path: root/xmpp/extensions/extensions.go
blob: 192b63022b214a4f4a172aa80d13bd65721cebad (plain) (tree)



































package extensions

import (


// PresenceNickExtension is from XEP-0172
type PresenceNickExtension struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://jabber.org/protocol/nick nick"`
	Text    string   `xml:",chardata"`

// PresenceXVCardUpdateExtension is from XEP-0153
type PresenceXVCardUpdateExtension struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"vcard-temp:x:update x"`
	Photo   PresenceXVCardUpdatePhoto

// PresenceXVCardUpdatePhoto is from XEP-0153
type PresenceXVCardUpdatePhoto struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"photo"`
	Text    string   `xml:",chardata"`

// IqVcardTemp is from XEP-0054
type IqVcardTemp struct {
	XMLName   xml.Name `xml:"vcard-temp vCard"`
	Fn        IqVcardFn
	Nickname  IqVcardNickname
	N         IqVcardN
	Tel       IqVcardTel
	Photo     IqVcardPhoto
	Desc      IqVcardDesc
	ResultSet *stanza.ResultSet `xml:"set,omitempty"`

// IqVcardFn is vCard/FN
type IqVcardFn struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"FN"`
	Text    string   `xml:",chardata"`

// IqVcardNickname is vCard/NICKNAME
type IqVcardNickname struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"NICKNAME"`
	Text    string   `xml:",chardata"`

// IqVcardN is vCard/N
type IqVcardN struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"N"`
	Family  IqVcardNFamily
	Given   IqVcardNGiven
	Middle  IqVcardNMiddle

// IqVcardNFamily is vCard/N/FAMILY
type IqVcardNFamily struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"FAMILY"`
	Text    string   `xml:",chardata"`

// IqVcardNGiven is vCard/N/GIVEN
type IqVcardNGiven struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"GIVEN"`
	Text    string   `xml:",chardata"`

// IqVcardNMiddle is vCard/N/MIDDLE
type IqVcardNMiddle struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"MIDDLE"`
	Text    string   `xml:",chardata"`

// IqVcardTel is vCard/TEL
type IqVcardTel struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"TEL"`
	Number  IqVcardTelNumber

// IqVcardTelNumber is vCard/TEL/NUMBER
type IqVcardTelNumber struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"NUMBER"`
	Text    string   `xml:",chardata"`

// IqVcardPhoto is vCard/PHOTO
type IqVcardPhoto struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"PHOTO"`
	Type    IqVcardPhotoType
	Binval  IqVcardPhotoBinval

// IqVcardPhotoType is vCard/PHOTO/TYPE
type IqVcardPhotoType struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"TYPE"`
	Text    string   `xml:",chardata"`

// IqVcardPhotoBinval is vCard/PHOTO/BINVAL
type IqVcardPhotoBinval struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BINVAL"`
	Text    string   `xml:",chardata"`

// IqVcardDesc is vCard/DESC
type IqVcardDesc struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"DESC"`
	Text    string   `xml:",chardata"`

// Reply is from XEP-0461
type Reply struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"urn:xmpp:reply:0 reply"`
	To      string   `xml:"to,attr"`
	Id      string   `xml:"id,attr"`

// Fallback is from XEP-0428
type Fallback struct {
	XMLName xml.Name          `xml:"urn:xmpp:fallback:0 fallback"`
	For     string            `xml:"for,attr"`
	Body    []FallbackBody    `xml:"urn:xmpp:fallback:0 body"`
	Subject []FallbackSubject `xml:"urn:xmpp:fallback:0 subject"`

// FallbackBody is from XEP-0428
type FallbackBody struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"urn:xmpp:fallback:0 body"`
	Start   string   `xml:"start,attr"`
	End     string   `xml:"end,attr"`

// FallbackSubject is from XEP-0428
type FallbackSubject struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"urn:xmpp:fallback:0 subject"`
	Start   string   `xml:"start,attr"`
	End     string   `xml:"end,attr"`

// CarbonReceived is from XEP-0280
type CarbonReceived struct {
	XMLName   xml.Name         `xml:"urn:xmpp:carbons:2 received"`
	Forwarded stanza.Forwarded `xml:"urn:xmpp:forward:0 forwarded"`

// CarbonSent is from XEP-0280
type CarbonSent struct {
	XMLName   xml.Name         `xml:"urn:xmpp:carbons:2 sent"`
	Forwarded stanza.Forwarded `xml:"urn:xmpp:forward:0 forwarded"`

// ComponentPrivilege is from XEP-0356
type ComponentPrivilege1 struct {
	XMLName   xml.Name         `xml:"urn:xmpp:privilege:1 privilege"`
	Perms     []ComponentPerm  `xml:"perm"`
	Forwarded stanza.Forwarded `xml:"urn:xmpp:forward:0 forwarded"`

// ComponentPrivilege is from XEP-0356
type ComponentPrivilege2 struct {
	XMLName   xml.Name         `xml:"urn:xmpp:privilege:2 privilege"`
	Perms     []ComponentPerm  `xml:"perm"`
	Forwarded stanza.Forwarded `xml:"urn:xmpp:forward:0 forwarded"`

// ComponentPerm is from XEP-0356
type ComponentPerm struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"perm"`
	Access  string   `xml:"access,attr"`
	Type    string   `xml:"type,attr"`
	Push    bool     `xml:"push,attr"`

// ClientMessage is a jabber:client NS message compatible with Prosody's XEP-0356 implementation
type ClientMessage struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"jabber:client message"`

	Subject    string                `xml:"subject,omitempty"`
	Body       string                `xml:"body,omitempty"`
	Thread     string                `xml:"thread,omitempty"`
	Error      stanza.Err            `xml:"error,omitempty"`
	Extensions []stanza.MsgExtension `xml:",omitempty"`

// Replace is from XEP-0308
type Replace struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"urn:xmpp:message-correct:0 replace"`
	Id      string   `xml:"id,attr"`

// Namespace is a namespace!
func (c PresenceNickExtension) Namespace() string {
	return c.XMLName.Space

// Namespace is a namespace!
func (c PresenceXVCardUpdateExtension) Namespace() string {
	return c.XMLName.Space

// Namespace is a namespace!
func (c IqVcardTemp) Namespace() string {
	return c.XMLName.Space

// GetSet getsets!
func (c IqVcardTemp) GetSet() *stanza.ResultSet {
	return c.ResultSet

// Namespace is a namespace!
func (c Reply) Namespace() string {
	return c.XMLName.Space

// Namespace is a namespace!
func (c Fallback) Namespace() string {
	return c.XMLName.Space

// Namespace is a namespace!
func (c CarbonReceived) Namespace() string {
	return c.XMLName.Space

// Namespace is a namespace!
func (c CarbonSent) Namespace() string {
	return c.XMLName.Space

// Namespace is a namespace!
func (c ComponentPrivilege1) Namespace() string {
	return c.XMLName.Space

// Namespace is a namespace!
func (c ComponentPrivilege2) Namespace() string {
	return c.XMLName.Space

// Namespace is a namespace!
func (c Replace) Namespace() string {
	return c.XMLName.Space

// Name is a packet name
func (ClientMessage) Name() string {
	return "message"

// NewReplyFallback initializes a fallback range
func NewReplyFallback(start uint64, end uint64) Fallback {
	return Fallback{
		For: "urn:xmpp:reply:0",
		Body: []FallbackBody{
				Start: strconv.FormatUint(start, 10),
				End:   strconv.FormatUint(end, 10),

func init() {
	// presence nick
	stanza.TypeRegistry.MapExtension(stanza.PKTPresence, xml.Name{
	}, PresenceNickExtension{})

	// presence vcard update
	stanza.TypeRegistry.MapExtension(stanza.PKTPresence, xml.Name{
	}, PresenceXVCardUpdateExtension{})

	// iq vcard request
	stanza.TypeRegistry.MapExtension(stanza.PKTIQ, xml.Name{
	}, IqVcardTemp{})

	// reply
	stanza.TypeRegistry.MapExtension(stanza.PKTMessage, xml.Name{
	}, Reply{})

	// fallback
	stanza.TypeRegistry.MapExtension(stanza.PKTMessage, xml.Name{
	}, Fallback{})

	// carbon received
	stanza.TypeRegistry.MapExtension(stanza.PKTMessage, xml.Name{
	}, CarbonReceived{})

	// carbon sent
	stanza.TypeRegistry.MapExtension(stanza.PKTMessage, xml.Name{
	}, CarbonSent{})

	// component privilege v1
	stanza.TypeRegistry.MapExtension(stanza.PKTMessage, xml.Name{
	}, ComponentPrivilege1{})

	// component privilege v2
	stanza.TypeRegistry.MapExtension(stanza.PKTMessage, xml.Name{
	}, ComponentPrivilege2{})

	// message edit
	stanza.TypeRegistry.MapExtension(stanza.PKTMessage, xml.Name{
	}, Replace{})