 ruler 3)
- _p9k__display_v=(empty_line hide ruler hide)
+ _p9k_display_k=(empty_line 1 ruler 3)
local -i n=3 i
local name
for i in {1..$#_p9k_line_segments_left}; do
local -i j=$((-$#_p9k_line_segments_left+i-1))
- _p9k__display_k+=(
+ _p9k_display_k+=(
$i $((n+=2)) $j $n
$i/left_frame $((n+=2)) $j/left_frame $n
$i/right_frame $((n+=2)) $j/right_frame $n
$i/left $((n+=2)) $j/left $n
$i/right $((n+=2)) $j/right $n
$i/gap $((n+=2)) $j/gap $n)
- _p9k__display_v+=(
- $i show
- $i/left_frame show
- $i/right_frame show
- $i/left show
- $i/right show
- $i/gap show)
for name in ${(@0)_p9k_line_segments_left[i]}; do
- _p9k__display_k+=($i/left/$name $((n+=2)) $j/left/$name $n)
- _p9k__display_v+=($i/left/$name show)
+ _p9k_display_k+=($i/left/$name $((n+=2)) $j/left/$name $n)
for name in ${(@0)_p9k_line_segments_right[i]}; do
- _p9k__display_k+=($i/right/$name $((n+=2)) $j/right/$name $n)
- _p9k__display_v+=($i/right/$name show)
+ _p9k_display_k+=($i/right/$name $((n+=2)) $j/right/$name $n)
@@ -5724,13 +6225,14 @@ _p9k_must_init() {
[[ $sig == $_p9k__param_sig ]] && return 1
- _p9k__param_pat=$'v22\1'${ZSH_VERSION}$'\1'${ZSH_PATCHLEVEL}$'\1'
+ _p9k__param_pat=$'v26\1'${ZSH_VERSION}$'\1'${ZSH_PATCHLEVEL}$'\1'
- _p9k__param_pat+=$'$functions[p10k-on-pre-prompt]\1'
+ _p9k__param_pat+=$'$functions[p10k-on-init]$functions[p10k-on-pre-prompt]\1'
+ _p9k__param_pat+=$'$functions[p10k-on-post-widget]$functions[p10k-on-post-prompt]\1'
local MATCH
IFS=$'\1' _p9k__param_pat+="${(@)${(@o)parameters[(I)POWERLEVEL9K_*]}:/(#m)*/\${${(q)MATCH}-$IFS\}}"
IFS=$'\2' _p9k__param_sig="${(e)_p9k__param_pat}"
@@ -5747,6 +6249,30 @@ function _p9k_init_cacheable() {
+ _p9k_init_display
+ local elem
+ local -i i=0
+ for i in {1..$#_p9k_line_segments_left}; do
+ for elem in ${(@0)_p9k_line_segments_left[i]}; do
+ local var=POWERLEVEL9K_${(U)elem}_SHOW_ON_COMMAND
+ (( $+parameters[$var] )) || continue
+ _p9k_show_on_command+=(
+ $'(|*[/\0])('${(j.|.)${(P)var}}')'
+ $((1+_p9k_display_k[$i/left/$elem]))
+ _p9k__${i}l$elem)
+ done
+ for elem in ${(@0)_p9k_line_segments_right[i]}; do
+ local var=POWERLEVEL9K_${(U)elem}_SHOW_ON_COMMAND
+ (( $+parameters[$var] )) || continue
+ local cmds=(${(P)var})
+ _p9k_show_on_command+=(
+ $'(|*[/\0])('${(j.|.)${(P)var}}')'
+ $((1+$_p9k_display_k[$i/right/$elem]))
+ _p9k__${i}r$elem)
+ done
+ done
if [[ $_POWERLEVEL9K_TRANSIENT_PROMPT != off ]]; then
@@ -5827,14 +6353,13 @@ function _p9k_init_cacheable() {
'DISCONNECTED' "$_p9k_color2"
- local -i i=0
# This simpler construct doesn't work on zsh-5.1 with multi-line prompt:
# ${(@0)_p9k_line_segments_left[@]}
local -a left_segments=(${(@0)${(pj:\0:)_p9k_line_segments_left}})
for ((i = 2; i <= $#left_segments; ++i)); do
- local elem=$left_segments[i]
+ elem=$left_segments[i]
if [[ $elem == *_joined ]]; then
@@ -5845,7 +6370,7 @@ function _p9k_init_cacheable() {
local -a right_segments=(${(@0)${(pj:\0:)_p9k_line_segments_right}})
for ((i = 2; i <= $#right_segments; ++i)); do
- local elem=$right_segments[i]
+ elem=$right_segments[i]
if [[ $elem == *_joined ]]; then
@@ -5994,7 +6519,14 @@ _p9k_init() {
_p9k_restore_state || _p9k_init_cacheable
- _p9k_init_display
+ local k v
+ for k v in ${(kv)_p9k_display_k}; do
+ [[ $k == -* ]] && continue
+ _p9k__display_v[v]=$k
+ _p9k__display_v[v+1]=show
+ done
+ _p9k__display_v[2]=hide
+ _p9k__display_v[4]=hide
if (( $+functions[iterm2_decorate_prompt] )); then
@@ -6025,23 +6557,6 @@ _p9k_init() {
- _p9k_wrap_zle_widget zle-line-finish _p9k_zle_line_finish
- _p9k_wrap_zle_widget zle-line-init _p9k_zle_line_init
- if _p9k_segment_in_use vi_mode || _p9k_segment_in_use prompt_char; then
- _p9k_wrap_zle_widget zle-keymap-select _p9k_zle_keymap_select
- fi
- if _p9k_segment_in_use vi_mode && (( $+_POWERLEVEL9K_VI_VISUAL_MODE_STRING )) || _p9k_segment_in_use prompt_char; then
- _p9k_wrap_zle_widget zle-line-pre-redraw _p9k_zle_line_pre_redraw
- fi
- if { _p9k_segment_in_use vi_mode && (( $+_POWERLEVEL9K_VI_OVERWRITE_MODE_STRING )) } ||
- { _p9k_segment_in_use prompt_char && (( _POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_OVERWRITE_STATE )) }; then
- _p9k_wrap_zle_widget overwrite-mode _p9k_zle_state_changed
- _p9k_wrap_zle_widget vi-replace _p9k_zle_state_changed
- fi
if _p9k_segment_in_use dir &&
[[ $_POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY == truncate_with_package_name && $+commands[jq] == 0 ]]; then
print -rP -- '%F{yellow}WARNING!%f %BPOWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY=truncate_with_package_name%b requires %F{green}jq%f.'
@@ -6241,9 +6756,15 @@ typeset -gr __p9k_p10k_display_usage="Usage: %2Fp10k%f %Bdisplay%b part-pattern=
Show, hide or toggle prompt parts. If called from zle, the current
prompt is refreshed.
+Usage: %2Fp10k%f %Bdisplay%b -a [part-pattern]...
+Populate array \\\`reply\\\` with states of prompt parts matching the patterns.
+If no patterns are supplied, assume \\\`*\\\`.
empty_line empty line (duh)
- ruler ruler; if POWERLEVEL9K_RULER_CHAR=' ', it's essentially another new_line
+ ruler ruler; if POWERLEVEL9K_RULER_CHAR=' ', it's essentially another
+ new_line
N prompt line number N, 1-based; counting from the top if positive,
from the bottom if negative
N/left_frame left frame on the Nth line
@@ -6258,14 +6779,31 @@ Part States:
show the part is displayed
hide the part is not displayed
print the part is printed in precmd; only applicable to empty_line and
- ruler; looks better than show after clear; unlike show, the effects
- of print cannot be undone with hide
+ ruler; looks better than show after calling \\\`clear\\\`; unlike
+ show, the effects of print cannot be undone with hide
+part-pattern is a glob pattern for parts. Examples:
+ */kubecontext all kubecontext prompt segments, regardless of where
+ they are
+ 1/(right|right_frame) all prompt segments and frame from the right side of
+ the first line
+state-list is a comma-separated list of states. Must have at least one element.
+If more than one, states will rotate.
Example: Bind Ctrl+P to toggle right prompt.
function toggle-right-prompt() { p10k display '*/right'=hide,show; }
zle -N toggle-right-prompt
- bindkey '^P' toggle-right-prompt"
+ bindkey '^P' toggle-right-prompt
+Example: Print the state of all prompt parts:
+ local -A reply
+ p10k display -a '*'
+ printf '%%32s = %%q\n' \\\${(@kv)reply}
# 0 -- reset-prompt not blocked
# 1 -- reset-prompt blocked and not needed
@@ -6286,7 +6824,8 @@ function p10k() {
case $1 in
- local opt state bg=0 fg icon cond text ref=0 expand=0
+ local -i OPTIND
+ local OPTARG opt state bg=0 fg icon cond text ref=0 expand=0
while getopts ':s:b:f:i:c:t:reh' opt; do
case $opt in
s) state=$OPTARG;;
@@ -6327,17 +6866,36 @@ function p10k() {
print -rP -- $__p9k_p10k_display_usage >&2
return 1
- if [[ $2 == -h ]]; then
- print -rP -- $__p9k_p10k_display_usage >&2
+ shift
+ local -i OPTIND k dump
+ local OPTARG opt match MATCH prev new pair list name var
+ while getopts ':ha' opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ a) dump=1;;
+ h) print -rP -- $__p9k_p10k_display_usage; return 0;;
+ ?) print -rP -- $__p9k_p10k_display_usage >&2; return 1;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if (( dump )); then
+ reply=()
+ shift $((OPTIND-1))
+ (( ARGC )) || set -- '*'
+ for opt; do
+ for k in ${(u@)_p9k_display_k[(I)$opt]:/(#m)*/$_p9k_display_k[$MATCH]}; do
+ reply+=($_p9k__display_v[k,k+1])
+ done
+ done
return 0
- shift
- local opt match MATCH prev new pair list name var
- local -i k
- for opt; do
+ for opt in "${@:$OPTIND}"; do
- for k in ${(u@)_p9k__display_k[(I)$pair[1]]:/(#m)*/$_p9k__display_k[$MATCH]}; do
+ if [[ ${(b)pair[1]} == $pair[1] ]]; then # this branch is purely for optimization
+ local ks=($_p9k_display_k[$pair[1]])
+ else
+ local ks=(${(u@)_p9k_display_k[(I)$pair[1]]:/(#m)*/$_p9k_display_k[$MATCH]})
+ fi
+ for k in $ks; do
if (( $#list == 1 )); then # this branch is purely for optimization
[[ $_p9k__display_v[k+1] == $list[1] ]] && continue
@@ -6420,6 +6978,7 @@ zmodload zsh/parameter 2>/dev/null #
zmodload zsh/system
zmodload zsh/termcap
zmodload zsh/terminfo
+zmodload zsh/zleparameter
zmodload -F zsh/stat b:zstat
zmodload -F zsh/net/socket b:zsocket
zmodload -F zsh/files b:zf_mv b:zf_rm