#!/usr/bin/env zsh #vim:ft=zsh ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et fenc=utf-8 # Required for shunit2 to run correctly setopt shwordsplit SHUNIT_PARENT=$0 function setUp() { export TERM="xterm-256color" # Load Powerlevel9k source powerlevel9k.zsh-theme P9K_HOME=$(pwd) ### Test specific # Create default folder and git init it. FOLDER=/tmp/powerlevel9k-test/nvm-test mkdir -p "${FOLDER}/bin" OLD_PATH=$PATH PATH=${FOLDER}/bin:$PATH cd $FOLDER } function tearDown() { # Restore old path PATH="${OLD_PATH}" # Go back to powerlevel9k folder cd "${P9K_HOME}" # Remove eventually created test-specific folder rm -fr "${FOLDER}" # At least remove test folder completely rm -fr /tmp/powerlevel9k-test } function testNvmSegmentPrintsNothingIfNvmIsNotAvailable() { local POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS=(nvm custom_world) local POWERLEVEL9K_CUSTOM_WORLD='echo world' assertEquals "%K{white} %F{black}world %k%F{white}%f " "$(build_left_prompt)" } function testNvmSegmentWorksWithoutHavingADefaultAlias() { local POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS=(nvm) function nvm_version() { [[ ${1} == 'current' ]] && echo 'v4.6.0' || echo 'v1.4.0' } assertEquals "%K{magenta} %F{black%}⬢ %f%F{black}4.6.0 %k%F{magenta}%f " "$(build_left_prompt)" } function testNvmSegmentPrintsNothingWhenOnDefaultVersion() { local POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS=(nvm custom_world) local POWERLEVEL9K_CUSTOM_WORLD='echo world' function nvm_version() { [[ ${1} == 'current' ]] && echo 'v4.6.0' || echo 'v4.6.0' } assertEquals "%K{white} %F{black}world %k%F{white}%f " "$(build_left_prompt)" } source shunit2/source/2.1/src/shunit2