path: root/internal
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'internal')
2 files changed, 76 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/internal/configure.zsh b/internal/configure.zsh
index 4fb7cb6e..3e880f23 100644
--- a/internal/configure.zsh
+++ b/internal/configure.zsh
@@ -59,7 +59,10 @@ function _p9k_can_configure() {
$0_error "terminal size too small; must be at least $__p9k_wizard_columns columns by $__p9k_wizard_lines lines"
return 1
- [[ -t 0 && -t 1 ]] || { $0_error "no TTY"; return 2 }
+ [[ -t 0 && -t 1 ]] || {
+ $0_error "no TTY"
+ return 2
+ }
return 0
} always {
unfunction $0_error
diff --git a/internal/wizard.zsh b/internal/wizard.zsh
index 9fcb36e3..0b81417a 100644
--- a/internal/wizard.zsh
+++ b/internal/wizard.zsh
@@ -14,22 +14,11 @@ if (( OPTIND <= ARGC )); then
return 1
-if (( $+terminfo[smcup] && $+terminfo[rmcup] )) && echoti smcup 2>/dev/null; then
- function restore_screen() {
- echoti rmcup 2>/dev/null
- function restore_screen() {}
- }
- function restore_screen() {}
local -i in_z4h_wizard=0
[[ $force == 0 && $+functions[z4h] == 1 && -n $Z4H && -e $Z4H/welcome ]] && in_z4h_wizard=1
local -i success=0
-{ # always
local -ri force
local -r font_base_url='https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k-media/raw/master'
@@ -1566,40 +1555,12 @@ function ask_zshrc_edit() {
if (( $+functions[z4h] )); then
+ return
+ check_zshrc_integration || quit -c
[[ $instant_prompt == off ]] && zshrc_has_instant_prompt=1
- if [[ -e $__p9k_zshrc ]]; then
- zshrc_content="$(<$__p9k_zshrc)" || quit -c
- local lines=(${(f)zshrc_content})
- local f0=$__p9k_cfg_path_o
- local f1=${(q)f0}
- local f2=${(q-)f0}
- local f3=${(qq)f0}
- local f4=${(qqq)f0}
- local g1=${${(q)__p9k_cfg_path_o}/#(#b)${(q)HOME}\//'~/'}
- local h0='${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.p10k.zsh'
- local h1='${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.p10k.zsh'
- local h2='"${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.p10k.zsh"'
- local h3='"${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}"/.p10k.zsh'
- local h4='${ZDOTDIR}/.p10k.zsh'
- local h5='"${ZDOTDIR}/.p10k.zsh"'
- local h6='"${ZDOTDIR}"/.p10k.zsh'
- local h7='$ZDOTDIR/.p10k.zsh'
- local h8='"$ZDOTDIR/.p10k.zsh"'
- local h9='"$ZDOTDIR"/.p10k.zsh'
- if [[ -n ${(@M)lines:#(#b)[^#]#([^[:IDENT:]]|)source[[:space:]]##($f1|$f2|$f3|$f4|$g1|$h0|$h1|$h2|$h3|$h4|$h5|$h6|$h7|$h8|$h9|$h10|$h11)(|[[:space:]]*|'#'*)} ]]; then
- zshrc_has_cfg=1
- fi
- local pre='${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh'
- if [[ -n ${(@M)lines:#(#b)[^#]#([^[:IDENT:]]|)source[[:space:]]##($pre|\"$pre\")(|[[:space:]]*|'#'*)} ]]; then
- zshrc_has_instant_prompt=1
- fi
- (( zshrc_has_cfg && zshrc_has_instant_prompt )) && return
- fi
+ (( zshrc_has_cfg && zshrc_has_instant_prompt )) && return
add_widget 0 flowing -c %BApply changes to "%b%2F${__p9k_zshrc_u//\\/\\\\}%f%B?%b"
add_widget 0 print -P ""
@@ -1951,6 +1912,75 @@ fi" || return
return 0
+function check_zshrc_integration() {
+ typeset -g zshrc_content=
+ typeset -gi zshrc_has_cfg=0 zshrc_has_instant_prompt=0
+ [[ -e $__p9k_zshrc ]] || return 0
+ zshrc_content="$(<$__p9k_zshrc)" || return
+ local lines=(${(f)zshrc_content})
+ local f0=$__p9k_cfg_path_o
+ local f1=${(q)f0}
+ local f2=${(q-)f0}
+ local f3=${(qq)f0}
+ local f4=${(qqq)f0}
+ local g1=${${(q)__p9k_cfg_path_o}/#(#b)${(q)HOME}\//'~/'}
+ local h0='${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.p10k.zsh'
+ local h1='${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.p10k.zsh'
+ local h2='"${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.p10k.zsh"'
+ local h3='"${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}"/.p10k.zsh'
+ local h4='${ZDOTDIR}/.p10k.zsh'
+ local h5='"${ZDOTDIR}/.p10k.zsh"'
+ local h6='"${ZDOTDIR}"/.p10k.zsh'
+ local h7='$ZDOTDIR/.p10k.zsh'
+ local h8='"$ZDOTDIR/.p10k.zsh"'
+ local h9='"$ZDOTDIR"/.p10k.zsh'
+ if [[ -n ${(@M)lines:#(#b)[^#]#([^[:IDENT:]]|)source[[:space:]]##($f1|$f2|$f3|$f4|$g1|$h0|$h1|$h2|$h3|$h4|$h5|$h6|$h7|$h8|$h9|$h10|$h11)(|[[:space:]]*|'#'*)} ]]; then
+ zshrc_has_cfg=1
+ fi
+ local pre='${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh'
+ if [[ -n ${(@M)lines:#(#b)[^#]#([^[:IDENT:]]|)source[[:space:]]##($pre|\"$pre\")(|[[:space:]]*|'#'*)} ]]; then
+ zshrc_has_instant_prompt=1
+ fi
+ return 0
+() {
+ (( force )) && return
+ _p9k_can_configure -q || return 0
+ local zshrc_content zshrc_has_cfg zshrc_has_instant_prompt
+ check_zshrc_integration 2>/dev/null || return 0
+ (( zshrc_has_cfg )) || return 0
+ [[ -s $__p9k_cfg_path ]] || return 0
+ print -P ""
+ flowing \
+ Powerlevel10k configuration file "($__p9k_cfg_path_u)" was not sourced. This \
+ might have been caused by errors in zsh startup files, most likely in \
+ $__p9k_zshrc_u. See above for any indication of such errors and fix them. If \
+ there are no errors, try running Powerlevel10k configuration wizard:
+ print -P ''
+ print -P ' %2Fp10k%f %Bconfigure%b'
+ print -P ''
+ flowing \
+ If you do nothing, you will see this message again when you start zsh. You can \
+ suppress it by defining %BPOWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_CONFIGURATION_WIZARD=true%b in \
+ $__p9k_zshrc_u.
+ print -P ''
+ return 1
+} || return
+if (( $+terminfo[smcup] && $+terminfo[rmcup] )) && echoti smcup 2>/dev/null; then
+ function restore_screen() {
+ echoti rmcup 2>/dev/null
+ function restore_screen() {}
+ }
+ function restore_screen() {}
+{ # always
if (( force )); then
_p9k_can_configure || return