path: root/mbuild
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mbuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 365 deletions
diff --git a/mbuild b/mbuild
deleted file mode 100755
index 608e3aba..00000000
--- a/mbuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env zsh
-# This script does not have a stable API.
-# Usage: mbuild [-b git-ref] [kernel-arch]...
-# Builds a bunch of gitstatusd-* binaries. Without arguments builds binaries
-# for all platforms. git-ref defaults to master.
-# Before using this script you need to set up build servers and list them
-# in ~/.ssh/config. There should be a Host entry for every value of `assets`
-# association defined below. VMs and cloud instances work as well as physical
-# machines, including localhost. As long as the machine has been set up as
-# described below and you can SSH to it without password, it should work.
-# ===[ Build Server Setup ]===
-# Linux
-# - Install docker.
-# $ apt install # adjust appropriately if there is no `apt`
-# $ usermod -aG docker $USER # not needed if going to build as root
-# - Install git.
-# $ apt install git # adjust appropriately if there is no `apt`
-# macOS
-# - Install compiler tools:
-# $ xcode-select --install
-# - Install homebrew:
-# $ bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
-# FreeBSD
-# - Install git.
-# $ pkg install git
-# Windows
-# - Disable Windows Defender (optional).
-# ps> Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true
-# - Install 64-bit and 32-bit msys2:
-# - Open each of them after installation, type `pacman -Syu --noconfirm` and close the window.
-# - Then run in powershell while having no msys2 or cygwin windows open:
-# ps> C:\msys32\autorebase.bat
-# ps> C:\msys64\autorebase.bat
-# - Install 64-bit and 32-bit cygwin:
-# - Choose to install 32-bit to c:/cygwin32 instead of the default c:/cygwin.
-# - Select these packages: binutils, cmake, gcc-core, gcc-g++, git, make, perl, wget.
-# IMPORTANT: Install msys2 and cygwin one at a time.
-# IMPORTANT: msys2 builder can reboot the build machine.
-# Option 1: OpenSSH for Windows
-# - Install OpenSSH:
-# ps> Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~
-# ps> Start-Service sshd
-# ps> Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType 'Automatic'
-# - Enable publickey authentication:
-# ps> cd $env:USERPROFILE
-# ps> mkdir .ssh
-# ps> notepad.exe .ssh/authorized_keys
-# - Paste your public key, save, close.
-# ps> icacls .ssh/authorized_keys /inheritance:r
-# ps> notepad.exe C:\ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config
-# - Comment out these two lines, save, close:
-# # Match Group administrators
-# # AuthorizedKeysFile __PROGRAMDATA__/ssh/administrators_authorized_keys
-# ps> Restart-Service sshd
-# Option 2: OpenSSH from WSL
-# - Install WSL.
-# - Install Ubuntu.
-# - Install sshd.
-# $ apt install openssh-server
-# $ dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
-# $ cat >/etc/ssh/sshd_config <<\END
-# ClientAliveInterval 60
-# AcceptEnv TERM LANG LC_*
-# PermitRootLogin no
-# AllowTcpForwarding no
-# AllowAgentForwarding no
-# AllowStreamLocalForwarding no
-# AuthenticationMethods publickey
-# END
-# service ssh --full-restart
-# - Add your public ssh key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
-# - Make `sshd` start when Windows boots.
-'emulate' '-L' 'zsh' '-o' 'no_aliases' '-o' 'err_return'
-setopt no_unset extended_glob pipe_fail prompt_percent typeset_silent \
- no_prompt_subst no_prompt_bang pushd_silent warn_create_global
-autoload -Uz is-at-least
-if ! is-at-least 5.1 || [[ $ZSH_VERSION == 5.4.* ]]; then
- print -ru2 -- "[error] unsupported zsh version: $ZSH_VERSION"
- return 1
-zmodload zsh/system
-local -r git_url=''
-local -rA assets=(
- # target kernel-arch hostname of the build machine
- cygwin_nt-10.0-i686 build-windows-x86_64
- cygwin_nt-10.0-x86_64 build-windows-x86_64
- msys_nt-10.0-i686 build-windows-x86_64
- msys_nt-10.0-x86_64 build-windows-x86_64
- darwin-arm64 build-macos-arm64
- darwin-x86_64 build-macos-x86_64
- freebsd-amd64 build-freebsd-amd64
- linux-aarch64 build-linux-aarch64
- linux-armv6l build-linux-armv7l
- linux-armv7l build-linux-armv7l
- linux-i686 build-linux-x86_64
- linux-ppc64le build-linux-ppc64le
- linux-x86_64 build-linux-x86_64
-local -rA protocol=(
- 'cygwin_nt-10.0-*' windows
- 'msys_nt-10.0-*' windows
- 'darwin-*' unix
- 'freebsd-*' unix
- 'linux-*' unix
-local -r rootdir=${ZSH_SCRIPT:h}
-local -r logs=$rootdir/logs
-local -r locks=$rootdir/locks
-local -r binaries=$rootdir/usrbin
-function usage() {
- print -r -- 'usage: mbuild [-b REF] [KERNEL-ARCH]...'
-local OPTARG opt git_ref=master
-local -i OPTIND
-while getopts ":b:h" opt; do
- case $opt in
- h) usage; return 0;;
- b) [[ -n $OPTARG ]]; git_ref=$OPTARG;;
- \?) print -ru2 -- "mbuild: invalid option: -$OPTARG" ; return 1;;
- :) print -ru2 -- "mbuild: missing required argument: -$OPTARG"; return 1;;
- *) print -ru2 -- "mbuild: invalid option: -$opt" ; return 1;;
- esac
-shift $((OPTIND - 1))
-(( $# )) || set -- ${(ko)assets}
-set -- ${(u)@}
-local platform
-for platform; do
- if (( ! $+assets[$platform] )); then
- print -ru2 -- "mbuild: invalid platform: $platform"
- return 1
- fi
-local build='
- rm -rf gitstatus
- git clone --recursive --shallow-submodules --depth=1 -b '$git_ref' '$git_url'
- cd gitstatus
- if command -v zsh >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- sh=zsh
- elif command -v dash >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- sh=dash
- elif command -v ash >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- sh=ash
- else
- sh=sh
- fi
- $sh -x ./build -m '
-function build-unix() {
- local intro flags=(-sw)
- case $2 in
- linux-ppc64le) ;;
- linux-*) flags+=(-d docker);;
- darwin-arm64) intro='PATH="/opt/local/bin:$PATH"';;
- darwin-*) intro='PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"';;
- esac
- ssh $1 -- /bin/sh -uex <<<"
- $intro
- cd /tmp
- $build ${2##*-} ${(j: :)${(@q)flags}}"
- scp $1:/tmp/gitstatus/usrbin/gitstatusd $binaries/gitstatusd-$2
-function build-windows() {
- local shell=$(ssh $1 'echo $0')
- if [[ $shell == '$0'* ]]; then
- local c='c:'
- else
- local c='/mnt/c'
- fi
- local tmp env bin intro flags=(-w)
- case $2 in
- cygwin_nt-10.0-i686) bin='cygwin32/bin' ;|
- cygwin_nt-10.0-x86_64) bin='cygwin64/bin' ;|
- msys_nt-10.0-i686) bin='msys32/usr/bin';|
- msys_nt-10.0-x86_64) bin='msys64/usr/bin';|
- cygwin_nt-10.0-*)
- tmp='/cygdrive/c/tmp'
- ;|
- msys_nt-10.0-*)
- flags+=(-s)
- tmp='/c/tmp'
- intro='pacman -Syu --noconfirm; pacman -S --needed --noconfirm git; '
- intro+='PATH="$PATH:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl"'
- while true; do
- # TODO: run autorebase only when getting an error that can be fixed by autorebasing.
- break
- local out
- out="$(ssh $1 cmd.exe "$c/${bin%%/*}/autorebase.bat" 2>&1)"
- [[ $out == *"The following DLLs couldn't be rebased"* ]] || break
- # Reboot to get rid of whatever is using those DLLs.
- ssh $1 powershell.exe <<<'Restart-Computer -Force' || true
- sleep 30
- while ! ssh $1 <<<''; do sleep 5; done
- done
- () {
- while true; do
- local -i fd
- exec {fd}< <(
- ssh $1 $c/$bin/env.exe $env c:/$bin/bash.exe -l 2>&1 <<<"
- pacman -Syu --noconfirm
- exit")
- {
- local line
- while true; do
- IFS= read -u $fd -r line || return 0
- if [[ $line == *"warning: terminate MSYS2"* ]]; then
- # At this point the machine is hosed. A rogue process with a corrupted name
- # is eating all CPU. The top SSH connection won't terminate on its own.
- ssh $1 powershell.exe <<<'Restart-Computer -Force' || true
- sleep 30
- while ! ssh $1 <<<''; do sleep 5; done
- break
- fi
- done
- } always {
- exec {fd}<&-
- kill -- -$sysparams[procsubstpid] 2>/dev/null || true
- }
- done
- } "$@"
- ;|
- esac
- ssh $1 $c/$bin/env.exe $env c:/$bin/bash.exe -l <<<"
- set -uex
- $intro
- mkdir -p -- $tmp
- cd -- $tmp
- $build ${2##*-} ${(j: :)${(@q)flags}}
- exit"
- scp $1:$c/tmp/gitstatus/usrbin/gitstatusd $binaries/gitstatusd-$2
- chmod +x $binaries/gitstatusd-$2
-function build() (
- setopt xtrace
- local platform=$1
- local machine=$assets[$platform]
- print -n >>$locks/$machine
- zsystem flock $locks/$machine
- build-${protocol[(k)$platform]} $machine $platform
- local tmp=gitstatusd-$platform.tmp.$$.tar.gz
- ( cd -q -- $binaries; tar --owner=0 --group=0 -I 'gzip -9' -cf $tmp gitstatusd-$platform )
- mv -f -- $binaries/$tmp $binaries/gitstatusd-$platform.tar.gz
-function mbuild() {
- local platform pid pids=()
- for platform; do
- build $platform &>$logs/$platform &
- print -r -- "starting build for $platform on $assets[$platform] (pid $!)"
- pids+=($platform $!)
- done
- local failed=()
- for platform pid in $pids; do
- print -rn -- "$platform => "
- if wait $pid; then
- print -r -- "ok"
- else
- print -r -- "error"
- failed+=$platform
- fi
- done
- (( $#failed )) || return 0
- print
- print -r -- "Error logs:"
- print
- for platform in $failed; do
- print -r -- " $platform => $logs/$platform"
- done
- return 1
-# Copied from
-function run-process-tree() {
- zmodload zsh/parameter zsh/param/private || return
- local -P opt=(${(kv)options[@]}) || return
- local -P pat=(${patchars[@]}) || return
- local -P dis_pat=(${dis_patchars[@]}) || return
- emulate -L zsh -o err_return || return
- setopt monitor traps_async pipe_fail no_unset
- zmodload zsh/system
- if (( $# == 0 )); then
- print -ru2 -- 'usage: run-process-tree command [arg]...'
- return 1
- fi
- local -P stdout REPLY
- exec {stdout}>&1
- {
- {
- local -Pi pipe
- local -P gid=$sysparams[pid]
- local -P trap=(trap "trap - $sig; kill -- -$sysparams[pid]" $sig)
- exec {pipe}>&1 1>&$stdout
- $trap
- {
- $trap
- while sleep 1 && print -u $pipe .; do; done
- } 2>/dev/null &
- local -Pi watchdog=$!
- {
- trap - ZERR
- exec {pipe}>&-
- enable -p -- $pat
- disable -p -- $dis_pat
- options=($opt zle off monitor off)
- "$@"
- } &
- local -Pi ret
- wait $! || ret=$?
- trap "exit $ret" TERM
- kill $watchdog
- wait $watchdog
- return ret
- } | while read; do; done || return
- } always {
- exec {stdout}>&-
- }
-mkdir -p -- $logs $locks $binaries
-run-process-tree mbuild $@