path: root/internal/worker.zsh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'internal/worker.zsh')
1 files changed, 362 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/internal/worker.zsh b/internal/worker.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae0b8dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/worker.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+# invoked in worker: _p9k_worker_main <timeout>
+function _p9k_worker_main() {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob no_prompt_bang prompt_percent prompt_subst no_aliases no_bgnice
+ zmodload zsh/system || return
+ zmodload zsh/zselect || return
+ ! { zselect -t0 || (( $? != 1 )) } || return
+ function _p9k_worker_reply_begin() { print e }
+ function _p9k_worker_reply_end() { print -n -- '\x1e' }
+ typeset -g IFS=$' \t\n\0'
+ local req fd buf
+ local -a ready
+ local -A inflight # fd => id$'\x1f'sync
+ local -ri _p9k_worker_runs_me=1
+ {
+ while zselect -a ready 0 ${(k)inflight}; do
+ [[ $ready[1] == -r ]] || return
+ for fd in ${ready:1}; do
+ if [[ $fd == 0 ]]; then
+ buf=
+ while true; do
+ sysread -t 0 'buf[$#buf+1]' && continue
+ (( $? == 4 )) || return
+ [[ $buf[-1] == (|$'\x1e') ]] && break
+ sysread 'buf[$#buf+1]' || return
+ done
+ for req in ${(ps:\x1e:)buf}; do
+ local parts=("${(@ps:\x1f:)req}") # id cond async sync
+ if () { eval $parts[2] }; then
+ if [[ -n $parts[3] ]]; then
+ sysopen -r -o cloexec -u fd <(
+ () { eval $parts[3]; } && print -n '\x1e') || return
+ inflight[$fd]=$parts[1]$'\x1f'$parts[4]
+ continue
+ fi
+ () { eval $parts[4] }
+ fi
+ if [[ -n $parts[1] ]]; then
+ print -rn -- d$parts[1]$'\x1e' || return
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ buf=
+ while true; do
+ sysread -i $fd 'buf[$#buf+1]' && continue
+ (( $? == 5 )) || return
+ break
+ done
+ local parts=("${(@ps:\x1f:)inflight[$fd]}") # id sync
+ if [[ $buf == *$'\x1e' ]]; then
+ () { eval ${buf[1,-2]}$'\n'$parts[2] }
+ fi
+ if [[ -n $parts[1] ]]; then
+ print -rn -- d$parts[1]$'\x1e' || return
+ fi
+ unset "inflight[$fd]"
+ exec {fd}>&-
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ } always {
+ kill -- -$sysparams[pid]
+ }
+typeset -g _p9k__worker_pid
+typeset -g _p9k__worker_req_fd
+typeset -g _p9k__worker_resp_fd
+typeset -g _p9k__worker_shell_pid
+typeset -g _p9k__worker_file_prefix
+typeset -gaU _p9k__worker_params
+typeset -gaU _p9k__worker_functions
+typeset -gA _p9k__worker_request_map
+typeset -ga _p9k__worker_request_queue
+function _p9k_worker_print_params() {
+ local names=(${@:/(#m)*/${${${+parameters[$MATCH]}:#0}:+$MATCH}})
+ (( ! $#names )) && return
+ print -n -- '\x1f' && typeset -p -- $names && print -n -- '\x1f\x1f\x1e'
+function _p9k_worker_print_functions() {
+ local names=(${@:/(#m)*/${${${+functions[$MATCH]}:#0}:+$MATCH}})
+ (( ! $#names )) && return
+ print -n -- '\x1f' && functions -- $names && print -n -- '\x1f\x1f\x1e'
+# invoked in master: _p9k_worker_send_params [param]...
+function _p9k_worker_send_params() {
+ if [[ -n $_p9k__worker_req_fd ]]; then
+ _p9k_worker_print_params ${(u)@} >&$_p9k__worker_req_fd && return
+ _p9k_worker_stop
+ return 1
+ else
+ _p9k__worker_params+=($@)
+ fi
+# invoked in master: _p9k_worker_send_functions [function-name]...
+function _p9k_worker_send_functions() {
+ if [[ -n $_p9k__worker_req_fd ]]; then
+ _p9k_worker_print_functions ${(u)@} >&$_p9k__worker_req_fd && return
+ _p9k_worker_stop
+ return 1
+ else
+ _p9k__worker_functions+=($@)
+ fi
+# invoked in master: _p9k_worker_invoke <request-id> <cond> <async> <sync>
+function _p9k_worker_invoke() {
+ if [[ -n $_p9k__worker_resp_fd ]]; then
+ local req=$1$'\x1f'$2$'\x1f'$3$'\x1f'$4$'\x1e'
+ if [[ -n $_p9k__worker_req_fd && $+_p9k__worker_request_map[$1] == 0 ]]; then
+ [[ -n $1 ]] && _p9k__worker_request_map[$1]=
+ print -rnu $_p9k__worker_req_fd -- $req
+ return
+ fi
+ if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
+ (( $+_p9k__worker_request_map[$1] )) || _p9k__worker_request_queue+=$1
+ _p9k__worker_request_map[$1]=$req
+ else
+ _p9k__worker_request_queue+=$req
+ fi
+ else
+ if () { eval $2 }; then
+ local REPLY=
+ () { eval $3 }
+ () { eval $4 }
+ fi
+ fi
+function _p9k_worker_cleanup() {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob no_prompt_bang prompt_{percent,subst} no_aliases
+ [[ $_p9k__worker_shell_pid == $sysparams[pid] ]] && _p9k_worker_stop
+ return 0
+function _p9k_worker_stop() {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob no_prompt_bang prompt_{percent,subst} no_aliases
+ add-zsh-hook -D zshexit _p9k_worker_cleanup
+ [[ -n $_p9k__worker_resp_fd ]] && zle -F $_p9k__worker_resp_fd
+ [[ -n $_p9k__worker_resp_fd ]] && exec {_p9k__worker_resp_fd}>&-
+ [[ -n $_p9k__worker_req_fd ]] && exec {_p9k__worker_req_fd}>&-
+ [[ -n $_p9k__worker_pid ]] && kill -- -$_p9k__worker_pid 2>/dev/null
+ _p9k__worker_pid=
+ _p9k__worker_req_fd=
+ _p9k__worker_resp_fd=
+ _p9k__worker_shell_pid=
+ _p9k__worker_params=()
+ _p9k__worker_functions=()
+ _p9k__worker_request_map=()
+ _p9k__worker_request_queue=()
+ return 0
+function _p9k_worker_receive() {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob no_prompt_bang prompt_{percent,subst} no_aliases
+ {
+ (( $# <= 1 )) || return
+ local buf resp reset
+ while true; do
+ sysread -t 0 -i $_p9k__worker_resp_fd 'buf[$#buf+1]' && continue
+ (( $? == 4 )) || return
+ [[ $buf[-1] == (|$'\x1e') ]] && break
+ sysread -i $_p9k__worker_resp_fd 'buf[$#buf+1]' || return
+ done
+ for resp in ${(ps:\x1e:)buf}; do
+ local arg=$resp[2,-1]
+ case $resp[1] in
+ d)
+ local req=$_p9k__worker_request_map[$arg]
+ if [[ -n $req ]]; then
+ _p9k__worker_request_map[$arg]=
+ print -rnu $_p9k__worker_req_fd -- $req || return
+ else
+ unset "_p9k__worker_request_map[$arg]"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ e)
+ if (( start_time )); then
+ local -F end_time=EPOCHREALTIME
+ local -F3 latency=$((1000*(end_time-start_time)))
+ echo "latency: $latency ms" >>/tmp/log
+ start_time=0
+ fi
+ reset=1
+ () { eval $arg }
+ ;;
+ s)
+ [[ -z $_p9k__worker_pid ]] || return
+ [[ $arg == <1-> ]] || return
+ _p9k__worker_pid=$arg
+ sysopen -w -o cloexec -u _p9k__worker_req_fd $_p9k__worker_file_prefix.fifo || return
+ {
+ local init="
+ zmodload zsh/datetime
+ zmodload zsh/mathfunc
+ zmodload zsh/parameter
+ zmodload zsh/system
+ zmodload zsh/termcap
+ zmodload zsh/terminfo
+ zmodload zsh/zleparameter
+ zmodload -F zsh/stat b:zstat
+ zmodload -F zsh/net/socket b:zsocket
+ zmodload -F zsh/files b:zf_mv b:zf_rm
+ autoload -Uz is-at-least
+ () { $functions[_p9k_worker_main] }"
+ print -r -- ${init//$'\n'/$'\x1e'} || return
+ _p9k_worker_print_params $_p9k__worker_params || return
+ _p9k_worker_print_functions $_p9k__worker_functions || return
+ _p9k__worker_params=()
+ _p9k__worker_functions()
+ local req=
+ for req in $_p9k__worker_request_queue; do
+ if [[ $req != *$'\x1e' ]]; then
+ local id=$req
+ req=$_p9k__worker_request_map[$id]
+ _p9k__worker_request_map[$id]=
+ fi
+ print -rnu $_p9k__worker_req_fd -- $req || return
+ done
+ _p9k__worker_request_queue=()
+ } >&$_p9k__worker_req_fd
+ ;;
+ *)
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ (( reset )) && _p9k_reset_prompt
+ return 0
+ } always {
+ (( $? )) && _p9k_worker_stop
+ }
+function _p9k_worker_start() {
+ setopt no_bgnice
+ {
+ [[ -n $_p9k__worker_resp_fd ]] && return
+ _p9k__worker_file_prefix=${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/p10k.worker.$EUID.$$.$EPOCHSECONDS
+ if [[ -n $_POWERLEVEL9K_WORKER_LOG_LEVEL ]]; then
+ local trace=x
+ local log_file=$file_prefix.log
+ else
+ local trace=
+ local log_file=/dev/null
+ fi
+ log_file=/tmp/log # todo: remove
+ trace=x
+ local fifo=$_p9k__worker_file_prefix.fifo
+ local zsh=${${:-/proc/self/exe}:A}
+ [[ -x $zsh ]] || zsh=zsh
+ local bootstrap='
+ "emulate" "-L" "zsh" "-o" "no_aliases" "-o" "no_bgnice"
+ {
+ local fifo='${(q)fifo}'
+ {
+ zmodload zsh/system &&
+ mkfifo $fifo &&
+ exec >&4 &&
+ echo -n "s$sysparams[pid]\x1e" &&
+ exec 0<$fifo || exit
+ } always { rm -f -- $fifo }
+ IFS= read -r && eval ${REPLY//$'"'\x1e'"'/$'"'\n'"'}
+ } &!
+ exec true'
+ sysopen -r -o cloexec -u _p9k__worker_resp_fd <(
+ _p9k_worker_bootstrap=${bootstrap// ##} </dev/null 4>&1 &>>$log_file \
+ exec $zsh -${trace}dfmc '"eval" "$_p9k_worker_bootstrap"') || return
+ zle -F $_p9k__worker_resp_fd _p9k_worker_receive
+ _p9k__worker_shell_pid=$sysparams[pid]
+ add-zsh-hook zshexit _p9k_worker_cleanup
+ } always {
+ (( $? )) && _p9k_worker_stop
+ }
+# todo: remove
+function _p9k_reset_prompt() {
+ zle && zle reset-prompt && zle -R
+emulate -L zsh -o prompt_subst # -o xtrace
+zmodload zsh/datetime
+zmodload zsh/system
+autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
+typeset -F start_time=EPOCHREALTIME
+echo -E - $((1000*(EPOCHREALTIME-start_time)))
+function foo_cond() {
+ typeset -gi foo_counter
+ typeset -g foo="[$bar] cond $1 $((foo_counter++))"
+function foo_async() {
+ sleep 1
+ REPLY="$foo / async $1"
+function foo_sync() {
+ REPLY+=" / sync $1"
+ _p9k_worker_reply "typeset -g foo=${(q)REPLY}"
+() {
+ typeset -g RPROMPT='$foo %*'
+ typeset -g bar='lol'
+ _p9k_worker_send_params bar
+ local f
+ for f in foo_{cond,async,sync}; do
+ _p9k_worker_invoke "" "function $f() { $functions[$f] }" "" ""
+ done
+ () {
+ local -i i
+ for i in {1..10}; do
+ _p9k_worker_invoke foo$i "foo_cond c$i\$\{" "foo_async a$i\$\{" "foo_sync s$i\$\{"
+ done
+ }
+function in_worker() {
+ _p9k_worker_reply 'echo roundtrip: $((1000*(EPOCHREALTIME-'$1'))) >>/tmp/log'
+_p9k_worker_invoke "" "function in_worker() { $functions[in_worker] }" "" ""
+_p9k_worker_invoke w "in_worker $EPOCHREALTIME" "" ""
+# for i in {1..100}; do _p9k_worker_invoke w$i "in_worker $EPOCHREALTIME"; done
+# TODO:
+# - Segment API: _p9k_prompt_foo_worker_{params,cond,async,sync}.
+# - _p9k_worker_request -- cacheable variable that contains full request to worker.
+# - _p9k_set_prompt sends stuff to worker or evals it.
+# - _p9k_on_expand has _REALTIME check at the top and sends keep-alive to worker.