path: root/internal
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Diffstat (limited to 'internal')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/internal/p10k.zsh b/internal/p10k.zsh
index ea7e1d84..496a997b 100755
--- a/internal/p10k.zsh
+++ b/internal/p10k.zsh
@@ -841,10 +841,78 @@ _p9k_right_prompt_segment() {
function _p9k_prompt_segment() { "_p9k_${_p9k_prompt_side}_prompt_segment" "$@" }
+typeset -gr __p9k_prompt_segment_usage="Usage: p9k_prompt_segment [{+|-}re] [-s state] [-b bg] [-f fg] [-i icon] [-c cond] [-t text]
+ -t text segment's main content; will undergo prompt expansion: '%F{blue}%T%f' will
+ show as blue current time
+ -i icon segment's icon
+ -r icon is a symbolic reference that needs to be resolved; for example, 'LOCK_ICON'
+ +r icon is already resolved and should be printed literally; for example, '⭐';
+ this is the default
+ -b bg background color; for example, 'blue', '4', or '#0000ff'; empty value means
+ transparent background
+ -f fg foreground color; for example, 'blue', '4', or '#0000ff'; empty value means
+ default foreground color ('%f')
+ -s state segment's state for the purpose of applying styling options; if you want to
+ to be able to use POWERLEVEL9K parameters to specify different colors or icons
+ depending on some property, use different states for different values of that
+ property
+ -c condition; if empty after parameter expansion and process substitution, the
+ segment is hidden; this is an advance feature, use with caution
+ -e segment's main content will undergo parameter expansion and process
+ substitution; the content will be surrounded with double quotes and thus
+ should quote its own double quotes; this is an advance feature, use with
+ caution
+ +e segment's main content should not undergo parameter expansion and process
+ substitution; this is the default
+ -h print this help message and return
+Example: 'core' segment tells you if there is a file name 'core' in the current directory.
+- If you have permissions to delete the file, state is DELETABLE. If not, it's PROTECTED.
+- Segment's icon is '⭐'.
+- Segment's text is the file's size in bytes.
+ zmodload -F zsh/stat b:zstat
+ function prompt_core() {
+ local size=()
+ if ! zstat -A size +size core 2>/dev/null; then
+ # No 'core' file in the current directory.
+ return
+ fi
+ if [[ -w . ]]; then
+ local state=DELETABLE
+ else
+ local state=PROTECTED
+ fi
+ p9k_prompt_segment -s \$state -i '⭐' -b black -f blue -t \${size[1]}b
+ }
+To enable this segment, add 'core' to POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS or
+Example customizations:
+ # Override foreground.
+ # Override background when DELETABLE.
+ # Override icon when PROTECTED.
+ # Don't show file size when PROTECTED.
+# Type `p9k_prompt_segment -h` for usage.
function p9k_prompt_segment() {
emulate -L zsh && setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob
- local opt state bg fg icon cond text sym=0 expand=0
- while getopts 's:b:f:i:c:t:se' opt; do
+ local opt state bg fg icon cond text ref=0 expand=0
+ while getopts ':s:b:f:i:c:t:re' opt; do
case $opt in
s) state=$OPTARG;;
b) bg=$OPTARG;;
@@ -852,19 +920,19 @@ function p9k_prompt_segment() {
i) icon=$OPTARG;;
c) cond=${OPTARG:-'${:-}'};;
t) text=$OPTARG;;
- s) sym=1;;
+ r) ref=1;;
e) expand=1;;
- +s) sym=0;;
+ +r) ref=0;;
+e) expand=0;;
- ?) return 1;;
+ ?) echo -E - $__p9k_prompt_segment_usage >&2; return 1;;
done) break;;
if (( OPTIND <= ARGC )) {
- echo "usage: p9k_prompt_segment [{+|-}re] [-s state] [-b bg] [-f fg] [-i icon] [-c cond] [-t text]" >&2
+ echo -E - $__p9k_prompt_segment_usage >&2
return 1
- (( sym )) || icon=$'\1'$icon
+ (( ref )) || icon=$'\1'$icon
"_p9k_${_p9k_prompt_side}_prompt_segment" "prompt_${_p9k_segment_name}${state:+_${(U)state}}" \
"$bg" "${fg:-$_p9k_color1}" "$icon" "$expand" "$cond" "$text"
return 0