// Copyright 2019 Roman Perepelitsa. // // This file is part of GitStatus. // // GitStatus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // GitStatus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with GitStatus. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #include "options.h" #include <fnmatch.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <algorithm> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include "print.h" namespace gitstatus { namespace { long ParseLong(const char* s) { errno = 0; char* end = nullptr; long res = std::strtol(s, &end, 10); if (*end || end == s || errno) { std::cerr << "gitstatusd: not an integer: " << s << std::endl; std::exit(10); } return res; } long ParseInt(const char* s) { long res = ParseLong(s); if (res < INT_MIN || res > INT_MAX) { std::cerr << "gitstatusd: integer out of bounds: " << s << std::endl; std::exit(10); } return res; } void PrintUsage() { std::cout << "Usage: gitstatusd [OPTION]...\n" << "Print machine-readable status of the git repos for directores in stdin.\n" << "\n" << "OPTIONS\n" << " -l, --lock-fd=NUM [default=-1]\n" << " If non-negative, check whether the specified file descriptor is locked when\n" << " not receiving any requests for one second; exit if it isn't locked.\n" << "\n" << " -p, --parent-pid=NUM [default=-1]\n" << " If non-negative, send signal 0 to the specified PID when not receiving any\n" << " requests for one second; exit if signal sending fails.\n" << "\n" << " -t, --num-threads=NUM [default=1]\n" << " Use this many threads to scan git workdir for unstaged and untracked files.\n" << " Empirically, setting this parameter to twice the number of virtual CPU yields\n" << " maximum performance.\n" << "\n" << " -v, --log-level=STR [default=INFO]\n" << " Don't write entires to log whose log level is below this. Log levels in\n" << " increasing order: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL.\n" << "\n" << " -r, --repo-ttl-seconds=NUM [default=3600]\n" << " Close git repositories that haven't been used for this long. This is meant to\n" << " release resources such as memory and file descriptors. The next request for a\n" << " repo that's been closed is much slower than for a repo that hasn't been.\n" << " Negative value means infinity.\n" << "\n" << " -s, --max-num-staged=NUM [default=1]\n" << " Report at most this many staged changes; negative value means infinity.\n" << "\n" << " -u, --max-num-unstaged=NUM [default=1]\n" << " Report at most this many unstaged changes; negative value means infinity.\n" << "\n" << " -d, --max-num-untracked=NUM [default=1]\n" << " Report at most this many untracked files; negative value means infinity.\n" << "\n" << " -m, --dirty-max-index-size=NUM [default=-1]\n" << " If a repo has more files in its index than this, override --max-num-unstaged\n" << " and --max-num-untracked (but not --max-num-staged) with zeros; negative value\n" << " means infinity.\n" << "\n" << " -e, --recurse-untracked-dirs\n" << " Count files within untracked directories like `git status --untracked-files`.\n" << "\n" << " -U, --ignore-status-show-untracked-files\n" << " Unless this option is specified, report zero untracked files for repositories\n" << " with status.showUntrackedFiles = false.\n" << "\n" << " -W, --ignore-bash-show-untracked-files\n" << " Unless this option is specified, report zero untracked files for repositories\n" << " with bash.showUntrackedFiles = false.\n" << "\n" << " -D, --ignore-bash-show-dirty-state\n" << " Unless this option is specified, report zero staged, unstaged and conflicted\n" << " changes for repositories with bash.showDirtyState = false.\n" << "\n" << " -V, --version\n" << " Print gitstatusd version and exit.\n" << "\n" << " -G, --version-glob=STR [default=*]\n" << " Immediately exit with code 11 if gitstatusd version (see --version) doesn't\n" << " does not match the specified pattern. Matching is done with fnmatch(3)\n" << " without flags.\n" << "\n" << " -h, --help\n" << " Display this help and exit.\n" << "\n" << "INPUT\n" << "\n" << " Requests are read from stdin, separated by ascii 30 (record separator). Each\n" << " request is made of the following fields, in the specified order, separated by\n" << " ascii 31 (unit separator):\n" << "\n" << " 1. Request ID. Any string. Can be empty.\n" << " 2. Path to the directory for which git stats are being requested.\n" << " If the first character is ':', it is removed and the remaning path\n" << " is treated as GIT_DIR.\n" << " 3. (Optional) '1' to disable computation of anything that requires reading\n" << " git index; '0' for the default behavior of computing everything.\n" << "\n" << "OUTPUT\n" << "\n" << " For every request read from stdin there is response written to stdout.\n" << " Responses are separated by ascii 30 (record separator). Each response is made\n" << " of the following fields, in the specified order, separated by ascii 31\n" << " (unit separator):\n" << "\n" << " 1. Request id. The same as the first field in the request.\n" << " 2. 0 if the directory isn't a git repo, 1 otherwise. If 0, all the\n" << " following fields are missing.\n" << " 3. Absolute path to the git repository workdir.\n" << " 4. Commit hash that HEAD is pointing to. 40 hex digits.\n" << " 5. Local branch name or empty if not on a branch.\n" << " 6. Upstream branch name. Can be empty.\n" << " 7. The remote name, e.g. \"upstream\" or \"origin\".\n" << " 8. Remote URL. Can be empty.\n" << " 9. Repository state, A.K.A. action. Can be empty.\n" << " 10. The number of files in the index.\n" << " 11. The number of staged changes.\n" << " 12. The number of unstaged changes.\n" << " 13. The number of conflicted changes.\n" << " 14. The number of untracked files.\n" << " 15. Number of commits the current branch is ahead of upstream.\n" << " 16. Number of commits the current branch is behind upstream.\n" << " 17. The number of stashes.\n" << " 18. The last tag (in lexicographical order) that points to the same\n" << " commit as HEAD.\n" << " 19. The number of unstaged deleted files.\n" << " 20. The number of staged new files.\n" << " 21. The number of staged deleted files.\n" << " 22. The push remote name, e.g. \"upstream\" or \"origin\".\n" << " 23. Push remote URL. Can be empty.\n" << " 24. Number of commits the current branch is ahead of push remote.\n" << " 25. Number of commits the current branch is behind push remote.\n" << " 26. Number of files in the index with skip-worktree bit set.\n" << " 27. Number of files in the index with assume-unchanged bit set.\n" << "\n" << "Note: Renamed files are reported as deleted plus new.\n" << "\n" << "EXAMPLE\n" << "\n" << " Send a single request and print response (zsh syntax):\n" << "\n" << " local req_id=id\n" << " local dir=$PWD\n" << " echo -nE $req_id$'\\x1f'$dir$'\\x1e' | ./gitstatusd | {\n" << " local resp\n" << " IFS=$'\\x1f' read -rd $'\\x1e' -A resp && print -lr -- \"${(@qq)resp}\"\n" << " }\n" << "\n" << " Output:" << "\n" << " 'id'\n" << " '1'\n" << " '/home/romka/gitstatus'\n" << " 'bf46bf03dbab7108801b53f8a720caee8464c9c3'\n" << " 'master'\n" << " 'master'\n" << " 'origin'\n" << " 'git@github.com:romkatv/gitstatus.git'\n" << " ''\n" << " '70'\n" << " '1'\n" << " '0'\n" << " '0'\n" << " '2'\n" << " '0'\n" << " '0'\n" << " ''\n" << " '0'\n" << " '0'\n" << " '0'\n" << " ''\n" << " ''\n" << " '0'\n" << " '0'\n" << " '0'\n" << " '0'\n" << "\n" << "EXIT STATUS\n" << "\n" << " The command returns zero on success (when printing help or on EOF),\n" << " non-zero on failure. In the latter case the output is unspecified.\n" << "\n" << "COPYRIGHT\n" << "\n" << " Copyright 2019 Roman Perepelitsa\n" << " This is free software; see https://github.com/romkatv/gitstatus for copying\n" << " conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR\n" << " A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." << std::endl; } const char* Version() { #define _INTERNAL_GITSTATUS_STRINGIZE(x) _INTERNAL_GITSTATUS_STRINGIZE_I(x) #define _INTERNAL_GITSTATUS_STRINGIZE_I(x) #x return _INTERNAL_GITSTATUS_STRINGIZE(GITSTATUS_VERSION); #undef _INTERNAL_GITSTATUS_STRINGIZE_I #undef _INTERNAL_GITSTATUS_STRINGIZE } } // namespace Options ParseOptions(int argc, char** argv) { const struct option opts[] = {{"help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, nullptr, 'V'}, {"version-glob", no_argument, nullptr, 'G'}, {"lock-fd", required_argument, nullptr, 'l'}, {"parent-pid", required_argument, nullptr, 'p'}, {"num-threads", required_argument, nullptr, 't'}, {"log-level", required_argument, nullptr, 'v'}, {"repo-ttl-seconds", required_argument, nullptr, 'r'}, {"max-num-staged", required_argument, nullptr, 's'}, {"max-num-unstaged", required_argument, nullptr, 'u'}, {"max-num-conflicted", required_argument, nullptr, 'c'}, {"max-num-untracked", required_argument, nullptr, 'd'}, {"dirty-max-index-size", required_argument, nullptr, 'm'}, {"recurse-untracked-dirs", no_argument, nullptr, 'e'}, {"ignore-status-show-untracked-files", no_argument, nullptr, 'U'}, {"ignore-bash-show-untracked-files", no_argument, nullptr, 'W'}, {"ignore-bash-show-dirty-state", no_argument, nullptr, 'D'}, {}}; Options res; while (true) { switch (getopt_long(argc, argv, "hVG:l:p:t:v:r:s:u:c:d:m:eUWD", opts, nullptr)) { case -1: if (optind != argc) { std::cerr << "unexpected positional argument: " << argv[optind] << std::endl; std::exit(10); } return res; case 'h': PrintUsage(); std::exit(0); case 'V': std::cout << Version() << std::endl; std::exit(0); case 'G': if (int err = fnmatch(optarg, Version(), 0)) { if (err != FNM_NOMATCH) { std::cerr << "Cannot match " << Print(Version()) << " against pattern " << Print(optarg) << ": error " << err; std::exit(10); } std::cerr << "Version mismatch. Wanted (pattern): " << Print(optarg) << ". Actual: " << Print(Version()) << "." << std::endl; std::exit(11); } break; case 'l': res.lock_fd = ParseInt(optarg); break; case 'p': res.parent_pid = ParseInt(optarg); break; case 'v': if (!ParseLogLevel(optarg, res.log_level)) { std::cerr << "invalid log level: " << optarg << std::endl; std::exit(10); } break; case 'r': res.repo_ttl = std::chrono::seconds(ParseLong(optarg)); break; case 't': { long n = ParseLong(optarg); if (n <= 0) { std::cerr << "invalid number of threads: " << n << std::endl; std::exit(10); } res.num_threads = n; break; } case 's': res.max_num_staged = ParseLong(optarg); break; case 'u': res.max_num_unstaged = ParseLong(optarg); break; case 'c': res.max_num_conflicted = ParseLong(optarg); break; case 'd': res.max_num_untracked = ParseLong(optarg); break; case 'm': res.dirty_max_index_size = ParseLong(optarg); break; case 'e': res.recurse_untracked_dirs = true; break; case 'U': res.ignore_status_show_untracked_files = true; break; case 'W': res.ignore_bash_show_untracked_files = true; break; case 'D': res.ignore_bash_show_dirty_state = true; break; default: std::exit(10); } } } } // namespace gitstatus