Package Rutina (russian "рутина" - ordinary boring everyday work) is routine orchestrator for your application.
It seems like with some different:
1) propagates context to every routines. So routine can check if context stopped (ctx.Done()
2) has flexible run/stop policy. i.e. one routine restarts when it errors (useful on daemons) but if errors another - all routines will be cancelled
3) already has optional signal handler ListenOsSignals()
When it need?
Usually, when your program consists of several routines (i.e.: http server, metrics server and os signals subscriber) and you want to stop all routines when one of them ends (i.e.: by TERM os signal in signal subscriber).
New instance
With default options:
r := rutina.New()
or with custom options:
r := rutina.New(
ParentContext(ctx context.Context), // Pass parent context to Rutina (otherwise it uses own new context)
ListenOsSignals(listenOsSignals ...os.Signal), // Auto listen OS signals and close context on Kill, Term signal
Logger(l logger), // Pass logger for debug, i.e. `log.Printf`
Errors(errCh chan error), // Set errors channel for errors from routines in Restart/DoNothing errors policy
Start new routine
r.Go(func (ctx context.Context) error { something...
Run Options
func (ctx context.Context) error { something...
SetOnDone(policy Policy), // Run policy if returns no error (default: Shutdown)
SetOnError(policy Policy), // Run policy if returns error (default: Shutdown)
SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration), // Timeout to routine (after it context will be closed)
SetMaxCount(maxCount int), // Max tries on Restart policy
Run policies
- do not affect other routinesRestart
- restart current routineShutdown
- shutdown all routines
Example of run policies
r.Go(func(ctx context.Context) error {
// If this routine produce no error - all other routines will shutdown (because context cancels)
// If it returns error - all other routines will shutdown (because context cancels)
r.Go(func(ctx context.Context) error {
// If this routine produce no error - it restarts
// If it returns error - all other routines will shutdown (because context cancels)
}, SetOnDone(rutina.Restart))
r.Go(func(ctx context.Context) error {
// If this routine produce no error - all other routines will shutdown (because context cancels)
// If it returns error - it will be restarted (maximum 10 times)
}, SetOnError(rutina.Restart), SetMaxCount(10))
r.Go(func(ctx context.Context) error {
// If this routine stopped by any case other routines will work as before.
}, SetOnDone(rutina.DoNothing))
r.ListenOsSignals() // Shutdown all routines by OS signal
Wait routines to complete
err := r.Wait()
Here err = error that shutdowns all routines (may be will be changed at future)
Kill routines
id := r.Go(func (ctx context.Context) error { ... })
r.Kill(id) // Closes individual context for #id routine that must shutdown it
List of routines
list := r.Processes()
Returns ids of working routines
Get errors channel
err := <- r.Errors()
Disabled by default. Used when passed errors channel to rutina options
HTTP server with graceful shutdown example/http_server.go
Different run policies example/policies.go