path: root/internal
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'internal')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/internal/p10k.zsh b/internal/p10k.zsh
index d72ee2bd..bd4c90d8 100755
--- a/internal/p10k.zsh
+++ b/internal/p10k.zsh
@@ -27,9 +27,229 @@ if ! autoload -Uz is-at-least || ! is-at-least 5.1; then
return 1
-source "${__p9k_installation_dir}/functions/utilities.zsh"
+# For compatibility with Powerlevel9k. It's not recommended to use mnemonic color
+# names in the configuration except for colors 0-7 as these are standard.
+typeset -grA __p9k_colors=(
+ black 000 red 001 green 002 yellow 003
+ blue 004 magenta 005 cyan 006 white 007
+ grey 008 maroon 009 lime 010 olive 011
+ navy 012 fuchsia 013 aqua 014 teal 014
+ silver 015 grey0 016 navyblue 017 darkblue 018
+ blue3 020 blue1 021 darkgreen 022 deepskyblue4 025
+ dodgerblue3 026 dodgerblue2 027 green4 028 springgreen4 029
+ turquoise4 030 deepskyblue3 032 dodgerblue1 033 darkcyan 036
+ lightseagreen 037 deepskyblue2 038 deepskyblue1 039 green3 040
+ springgreen3 041 cyan3 043 darkturquoise 044 turquoise2 045
+ green1 046 springgreen2 047 springgreen1 048 mediumspringgreen 049
+ cyan2 050 cyan1 051 purple4 055 purple3 056
+ blueviolet 057 grey37 059 mediumpurple4 060 slateblue3 062
+ royalblue1 063 chartreuse4 064 paleturquoise4 066 steelblue 067
+ steelblue3 068 cornflowerblue 069 darkseagreen4 071 cadetblue 073
+ skyblue3 074 chartreuse3 076 seagreen3 078 aquamarine3 079
+ mediumturquoise 080 steelblue1 081 seagreen2 083 seagreen1 085
+ darkslategray2 087 darkred 088 darkmagenta 091 orange4 094
+ lightpink4 095 plum4 096 mediumpurple3 098 slateblue1 099
+ wheat4 101 grey53 102 lightslategrey 103 mediumpurple 104
+ lightslateblue 105 yellow4 106 darkseagreen 108 lightskyblue3 110
+ skyblue2 111 chartreuse2 112 palegreen3 114 darkslategray3 116
+ skyblue1 117 chartreuse1 118 lightgreen 120 aquamarine1 122
+ darkslategray1 123 deeppink4 125 mediumvioletred 126 darkviolet 128
+ purple 129 mediumorchid3 133 mediumorchid 134 darkgoldenrod 136
+ rosybrown 138 grey63 139 mediumpurple2 140 mediumpurple1 141
+ darkkhaki 143 navajowhite3 144 grey69 145 lightsteelblue3 146
+ lightsteelblue 147 darkolivegreen3 149 darkseagreen3 150 lightcyan3 152
+ lightskyblue1 153 greenyellow 154 darkolivegreen2 155 palegreen1 156
+ darkseagreen2 157 paleturquoise1 159 red3 160 deeppink3 162
+ magenta3 164 darkorange3 166 indianred 167 hotpink3 168
+ hotpink2 169 orchid 170 orange3 172 lightsalmon3 173
+ lightpink3 174 pink3 175 plum3 176 violet 177
+ gold3 178 lightgoldenrod3 179 tan 180 mistyrose3 181
+ thistle3 182 plum2 183 yellow3 184 khaki3 185
+ lightyellow3 187 grey84 188 lightsteelblue1 189 yellow2 190
+ darkolivegreen1 192 darkseagreen1 193 honeydew2 194 lightcyan1 195
+ red1 196 deeppink2 197 deeppink1 199 magenta2 200
+ magenta1 201 orangered1 202 indianred1 204 hotpink 206
+ mediumorchid1 207 darkorange 208 salmon1 209 lightcoral 210
+ palevioletred1 211 orchid2 212 orchid1 213 orange1 214
+ sandybrown 215 lightsalmon1 216 lightpink1 217 pink1 218
+ plum1 219 gold1 220 lightgoldenrod2 222 navajowhite1 223
+ mistyrose1 224 thistle1 225 yellow1 226 lightgoldenrod1 227
+ khaki1 228 wheat1 229 cornsilk1 230 grey100 231
+ grey3 232 grey7 233 grey11 234 grey15 235
+ grey19 236 grey23 237 grey27 238 grey30 239
+ grey35 240 grey39 241 grey42 242 grey46 243
+ grey50 244 grey54 245 grey58 246 grey62 247
+ grey66 248 grey70 249 grey74 250 grey78 251
+ grey82 252 grey85 253 grey89 254 grey93 255)
+# For compatibility with Powerlevel9k.
+# Type `getColorCode background` or `getColorCode foreground` to see the list of predefined colors.
+function getColorCode() {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ if (( ARGC == 1 )); then
+ case $1 in
+ foreground)
+ local k
+ for k in "${(k@)__p9k_colors}"; do
+ local v=${__p9k_colors[$k]}
+ print -P "%F{$v}$v - $k%f"
+ done
+ return
+ ;;
+ background)
+ local k
+ for k in "${(k@)__p9k_colors}"; do
+ local v=${__p9k_colors[$k]}
+ print -P "%K{$v}$v - $k%k"
+ done
+ return
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ echo "Usage: getColorCode background|foreground" >&2
+ return 1
+# _p9k_declare <type> <uppercase-name> [default]...
+function _p9k_declare() {
+ local -i set=$+parameters[$2]
+ (( ARGC > 2 || set )) || return 0
+ case $1 in
+ -b)
+ if (( set )); then
+ [[ ${(P)2} == true ]] && typeset -gi _$2=1 || typeset -gi _$2=0
+ else
+ typeset -gi _$2=$3
+ fi
+ ;;
+ -a)
+ local -a v=(${(P)2})
+ if (( set )); then
+ eval "typeset -ga _${(q)2}=(${(@qq)v})";
+ else
+ if [[ $3 != '--' ]]; then
+ echo "internal error in _p9k_declare " "${(qqq)@}" >&2
+ fi
+ eval "typeset -ga _${(q)2}=(${(@qq)*[4,-1]})"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ -i)
+ (( set )) && typeset -gi _$2=$2 || typeset -gi _$2=$3
+ ;;
+ -F)
+ (( set )) && typeset -gF _$2=$2 || typeset -gF _$2=$3
+ ;;
+ -s)
+ (( set )) && typeset -g _$2=${(P)2} || typeset -g _$2=$3
+ ;;
+ -e)
+ if (( set )); then
+ local v=${(P)2}
+ typeset -g _$2=${(g::)v}
+ else
+ typeset -g _$2=${(g::)3}
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "internal error in _p9k_declare " "${(qqq)@}" >&2
+ esac
+# If we execute `print -P $1`, how many characters will be printed on the last line?
+# Assumes that `%{%}` and `%G` don't lie.
+# _p9k_prompt_length '' => 0
+# _p9k_prompt_length 'abc' => 3
+# _p9k_prompt_length $'abc\nxy' => 2
+# _p9k_prompt_length $'\t' => 8
+# _p9k_prompt_length '%F{red}abc' => 3
+# _p9k_prompt_length $'%{a\b%Gb%}' => 1
+function _p9k_prompt_length() {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ local COLUMNS=1024
+ local -i x y=$#1 m
+ if (( y )); then
+ while (( ${${(%):-$1%$y(l.1.0)}[-1]} )); do
+ x=y
+ (( y *= 2 ));
+ done
+ local xy
+ while (( y > x + 1 )); do
+ m=$(( x + (y - x) / 2 ))
+ typeset ${${(%):-$1%$m(l.x.y)}[-1]}=$m
+ done
+ fi
+ _p9k_ret=$x
+typeset -gr __p9k_byte_suffix=('B' 'K' 'M' 'G' 'T' 'P' 'E' 'Z' 'Y')
+# 42 => 42B
+# 1536 => 1.5K
+function _p9k_human_readable_bytes() {
+ typeset -F 2 n=$1
+ local suf
+ for suf in $__p9k_byte_suffix; do
+ (( n < 100 )) && break
+ (( n /= 1024 ))
+ done
+ _p9k_ret=$n$suf
+# Determine if the passed segment is used in the prompt
+# Pass the name of the segment to this function to test for its presence in
+# either the LEFT or RIGHT prompt arrays.
+# * $1: The segment to be tested.
+segment_in_use() {
+ (( $_POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS[(I)$1(|_joined)] ||
+function _p9k_parse_ip() {
+ local desiredInterface=${1:-'^[^ ]+'}
+ if [[ $_p9k_os == OSX ]]; then
+ [[ -x /sbin/ifconfig ]] || return
+ local rawInterfaces && rawInterfaces="$(/sbin/ifconfig -l 2>/dev/null)" || return
+ local -a interfaces=(${(A)=rawInterfaces})
+ local pattern="${desiredInterface}[^ ]?"
+ local -a relevantInterfaces
+ for rawInterface in $interfaces; do
+ [[ "$rawInterface" =~ $pattern ]] && relevantInterfaces+=$MATCH
+ done
+ local newline=$'\n'
+ local interfaceName interface
+ for interfaceName in $relevantInterfaces; do
+ interface="$(/sbin/ifconfig $interfaceName 2>/dev/null)" || continue
+ [[ "${interface}" =~ "lo[0-9]*" ]] && continue
+ if [[ "${interface//${newline}/}" =~ "<([^>]*)>(.*)inet[ ]+([^ ]*)" ]]; then
+ local ipFound="${match[3]}"
+ local -a interfaceStates=(${(s:,:)match[1]})
+ if (( ${interfaceStates[(I)UP]} )); then
+ _p9k_ret=$ipFound
+ return
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ [[ -x /sbin/ip ]] || return
+ local -a interfaces=( "${(f)$(/sbin/ip -brief -4 a show 2>/dev/null)}" )
+ local pattern="^${desiredInterface}[[:space:]]+UP[[:space:]]+([^/ ]+)"
+ local interface
+ for interface in "${(@)interfaces}"; do
+ if [[ "$interface" =~ $pattern ]]; then
+ _p9k_ret=$match[1]
+ return
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ return 1
source "${__p9k_installation_dir}/functions/icons.zsh"
-source "${__p9k_installation_dir}/functions/colors.zsh"
source "${__p9k_installation_dir}/functions/vcs.zsh"
# Caching allows storing array-to-array associations. It should be used like this:
@@ -1970,6 +2190,171 @@ typeset -gA __p9k_vcs_states=(
+function +vi-git-untracked() {
+ [[ -z "${vcs_comm[gitdir]}" || "${vcs_comm[gitdir]}" == "." ]] && return
+ # get the root for the current repo or submodule
+ local repoTopLevel="$(command git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2> /dev/null)"
+ # dump out if we're outside a git repository (which includes being in the .git folder)
+ [[ $? != 0 || -z $repoTopLevel ]] && return
+ local untrackedFiles=$(command git ls-files --others --exclude-standard "${repoTopLevel}" 2> /dev/null)
+ if [[ -z $untrackedFiles && $_POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_SHOW_SUBMODULE_DIRTY == 1 ]]; then
+ untrackedFiles+=$(command git submodule foreach --quiet --recursive 'command git ls-files --others --exclude-standard' 2> /dev/null)
+ fi
+ [[ -z $untrackedFiles ]] && return
+ hook_com[unstaged]+=" $(print_icon 'VCS_UNTRACKED_ICON')"
+function +vi-git-aheadbehind() {
+ local ahead behind
+ local -a gitstatus
+ # for git prior to 1.7
+ # ahead=$(command git rev-list origin/${hook_com[branch]}..HEAD | wc -l)
+ ahead=$(command git rev-list --count "${hook_com[branch]}"@{upstream}..HEAD 2>/dev/null)
+ (( ahead )) && gitstatus+=( " $(print_icon 'VCS_OUTGOING_CHANGES_ICON')${ahead// /}" )
+ # for git prior to 1.7
+ # behind=$(command git rev-list HEAD..origin/${hook_com[branch]} | wc -l)
+ behind=$(command git rev-list --count HEAD.."${hook_com[branch]}"@{upstream} 2>/dev/null)
+ (( behind )) && gitstatus+=( " $(print_icon 'VCS_INCOMING_CHANGES_ICON')${behind// /}" )
+ hook_com[misc]+=${(j::)gitstatus}
+function +vi-git-remotebranch() {
+ local remote
+ local branch_name="${hook_com[branch]}"
+ # Are we on a remote-tracking branch?
+ remote=${$(command git rev-parse --verify HEAD@{upstream} --symbolic-full-name 2>/dev/null)/refs\/(remotes|heads)\/}
+ if (( ${#hook_com[branch]} > _POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_SHORTEN_MIN_LENGTH && ${#hook_com[branch]} > _POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_SHORTEN_LENGTH )); then
+ truncate_middle)
+ ;;
+ truncate_from_right)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ fi
+ hook_com[branch]="${hook_com[branch]}"
+ else
+ hook_com[branch]="$(print_icon 'VCS_BRANCH_ICON')${hook_com[branch]}"
+ fi
+ # Always show the remote
+ #if [[ -n ${remote} ]] ; then
+ # Only show the remote if it differs from the local
+ if [[ -n ${remote} ]] && [[ "${remote#*/}" != "${branch_name}" ]] ; then
+ hook_com[branch]+="$(print_icon 'VCS_REMOTE_BRANCH_ICON')${remote// /}"
+ fi
+function +vi-git-tagname() {
+ if (( !_POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_HIDE_TAGS )); then
+ # If we are on a tag, append the tagname to the current branch string.
+ local tag
+ tag=$(command git describe --tags --exact-match HEAD 2>/dev/null)
+ if [[ -n "${tag}" ]] ; then
+ # There is a tag that points to our current commit. Need to determine if we
+ # are also on a branch, or are in a DETACHED_HEAD state.
+ if [[ -z $(command git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) ]]; then
+ # DETACHED_HEAD state. We want to append the tag name to the commit hash
+ # and print it. Unfortunately, `vcs_info` blows away the hash when a tag
+ # exists, so we have to manually retrieve it and clobber the branch
+ # string.
+ local revision
+ revision=$(command git rev-list -n 1 --abbrev-commit --abbrev=${_POWERLEVEL9K_CHANGESET_HASH_LENGTH} HEAD)
+ hook_com[branch]="${revision} $(print_icon 'VCS_TAG_ICON')${tag}"
+ else
+ hook_com[branch]="$(print_icon 'VCS_BRANCH_ICON')${revision} $(print_icon 'VCS_TAG_ICON')${tag}"
+ fi
+ else
+ # We are on both a tag and a branch; print both by appending the tag name.
+ hook_com[branch]+=" $(print_icon 'VCS_TAG_ICON')${tag}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+# Show count of stashed changes
+# Port from
+function +vi-git-stash() {
+ if [[ -s "${vcs_comm[gitdir]}/logs/refs/stash" ]] ; then
+ local -a stashes=( "${(@f)"$(<${vcs_comm[gitdir]}/logs/refs/stash)"}" )
+ hook_com[misc]+=" $(print_icon 'VCS_STASH_ICON')${#stashes}"
+ fi
+function +vi-hg-bookmarks() {
+ if [[ -n "${hgbmarks[@]}" ]]; then
+ hook_com[hg-bookmark-string]=" $(print_icon 'VCS_BOOKMARK_ICON')${hgbmarks[@]}"
+ # To signal that we want to use the sting we just generated, set the special
+ # variable `ret' to something other than the default zero:
+ ret=1
+ return 0
+ fi
+function +vi-vcs-detect-changes() {
+ if [[ "${hook_com[vcs]}" == "git" ]]; then
+ local remote=$(command git ls-remote --get-url 2> /dev/null)
+ if [[ "$remote" =~ "github" ]] then
+ vcs_visual_identifier='VCS_GIT_GITHUB_ICON'
+ elif [[ "$remote" =~ "bitbucket" ]] then
+ vcs_visual_identifier='VCS_GIT_BITBUCKET_ICON'
+ elif [[ "$remote" =~ "stash" ]] then
+ vcs_visual_identifier='VCS_GIT_BITBUCKET_ICON'
+ elif [[ "$remote" =~ "gitlab" ]] then
+ vcs_visual_identifier='VCS_GIT_GITLAB_ICON'
+ else
+ vcs_visual_identifier='VCS_GIT_ICON'
+ fi
+ elif [[ "${hook_com[vcs]}" == "hg" ]]; then
+ vcs_visual_identifier='VCS_HG_ICON'
+ elif [[ "${hook_com[vcs]}" == "svn" ]]; then
+ vcs_visual_identifier='VCS_SVN_ICON'
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "${hook_com[staged]}" ]] || [[ -n "${hook_com[unstaged]}" ]]; then
+ else
+ fi
+function +vi-svn-detect-changes() {
+ local svn_status="$(svn status)"
+ if [[ -n "$(echo "$svn_status" | \grep \^\?)" ]]; then
+ hook_com[unstaged]+=" $(print_icon 'VCS_UNTRACKED_ICON')"
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "$(echo "$svn_status" | \grep \^\M)" ]]; then
+ hook_com[unstaged]+=" $(print_icon 'VCS_UNSTAGED_ICON')"
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "$(echo "$svn_status" | \grep \^\A)" ]]; then
+ hook_com[staged]+=" $(print_icon 'VCS_STAGED_ICON')"
+ fi
powerlevel9k_vcs_init() {
autoload -Uz vcs_info