// Copyright 2019 Roman Perepelitsa. // // This file is part of GitStatus. // // GitStatus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // GitStatus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with GitStatus. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #include "repo.h" #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <algorithm> #include <atomic> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <exception> #include <iterator> #include <memory> #include <type_traits> #include <utility> #include "arena.h" #include "check.h" #include "check_dir_mtime.h" #include "dir.h" #include "git.h" #include "print.h" #include "scope_guard.h" #include "stat.h" #include "string_cmp.h" #include "thread_pool.h" #include "timer.h" namespace gitstatus { namespace { using namespace std::string_literals; template <class T> T Load(const std::atomic<T>& x) { return x.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); } template <class T> void Store(std::atomic<T>& x, T v) { x.store(v, std::memory_order_relaxed); } template <class T> T Inc(std::atomic<T>& x, T by = 1) { return x.fetch_add(by, std::memory_order_relaxed); } template <class T> T Dec(std::atomic<T>& x) { return x.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); } template <class T> T Exchange(std::atomic<T>& x, T v) { return x.exchange(v, std::memory_order_relaxed); } const char* DeltaStr(git_delta_t t) { switch (t) { case GIT_DELTA_UNMODIFIED: return "unmodified"; case GIT_DELTA_ADDED: return "added"; case GIT_DELTA_DELETED: return "deleted"; case GIT_DELTA_MODIFIED: return "modified"; case GIT_DELTA_RENAMED: return "renamed"; case GIT_DELTA_COPIED: return "copied"; case GIT_DELTA_IGNORED: return "ignored"; case GIT_DELTA_UNTRACKED: return "untracked"; case GIT_DELTA_TYPECHANGE: return "typechange"; case GIT_DELTA_UNREADABLE: return "unreadable"; case GIT_DELTA_CONFLICTED: return "conflicted"; } return "unknown"; } } // namespace bool Repo::Shard::Contains(Str<> str, StringView path) const { if (str.Lt(path, start_s)) return false; if (end_s.empty()) return true; path.len = std::min(path.len, end_s.size()); return !str.Lt(end_s, path); } Repo::Repo(git_repository* repo, Limits lim) : lim_(std::move(lim)), repo_(repo), tag_db_(repo) { if (lim_.max_num_untracked) { GlobalThreadPool()->Schedule([this] { bool check = CheckDirMtime(git_repository_path(repo_)); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_); CHECK(Load(untracked_cache_) == Tribool::kUnknown); Store(untracked_cache_, check ? Tribool::kTrue : Tribool::kFalse); cv_.notify_one(); }); } else { untracked_cache_ = Tribool::kFalse; } } Repo::~Repo() { { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_); while (untracked_cache_ == Tribool::kUnknown) cv_.wait(lock); } if (git_index_) git_index_free(git_index_); git_repository_free(repo_); } IndexStats Repo::GetIndexStats(const git_oid* head, git_config* cfg) { ON_SCOPE_EXIT(this, orig_lim = lim_) { lim_ = orig_lim; }; auto Off = [&](const char* name) { int val; if (git_config_get_bool(&val, cfg, name) || val) return false; LOG(INFO) << "Honoring git config option: " << name << " = false"; return true; }; if (!lim_.ignore_status_show_untracked_files && Off("status.showUntrackedFiles")) { lim_.max_num_untracked = 0; } if (!lim_.ignore_bash_show_untracked_files && Off("bash.showUntrackedFiles")) { lim_.max_num_untracked = 0; } if (!lim_.ignore_bash_show_dirty_state && Off("bash.showDirtyState")) { lim_.max_num_staged = 0; lim_.max_num_unstaged = 0; lim_.max_num_conflicted = 0; } if (git_index_) { int new_index; VERIFY(!git_index_read_ex(git_index_, 0, &new_index)) << GitError(); if (new_index) { head_ = {}; index_.reset(); } } else { VERIFY(!git_repository_index(&git_index_, repo_)) << GitError(); // Query an attribute (doesn't matter which) to initialize repo's attribute // cache. It's a workaround for synchronization bugs (data races) in libgit2 // that result from lazy cache initialization without synchronization. // Thankfully, subsequent cache reads and writes are properly synchronized. const char* attr; VERIFY(!git_attr_get(&attr, repo_, 0, "x", "x")) << GitError(); } UpdateShards(); Store(error_, false); Store(unstaged_, {}); Store(untracked_, {}); Store(unstaged_deleted_, {}); std::vector<const char*> dirty_candidates; const size_t index_size = git_index_entrycount(git_index_); if (!lim_.max_num_staged && !lim_.max_num_conflicted) { head_ = {}; Store(staged_, {}); Store(conflicted_, {}); Store(staged_new_, {}); Store(staged_deleted_, {}); Store(skip_worktree_, {}); Store(assume_unchanged_, {}); } else if (head) { if (git_oid_equal(head, &head_)) { LOG(INFO) << "Index and HEAD unchanged; staged = " << Load(staged_) << ", conflicted = " << Load(conflicted_); } else { head_ = *head; Store(staged_, {}); Store(conflicted_, {}); Store(staged_new_, {}); Store(staged_deleted_, {}); Store(skip_worktree_, {}); Store(assume_unchanged_, {}); StartStagedScan(head); } } else { head_ = {}; size_t staged = 0; size_t skip_worktree = 0; size_t assume_unchanged = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i != index_size; ++i) { const git_index_entry* entry = git_index_get_byindex_no_sort(git_index_, i); if (!(entry->flags_extended & GIT_INDEX_ENTRY_INTENT_TO_ADD)) ++staged; if (entry->flags_extended & GIT_INDEX_ENTRY_SKIP_WORKTREE) ++skip_worktree; if (entry->flags & GIT_INDEX_ENTRY_VALID) ++assume_unchanged; } Store(staged_, staged); Store(conflicted_, {}); Store(staged_new_, staged); Store(staged_deleted_, {}); Store(skip_worktree_, skip_worktree); Store(assume_unchanged_, assume_unchanged); } if (index_size <= lim_.dirty_max_index_size && (lim_.max_num_unstaged || lim_.max_num_untracked)) { if (!index_) index_ = std::make_unique<Index>(repo_, git_index_); dirty_candidates = index_->GetDirtyCandidates({.include_untracked = lim_.max_num_untracked > 0, .untracked_cache = Load(untracked_cache_)}); if (dirty_candidates.empty()) { LOG(INFO) << "Clean repo: no dirty candidates"; } else { LOG(INFO) << "Found " << dirty_candidates.size() << " dirty candidate(s) spanning from " << Print(dirty_candidates.front()) << " to " << Print(dirty_candidates.back()); } StartDirtyScan(dirty_candidates); } Wait(); VERIFY(!Load(error_)); size_t num_staged = std::min(Load(staged_), lim_.max_num_staged); size_t num_unstaged = std::min(Load(unstaged_), lim_.max_num_unstaged); return {.index_size = index_size, .num_staged = num_staged, .num_unstaged = num_unstaged, .num_conflicted = std::min(Load(conflicted_), lim_.max_num_conflicted), .num_untracked = std::min(Load(untracked_), lim_.max_num_untracked), .num_staged_new = std::min(Load(staged_new_), num_staged), .num_staged_deleted = std::min(Load(staged_deleted_), num_staged), .num_unstaged_deleted = std::min(Load(unstaged_deleted_), num_unstaged), .num_skip_worktree = Load(skip_worktree_), .num_assume_unchanged = Load(assume_unchanged_)}; } int Repo::OnDelta(const char* type, const git_diff_delta& d, std::atomic<size_t>& c1, size_t m1, const std::atomic<size_t>& c2, size_t m2) { auto Msg = [&]() { const char* status = DeltaStr(d.status); std::ostringstream strm; strm << "Found " << type << " file"; if (strcmp(status, type)) strm << " (" << status << ")"; strm << ": " << Print(d.new_file.path); return strm.str(); }; size_t v = Inc(c1); if (v) { LOG(DEBUG) << Msg(); } else { LOG(INFO) << Msg(); } if (v + 1 < m1) return GIT_DIFF_DELTA_DO_NOT_INSERT; if (Load(c2) < m2) return GIT_DIFF_DELTA_DO_NOT_INSERT | GIT_DIFF_DELTA_SKIP_TYPE; return GIT_EUSER; } void Repo::StartDirtyScan(const std::vector<const char*>& paths) { if (paths.empty()) return; git_diff_options opt = GIT_DIFF_OPTIONS_INIT; opt.payload = this; opt.flags = GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_TYPECHANGE_TREES | GIT_DIFF_SKIP_BINARY_CHECK | GIT_DIFF_DISABLE_PATHSPEC_MATCH | GIT_DIFF_EXEMPLARS; if (lim_.max_num_untracked) { opt.flags |= GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_UNTRACKED; if (lim_.recurse_untracked_dirs) opt.flags |= GIT_DIFF_RECURSE_UNTRACKED_DIRS; } else { opt.flags |= GIT_DIFF_ENABLE_FAST_UNTRACKED_DIRS; } opt.ignore_submodules = GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_DIRTY; opt.notify_cb = +[](const git_diff* diff, const git_diff_delta* delta, const char* matched_pathspec, void* payload) -> int { if (delta->status == GIT_DELTA_CONFLICTED) return GIT_DIFF_DELTA_DO_NOT_INSERT; Repo* repo = static_cast<Repo*>(payload); if (Load(repo->error_)) return GIT_EUSER; if (delta->status == GIT_DELTA_UNTRACKED) { return repo->OnDelta("untracked", *delta, repo->untracked_, repo->lim_.max_num_untracked, repo->unstaged_, repo->lim_.max_num_unstaged); } else { if (delta->status == GIT_DELTA_DELETED) Inc(repo->unstaged_deleted_); return repo->OnDelta("unstaged", *delta, repo->unstaged_, repo->lim_.max_num_unstaged, repo->untracked_, repo->lim_.max_num_untracked); } }; const Str<> str(git_index_is_case_sensitive(git_index_)); auto shard = shards_.begin(); for (auto p = paths.begin(); p != paths.end();) { opt.range_start = *p; opt.range_end = *p; opt.pathspec.strings = const_cast<char**>(&*p); opt.pathspec.count = 1; while (!shard->Contains(str, StringView(*p))) ++shard; while (++p != paths.end() && shard->Contains(str, StringView(*p))) { opt.range_end = *p; ++opt.pathspec.count; } RunAsync([this, opt]() { git_diff* diff = nullptr; LOG(DEBUG) << "git_diff_index_to_workdir from " << Print(opt.range_start) << " to " << Print(opt.range_end); switch (git_diff_index_to_workdir(&diff, repo_, git_index_, &opt)) { case 0: git_diff_free(diff); break; case GIT_EUSER: break; default: LOG(ERROR) << "git_diff_index_to_workdir: " << GitError(); throw Exception(); } }); } } void Repo::StartStagedScan(const git_oid* head) { git_commit* commit = nullptr; VERIFY(!git_commit_lookup(&commit, repo_, head)) << GitError(); ON_SCOPE_EXIT(=) { git_commit_free(commit); }; git_tree* tree = nullptr; VERIFY(!git_commit_tree(&tree, commit)) << GitError(); git_diff_options opt = GIT_DIFF_OPTIONS_INIT; opt.flags = GIT_DIFF_EXEMPLARS | GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_TYPECHANGE_TREES; opt.payload = this; opt.notify_cb = +[](const git_diff* diff, const git_diff_delta* delta, const char* matched_pathspec, void* payload) -> int { Repo* repo = static_cast<Repo*>(payload); if (Load(repo->error_)) return GIT_EUSER; if (delta->status == GIT_DELTA_CONFLICTED) { return repo->OnDelta("conflicted", *delta, repo->conflicted_, repo->lim_.max_num_conflicted, repo->staged_, repo->lim_.max_num_staged); } else { if (delta->status == GIT_DELTA_ADDED) Inc(repo->staged_new_); if (delta->status == GIT_DELTA_DELETED) Inc(repo->staged_deleted_); return repo->OnDelta("staged", *delta, repo->staged_, repo->lim_.max_num_staged, repo->conflicted_, repo->lim_.max_num_conflicted); } }; for (const Shard& shard : shards_) { RunAsync([this, tree, opt, shard]() mutable { size_t skip_worktree = 0; size_t assume_unchanged = 0; for (size_t i = shard.start_i; i != shard.end_i; ++i) { const git_index_entry* entry = git_index_get_byindex_no_sort(git_index_, i); if (entry->flags_extended & GIT_INDEX_ENTRY_SKIP_WORKTREE) ++skip_worktree; if (entry->flags & GIT_INDEX_ENTRY_VALID) ++assume_unchanged; } Inc(skip_worktree_, skip_worktree); Inc(assume_unchanged_, assume_unchanged); opt.range_start = shard.start_s.c_str(); opt.range_end = shard.end_s.c_str(); git_diff* diff = nullptr; LOG(DEBUG) << "git_diff_tree_to_index from " << Print(opt.range_start) << " to " << Print(opt.range_end); switch (git_diff_tree_to_index(&diff, repo_, tree, git_index_, &opt)) { case 0: git_diff_free(diff); break; case GIT_EUSER: break; default: LOG(ERROR) << "git_diff_tree_to_index: " << GitError(); throw Exception(); } }); } } void Repo::UpdateShards() { constexpr size_t kEntriesPerShard = 512; const Str<> str(git_index_is_case_sensitive(git_index_)); size_t index_size = git_index_entrycount(git_index_); ON_SCOPE_EXIT(&) { LOG(INFO) << "Splitting " << index_size << " object(s) into " << shards_.size() << " shard(s)"; }; if (index_size <= kEntriesPerShard || GlobalThreadPool()->num_threads() < 2) { shards_ = {{ .start_s = "", .end_s = "", .start_i = 0, .end_i = index_size}}; return; } size_t shards = std::min(index_size / kEntriesPerShard + 1, 2 * GlobalThreadPool()->num_threads()); shards_.clear(); shards_.reserve(shards); std::string last_s; size_t last_i = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i != shards - 1; ++i) { size_t idx = (i + 1) * index_size / shards; std::string split = git_index_get_byindex_no_sort(git_index_, idx)->path; auto pos = split.find_last_of('/'); if (pos == std::string::npos) continue; split = split.substr(0, pos + 1); Shard shard; shard.end_s = split; --shard.end_s.back(); if (!str.Lt(last_s, shard.end_s)) continue; shard.start_s = std::move(last_s); last_s = std::move(split); shard.start_i = last_i; shard.end_i = idx; last_i = idx; shards_.push_back(std::move(shard)); } shards_.push_back({ .start_s = std::move(last_s), .end_s = "", .start_i = last_i, .end_i = index_size}); CHECK(!shards_.empty()); CHECK(shards_.size() <= shards); CHECK(shards_.front().start_s.empty()); CHECK(shards_.front().start_i == 0); CHECK(shards_.back().end_s.empty()); CHECK(shards_.back().end_i == index_size); for (size_t i = 0; i != shards_.size(); ++i) { if (i) { const git_index_entry* entry = git_index_get_byindex_no_sort(git_index_, shards_[i].start_i); CHECK(!std::memcmp(shards_[i].start_s.c_str(), entry->path, shards_[i].start_s.size())); CHECK(str.Lt(shards_[i - 1].end_s, shards_[i].start_s)); CHECK(shards_[i - 1].end_i == shards_[i].start_i); } if (i != shards_.size() - 1) { CHECK(shards_[i].start_i < shards_[i].end_i); CHECK(str.Lt(shards_[i].start_s, shards_[i].end_s)); } } } void Repo::DecInflight() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_); CHECK(Load(inflight_) > 0); if (Dec(inflight_) == 1) cv_.notify_one(); } void Repo::RunAsync(std::function<void()> f) { Inc(inflight_); try { GlobalThreadPool()->Schedule([this, f = std::move(f)] { try { ON_SCOPE_EXIT(&) { DecInflight(); }; f(); } catch (const Exception&) { if (!Load(error_)) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_); if (!Load(error_)) { Store(error_, true); cv_.notify_one(); } } } }); } catch (...) { DecInflight(); throw; } } void Repo::Wait() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_); while (inflight_) cv_.wait(lock); } std::future<std::string> Repo::GetTagName(const git_oid* target) { auto* promise = new std::promise<std::string>; std::future<std::string> res = promise->get_future(); GlobalThreadPool()->Schedule([=] { ON_SCOPE_EXIT(&) { delete promise; }; if (!target) { promise->set_value(""); return; } try { promise->set_value(tag_db_.TagForCommit(*target)); } catch (const Exception&) { promise->set_exception(std::current_exception()); } }); return res; } } // namespace gitstatus