import React, { Component } from 'react' import { debounce, parentPosition, parentHasClass } from '../utils' import { Bounds, MapProps, MapReactState, MinMaxBounds, MoveEvent, Point, Tile, TileComponent, TileValues, WAdd, WarningType, WRem, } from '../types' import { osm } from '../providers' const ANIMATION_TIME = 300 const DIAGONAL_THROW_TIME = 1500 const SCROLL_PIXELS_FOR_ZOOM_LEVEL = 150 const MIN_DRAG_FOR_THROW = 40 const CLICK_TOLERANCE = 2 const DOUBLE_CLICK_DELAY = 300 const DEBOUNCE_DELAY = 60 const PINCH_RELEASE_THROW_DELAY = 300 const WARNING_DISPLAY_TIMEOUT = 300 const NOOP = () => true // const lng2tile = (lon: number, zoom: number): number => ((lon + 180) / 360) * Math.pow(2, zoom) const lat2tile = (lat: number, zoom: number): number => ((1 - Math.log(Math.tan((lat * Math.PI) / 180) + 1 / Math.cos((lat * Math.PI) / 180)) / Math.PI) / 2) * Math.pow(2, zoom) function tile2lng(x: number, z: number): number { return (x / Math.pow(2, z)) * 360 - 180 } function tile2lat(y: number, z: number): number { const n = Math.PI - (2 * Math.PI * y) / Math.pow(2, z) return (180 / Math.PI) * Math.atan(0.5 * (Math.exp(n) - Math.exp(-n))) } function getMousePixel(dom: HTMLElement, event: Pick): Point { const parent = parentPosition(dom) return [event.clientX - parent.x, event.clientY - parent.y] } function easeOutQuad(t: number): number { return t * (2 - t) } // minLat, maxLat, minLng, maxLng const absoluteMinMax = [ tile2lat(Math.pow(2, 10), 10), tile2lat(0, 10), tile2lng(0, 10), tile2lng(Math.pow(2, 10), 10), ] as MinMaxBounds const hasWindow = typeof window !== 'undefined' const performanceNow = hasWindow && window.performance && ? () => : (() => { const timeStart = new Date().getTime() return () => new Date().getTime() - timeStart })() const requestAnimationFrame = (callback: (timestamp: number) => void): number | null => { if (hasWindow) { return (window.requestAnimationFrame || window.setTimeout)(callback) } else { callback(new Date().getTime()) return null } } const cancelAnimationFrame = (animFrame: number | null) => hasWindow && animFrame ? (window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.clearTimeout)(animFrame) : false function srcSet( dprs: number[], url: (x: number, y: number, z: number, dpr?: number) => string, x: number, y: number, z: number ): string { if (!dprs || dprs.length === 0) { return '' } return => url(x, y, z, dpr) + (dpr === 1 ? '' : ` ${dpr}x`)).join(', ') } const ImgTile: TileComponent = ({ tile, tileLoaded }) => ( {''} ) export class Map extends Component { static defaultProps = { animate: true, metaWheelZoom: false, metaWheelZoomWarning: 'Use META + wheel to zoom!', twoFingerDrag: false, twoFingerDragWarning: 'Use two fingers to move the map', zoomSnap: true, mouseEvents: true, touchEvents: true, warningZIndex: 100, animateMaxScreens: 5, minZoom: 1, maxZoom: 18, limitBounds: 'center', dprs: [], tileComponent: ImgTile, } _containerRef?: HTMLDivElement _mousePosition?: Point _loadTracker?: { [key: string]: boolean } _dragStart: Point | null = null _mouseDown = false _moveEvents: MoveEvent[] = [] _lastClick: number | null = null _lastTap: number | null = null _lastWheel: number | null = null _touchStartPixel: Point[] | null = null _touchStartMidPoint: Point | null = null _touchStartDistance: number | null = null _secondTouchEnd: number | null = null _warningClearTimeout: number | null = null _isAnimating = false _animationStart: number | null = null _animationEnd: number | null = null _zoomStart: number | null = null _centerTarget: Point | null = null _zoomTarget: number | null = null _zoomAround: Point | null = null _animFrame: number | null = null _boundsSynced = false _minMaxCache: [number, number, number, MinMaxBounds] | null = null _lastZoom: number _lastCenter: Point _centerStart?: Point _resizeObserver = null constructor(props: MapProps) { super(props) this.syncToProps = debounce(this.syncToProps, DEBOUNCE_DELAY) // When users are using uncontrolled components we have to keep this // so we can know if we should call onBoundsChanged this._lastZoom = props.defaultZoom ?? props.zoom ?? 14 this._lastCenter = props.defaultCenter ?? ?? [0, 0] this.state = { zoom: this._lastZoom, center: this._lastCenter, width: props.width ?? props.defaultWidth ?? -1, height: props.height ?? props.defaultHeight ?? -1, zoomDelta: 0, pixelDelta: undefined, oldTiles: [], showWarning: false, warningType: undefined, } } componentDidMount(): void { this.props.mouseEvents && this.bindMouseEvents() this.props.touchEvents && this.bindTouchEvents() if (!this.props.width || !this.props.height) { // A height:100% container div often results in height=0 being returned on mount. // So ask again once everything is painted. if (!this.updateWidthHeight()) { requestAnimationFrame(this.updateWidthHeight) } this.bindResizeEvent() } this.bindWheelEvent() this.syncToProps() if (typeof (window as any).ResizeObserver !== 'undefined') { this._resizeObserver = new (window as any).ResizeObserver(() => { this.updateWidthHeight() }) this._resizeObserver.observe(this._containerRef) } } componentWillUnmount(): void { this.props.mouseEvents && this.unbindMouseEvents() this.props.touchEvents && this.unbindTouchEvents() this.unbindWheelEvent() if (!this.props.width || !this.props.height) { this.unbindResizeEvent() } if (this._resizeObserver) { this._resizeObserver.disconnect() } } updateWidthHeight = (): boolean => { if (this._containerRef) { const rect = this._containerRef.getBoundingClientRect() if (rect && rect.width > 0 && rect.height > 0) { this.setState({ width: rect.width, height: rect.height, }) return true } } return false } wa: WAdd = (...args: Parameters) => window.addEventListener(...args) wr: WRem = (...args: Parameters) => window.removeEventListener(...args) bindMouseEvents = (): void => { this.wa('mousedown', this.handleMouseDown) this.wa('mouseup', this.handleMouseUp) this.wa('mousemove', this.handleMouseMove) } bindTouchEvents = (): void => { this.wa('touchstart', this.handleTouchStart, { passive: false }) this.wa('touchmove', this.handleTouchMove, { passive: false }) this.wa('touchend', this.handleTouchEnd, { passive: false }) } unbindMouseEvents = (): void => { this.wr('mousedown', this.handleMouseDown) this.wr('mouseup', this.handleMouseUp) this.wr('mousemove', this.handleMouseMove) } unbindTouchEvents = (): void => { this.wr('touchstart', this.handleTouchStart) this.wr('touchmove', this.handleTouchMove) this.wr('touchend', this.handleTouchEnd) } bindResizeEvent = (): void => { this.wa('resize', this.updateWidthHeight) } unbindResizeEvent = (): void => { this.wr('resize', this.updateWidthHeight) } bindWheelEvent = (): void => { if (this._containerRef) { this._containerRef.addEventListener('wheel', this.handleWheel, { passive: false }) } } unbindWheelEvent = (): void => { if (this._containerRef) { this._containerRef.removeEventListener('wheel', this.handleWheel) } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: MapProps): void { if (this.props.mouseEvents !== prevProps.mouseEvents) { this.props.mouseEvents ? this.bindMouseEvents() : this.unbindMouseEvents() } if (this.props.touchEvents !== prevProps.touchEvents) { this.props.touchEvents ? this.bindTouchEvents() : this.unbindTouchEvents() } if (this.props.width && this.props.width !== prevProps.width) { this.setState({ width: this.props.width }) } if (this.props.height && this.props.height !== prevProps.height) { this.setState({ height: this.props.height }) } if (! && !this.props.zoom) { // if the user isn't controlling neither zoom nor center we don't have to update. return } if ( (! || ([0] === prevProps?.center?.[0] &&[1] ===[1])) && this.props.zoom === prevProps.zoom ) { // if the user is controlling either zoom or center but nothing changed // we don't have to update aswell return } const currentCenter = this._isAnimating ? this._centerTarget : const currentZoom = this._isAnimating ? this._zoomTarget : this.state.zoom if (currentCenter && currentZoom) { const nextCenter = ?? currentCenter // prevent the rare null errors const nextZoom = this.props.zoom ?? currentZoom if ( Math.abs(nextZoom - currentZoom) > 0.001 || Math.abs(nextCenter[0] - currentCenter[0]) > 0.0001 || Math.abs(nextCenter[1] - currentCenter[1]) > 0.0001 ) { this.setCenterZoomTarget(nextCenter, nextZoom, true) } } } setCenterZoomTarget = ( center: Point | null, zoom: number, fromProps = false, zoomAround: Point | null = null, animationDuration = ANIMATION_TIME ): void => { if ( this.props.animate && (!fromProps || this.distanceInScreens(center, zoom,, this.state.zoom) <= this.props.animateMaxScreens) ) { if (this._isAnimating) { cancelAnimationFrame(this._animFrame) const { centerStep, zoomStep } = this.animationStep(performanceNow()) this._centerStart = centerStep this._zoomStart = zoomStep } else { this._isAnimating = true this._centerStart = this.limitCenterAtZoom([this._lastCenter[0], this._lastCenter[1]], this._lastZoom) this._zoomStart = this._lastZoom this.onAnimationStart() } this._animationStart = performanceNow() this._animationEnd = this._animationStart + animationDuration if (zoomAround) { this._zoomAround = zoomAround this._centerTarget = this.calculateZoomCenter(this._lastCenter, zoomAround, this._lastZoom, zoom) } else { this._zoomAround = null this._centerTarget = center } this._zoomTarget = zoom this._animFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this.animate) } else { this.stopAnimating() if (zoomAround) { const center = this.calculateZoomCenter(this._lastCenter, zoomAround, this._lastZoom, zoom) this.setCenterZoom(center, zoom, fromProps) } else { this.setCenterZoom(center ||, zoom, fromProps) } } } setCenterZoomForChildren = (center: Point | null, zoom: number): void => { this.setCenterZoomTarget(center ||, zoom || this.state.zoom, true) } distanceInScreens = (centerTarget: Point, zoomTarget: number, center: Point, zoom: number): number => { const { width, height } = this.state // distance in pixels at the current zoom level const l1 = this.latLngToPixel(center, center, zoom) const l2 = this.latLngToPixel(centerTarget, center, zoom) // distance in pixels at the target zoom level (could be the same) const z1 = this.latLngToPixel(center, center, zoomTarget) const z2 = this.latLngToPixel(centerTarget, center, zoomTarget) // take the average between the two and divide by width or height to get the distance multiplier in screens const w = (Math.abs(l1[0] - l2[0]) + Math.abs(z1[0] - z2[0])) / 2 / width const h = (Math.abs(l1[1] - l2[1]) + Math.abs(z1[1] - z2[1])) / 2 / height // return the distance return Math.sqrt(w * w + h * h) } animationStep = (timestamp: number): { centerStep: Point; zoomStep: number } => { if ( !this._animationEnd || !this._animationStart || !this._zoomTarget || !this._zoomStart || !this._centerStart || !this._centerTarget ) { return { centerStep:, zoomStep: this.state.zoom, } } const length = this._animationEnd - this._animationStart const progress = Math.max(timestamp - this._animationStart, 0) const percentage = easeOutQuad(progress / length) const zoomDiff = (this._zoomTarget - this._zoomStart) * percentage const zoomStep = this._zoomStart + zoomDiff if (this._zoomAround) { const centerStep = this.calculateZoomCenter(this._centerStart, this._zoomAround, this._zoomStart, zoomStep) return { centerStep, zoomStep } } else { const centerStep = [ this._centerStart[0] + (this._centerTarget[0] - this._centerStart[0]) * percentage, this._centerStart[1] + (this._centerTarget[1] - this._centerStart[1]) * percentage, ] as Point return { centerStep, zoomStep } } } animate = (timestamp: number): void => { if (!this._animationEnd || timestamp >= this._animationEnd) { this._isAnimating = false this.setCenterZoom(this._centerTarget, this._zoomTarget, true) this.onAnimationStop() } else { const { centerStep, zoomStep } = this.animationStep(timestamp) this.setCenterZoom(centerStep, zoomStep) this._animFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this.animate) } } stopAnimating = (): void => { if (this._isAnimating) { this._isAnimating = false this.onAnimationStop() cancelAnimationFrame(this._animFrame) } } limitCenterAtZoom = (center?: Point | null, zoom?: number | null): Point => { // [minLat, maxLat, minLng, maxLng] const minMax = this.getBoundsMinMax(zoom || this.state.zoom) return [ Math.max(Math.min(!center || isNaN(center[0]) ?[0] : center[0], minMax[1]), minMax[0]), Math.max(Math.min(!center || isNaN(center[1]) ?[1] : center[1], minMax[3]), minMax[2]), ] as Point } onAnimationStart = (): void => { this.props.onAnimationStart && this.props.onAnimationStart() } onAnimationStop = (): void => { this.props.onAnimationStop && this.props.onAnimationStop() } // main logic when changing coordinates setCenterZoom = (center?: Point | null, zoom?: number | null, animationEnded = false): void => { const limitedCenter = this.limitCenterAtZoom(center, zoom) if (zoom && Math.round(this.state.zoom) !== Math.round(zoom)) { const tileValues = this.tileValues(this.state) const nextValues = this.tileValues({ center: limitedCenter, zoom, width: this.state.width, height: this.state.height, }) const oldTiles = this.state.oldTiles this.setState( { oldTiles: oldTiles.filter((o) => o.roundedZoom !== tileValues.roundedZoom).concat(tileValues), }, NOOP ) const loadTracker: { [key: string]: boolean } = {} for (let x = nextValues.tileMinX; x <= nextValues.tileMaxX; x++) { for (let y = nextValues.tileMinY; y <= nextValues.tileMaxY; y++) { const key = `${x}-${y}-${nextValues.roundedZoom}` loadTracker[key] = false } } this._loadTracker = loadTracker } this.setState({ center: limitedCenter, zoom: zoom || this.state.zoom }, NOOP) const maybeZoom = this.props.zoom ? this.props.zoom : this._lastZoom const maybeCenter = ? : this._lastCenter if ( zoom && (animationEnded || Math.abs(maybeZoom - zoom) > 0.001 || Math.abs(maybeCenter[0] - limitedCenter[0]) > 0.00001 || Math.abs(maybeCenter[1] - limitedCenter[1]) > 0.00001) ) { this._lastZoom = zoom this._lastCenter = [...limitedCenter] this.syncToProps(limitedCenter, zoom) } } getBoundsMinMax = (zoom: number): MinMaxBounds => { if (this.props.limitBounds === 'center') { return absoluteMinMax } const { width, height } = this.state if ( this._minMaxCache && this._minMaxCache[0] === zoom && this._minMaxCache[1] === width && this._minMaxCache[2] === height ) { return this._minMaxCache[3] } const pixelsAtZoom = Math.pow(2, zoom) * 256 const minLng = width > pixelsAtZoom ? 0 : tile2lng(width / 512, zoom) // x const minLat = height > pixelsAtZoom ? 0 : tile2lat(Math.pow(2, zoom) - height / 512, zoom) // y const maxLng = width > pixelsAtZoom ? 0 : tile2lng(Math.pow(2, zoom) - width / 512, zoom) // x const maxLat = height > pixelsAtZoom ? 0 : tile2lat(height / 512, zoom) // y const minMax = [minLat, maxLat, minLng, maxLng] as MinMaxBounds this._minMaxCache = [zoom, width, height, minMax] return minMax } tileLoaded = (key: string): void => { if (this._loadTracker && key in this._loadTracker) { this._loadTracker[key] = true const unloadedCount = Object.values(this._loadTracker).filter((v) => !v).length if (unloadedCount === 0) { this.setState({ oldTiles: [] }, NOOP) } } } coordsInside(pixel: Point): boolean { const { width, height } = this.state if (pixel[0] < 0 || pixel[1] < 0 || pixel[0] >= width || pixel[1] >= height) { return false } const parent = this._containerRef if (parent) { const pos = parentPosition(parent) const element = document.elementFromPoint(pixel[0] + pos.x, pixel[1] + pos.y) return parent === element || parent.contains(element) } else { return false } } handleTouchStart = (event: TouchEvent): void => { if (!this._containerRef) { return } if ( && parentHasClass( as HTMLElement, 'pigeon-drag-block')) { return } if (event.touches.length === 1) { const touch = event.touches[0] const pixel = getMousePixel(this._containerRef, touch) if (this.coordsInside(pixel)) { this._touchStartPixel = [pixel] if (!this.props.twoFingerDrag) { this.stopAnimating() if (this._lastTap && performanceNow() - this._lastTap < DOUBLE_CLICK_DELAY) { event.preventDefault() const latLngNow = this.pixelToLatLng(this._touchStartPixel[0]) this.setCenterZoomTarget( null, Math.max(this.props.minZoom, Math.min(this.state.zoom + 1, this.props.maxZoom)), false, latLngNow ) } else { this._lastTap = performanceNow() this.trackMoveEvents(pixel) } } } // added second finger and first one was in the area } else if (event.touches.length === 2 && this._touchStartPixel) { event.preventDefault() this.stopTrackingMoveEvents() if (this.state.pixelDelta || this.state.zoomDelta) { this.sendDeltaChange() } const t1 = getMousePixel(this._containerRef, event.touches[0]) const t2 = getMousePixel(this._containerRef, event.touches[1]) this._touchStartPixel = [t1, t2] this._touchStartMidPoint = [(t1[0] + t2[0]) / 2, (t1[1] + t2[1]) / 2] this._touchStartDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(t1[0] - t2[0], 2) + Math.pow(t1[1] - t2[1], 2)) } } handleTouchMove = (event: TouchEvent): void => { if (!this._containerRef) { this._touchStartPixel = null return } if (event.touches.length === 1 && this._touchStartPixel) { const touch = event.touches[0] const pixel = getMousePixel(this._containerRef, touch) if (this.props.twoFingerDrag) { if (this.coordsInside(pixel)) { this.showWarning('fingers') } } else { event.preventDefault() this.trackMoveEvents(pixel) this.setState( { pixelDelta: [pixel[0] - this._touchStartPixel[0][0], pixel[1] - this._touchStartPixel[0][1]], }, NOOP ) } } else if ( event.touches.length === 2 && this._touchStartPixel && this._touchStartMidPoint && this._touchStartDistance ) { const { width, height, zoom } = this.state event.preventDefault() const t1 = getMousePixel(this._containerRef, event.touches[0]) const t2 = getMousePixel(this._containerRef, event.touches[1]) const midPoint = [(t1[0] + t2[0]) / 2, (t1[1] + t2[1]) / 2] const midPointDiff = [midPoint[0] - this._touchStartMidPoint[0], midPoint[1] - this._touchStartMidPoint[1]] const distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(t1[0] - t2[0], 2) + Math.pow(t1[1] - t2[1], 2)) const zoomDelta = Math.max( this.props.minZoom, Math.min(this.props.maxZoom, zoom + Math.log2(distance / this._touchStartDistance)) ) - zoom const scale = Math.pow(2, zoomDelta) const centerDiffDiff = [(width / 2 - midPoint[0]) * (scale - 1), (height / 2 - midPoint[1]) * (scale - 1)] this.setState( { zoomDelta: zoomDelta, pixelDelta: [centerDiffDiff[0] + midPointDiff[0] * scale, centerDiffDiff[1] + midPointDiff[1] * scale], }, NOOP ) } } handleTouchEnd = (event: TouchEvent): void => { if (!this._containerRef) { this._touchStartPixel = null return } if (this._touchStartPixel) { const { zoomSnap, twoFingerDrag, minZoom, maxZoom } = this.props const { zoomDelta } = this.state const { center, zoom } = this.sendDeltaChange() if (event.touches.length === 0) { if (twoFingerDrag) { this.clearWarning() } else { // if the click started and ended at about // the same place we can view it as a click // and not prevent default behavior. const oldTouchPixel = this._touchStartPixel[0] const newTouchPixel = getMousePixel(this._containerRef, event.changedTouches[0]) if ( Math.abs(oldTouchPixel[0] - newTouchPixel[0]) > CLICK_TOLERANCE || Math.abs(oldTouchPixel[1] - newTouchPixel[1]) > CLICK_TOLERANCE ) { // don't throw immediately after releasing the second finger if (!this._secondTouchEnd || performanceNow() - this._secondTouchEnd > PINCH_RELEASE_THROW_DELAY) { event.preventDefault() this.throwAfterMoving(newTouchPixel, center, zoom) } } this._touchStartPixel = null this._secondTouchEnd = null } } else if (event.touches.length === 1) { event.preventDefault() const touch = getMousePixel(this._containerRef, event.touches[0]) this._secondTouchEnd = performanceNow() this._touchStartPixel = [touch] this.trackMoveEvents(touch) if (zoomSnap) { // if somehow we have no midpoint for the two finger touch, just take the center of the map const latLng = this._touchStartMidPoint ? this.pixelToLatLng(this._touchStartMidPoint) : let zoomTarget // do not zoom up/down if we must drag with 2 fingers and didn't change the zoom level if (twoFingerDrag && Math.round(this.state.zoom) === Math.round(this.state.zoom + zoomDelta)) { zoomTarget = Math.round(this.state.zoom) } else { zoomTarget = zoomDelta > 0 ? Math.ceil(this.state.zoom) : Math.floor(this.state.zoom) } const zoom = Math.max(minZoom, Math.min(zoomTarget, maxZoom)) this.setCenterZoomTarget(latLng, zoom, false, latLng) } } } } handleMouseDown = (event: MouseEvent): void => { if (!this._containerRef) { return } const pixel = getMousePixel(this._containerRef, event) if ( event.button === 0 && (! || !parentHasClass( as HTMLElement, 'pigeon-drag-block')) && this.coordsInside(pixel) ) { this.stopAnimating() event.preventDefault() if (this._lastClick && performanceNow() - this._lastClick < DOUBLE_CLICK_DELAY) { if (!parentHasClass( as HTMLElement, 'pigeon-click-block')) { const latLngNow = this.pixelToLatLng(this._mousePosition || pixel) this.setCenterZoomTarget( null, Math.max(this.props.minZoom, Math.min(this.state.zoom + 1, this.props.maxZoom)), false, latLngNow ) } } else { this._lastClick = performanceNow() this._mouseDown = true this._dragStart = pixel this.trackMoveEvents(pixel) } } } handleMouseMove = (event: MouseEvent): void => { if (!this._containerRef) { return } this._mousePosition = getMousePixel(this._containerRef, event) if (this._mouseDown && this._dragStart) { this.trackMoveEvents(this._mousePosition) this.setState( { pixelDelta: [this._mousePosition[0] - this._dragStart[0], this._mousePosition[1] - this._dragStart[1]], }, NOOP ) } } handleMouseUp = (event: MouseEvent): void => { if (!this._containerRef) { this._mouseDown = false return } const { pixelDelta } = this.state if (this._mouseDown) { this._mouseDown = false const pixel = getMousePixel(this._containerRef, event) if ( this.props.onClick && (! || !parentHasClass( as HTMLElement, 'pigeon-click-block')) && (!pixelDelta || Math.abs(pixelDelta[0]) + Math.abs(pixelDelta[1]) <= CLICK_TOLERANCE) ) { const latLng = this.pixelToLatLng(pixel) this.props.onClick({ event, latLng, pixel }) this.setState({ pixelDelta: undefined }, NOOP) } else { const { center, zoom } = this.sendDeltaChange() this.throwAfterMoving(pixel, center, zoom) } } } // stopTrackingMoveEvents = (): void => { this._moveEvents = [] } trackMoveEvents = (coords: Point): void => { const timestamp = performanceNow() if (this._moveEvents.length === 0 || timestamp - this._moveEvents[this._moveEvents.length - 1].timestamp > 40) { this._moveEvents.push({ timestamp, coords }) if (this._moveEvents.length > 2) { this._moveEvents.shift() } } } throwAfterMoving = (coords: Point, center: Point, zoom: number): void => { const { width, height } = this.state const { animate } = this.props const timestamp = performanceNow() const lastEvent = this._moveEvents.shift() if (lastEvent && animate) { const deltaMs = Math.max(timestamp - lastEvent.timestamp, 1) const delta = [ ((coords[0] - lastEvent.coords[0]) / deltaMs) * 120, ((coords[1] - lastEvent.coords[1]) / deltaMs) * 120, ] const distance = Math.sqrt(delta[0] * delta[0] + delta[1] * delta[1]) if (distance > MIN_DRAG_FOR_THROW) { const diagonal = Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height) const throwTime = (DIAGONAL_THROW_TIME * distance) / diagonal const lng = tile2lng(lng2tile(center[1], zoom) - delta[0] / 256.0, zoom) const lat = tile2lat(lat2tile(center[0], zoom) - delta[1] / 256.0, zoom) this.setCenterZoomTarget([lat, lng], zoom, false, null, throwTime) } } this.stopTrackingMoveEvents() } sendDeltaChange = () => { const { center, zoom, pixelDelta, zoomDelta } = this.state let lat = center[0] let lng = center[1] if (pixelDelta || zoomDelta !== 0) { lng = tile2lng(lng2tile(center[1], zoom + zoomDelta) - (pixelDelta ? pixelDelta[0] / 256.0 : 0), zoom + zoomDelta) lat = tile2lat(lat2tile(center[0], zoom + zoomDelta) - (pixelDelta ? pixelDelta[1] / 256.0 : 0), zoom + zoomDelta) this.setCenterZoom([lat, lng], zoom + zoomDelta) } this.setState( { pixelDelta: undefined, zoomDelta: 0, }, NOOP ) return { center: this.limitCenterAtZoom([lat, lng], zoom + zoomDelta), zoom: zoom + zoomDelta, } } getBounds = (center =, zoom = this.zoomPlusDelta()): Bounds => { const { width, height } = this.state return { ne: this.pixelToLatLng([width - 1, 0], center, zoom), sw: this.pixelToLatLng([0, height - 1], center, zoom), } } syncToProps = (center =, zoom = this.state.zoom): void => { const { onBoundsChanged } = this.props if (onBoundsChanged) { const bounds = this.getBounds(center, zoom) onBoundsChanged({ center, zoom, bounds, initial: !this._boundsSynced }) this._boundsSynced = true } } handleWheel = (event: WheelEvent): void => { const { mouseEvents, metaWheelZoom, zoomSnap, animate } = this.props if (!mouseEvents) { return } if (!metaWheelZoom || event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) { event.preventDefault() const addToZoom = -event.deltaY / SCROLL_PIXELS_FOR_ZOOM_LEVEL if (!zoomSnap && this._zoomTarget) { const stillToAdd = this._zoomTarget - this.state.zoom this.zoomAroundMouse(addToZoom + stillToAdd, event) } else { if (animate) { this.zoomAroundMouse(addToZoom, event) } else { if (!this._lastWheel || performanceNow() - this._lastWheel > ANIMATION_TIME) { this._lastWheel = performanceNow() this.zoomAroundMouse(addToZoom, event) } } } } else { this.showWarning('wheel') } } showWarning = (warningType: WarningType): void => { if (!this.state.showWarning || this.state.warningType !== warningType) { this.setState({ showWarning: true, warningType }) } if (this._warningClearTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(this._warningClearTimeout) } this._warningClearTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.clearWarning, WARNING_DISPLAY_TIMEOUT) } clearWarning = (): void => { if (this.state.showWarning) { this.setState({ showWarning: false }) } } zoomAroundMouse = (zoomDiff: number, event: MouseEvent): void => { if (!this._containerRef) { return } const { zoom } = this.state const { minZoom, maxZoom, zoomSnap } = this.props this._mousePosition = getMousePixel(this._containerRef, event) if (!this._mousePosition || (zoom === minZoom && zoomDiff < 0) || (zoom === maxZoom && zoomDiff > 0)) { return } const latLngNow = this.pixelToLatLng(this._mousePosition) let zoomTarget = zoom + zoomDiff if (zoomSnap) { zoomTarget = zoomDiff < 0 ? Math.floor(zoomTarget) : Math.ceil(zoomTarget) } zoomTarget = Math.max(minZoom, Math.min(zoomTarget, maxZoom)) this.setCenterZoomTarget(null, zoomTarget, false, latLngNow) } // tools zoomPlusDelta = (): number => { return this.state.zoom + this.state.zoomDelta } pixelToLatLng = (pixel: Point, center =, zoom = this.zoomPlusDelta()): Point => { const { width, height, pixelDelta } = this.state const pointDiff = [ (pixel[0] - width / 2 - (pixelDelta ? pixelDelta[0] : 0)) / 256.0, (pixel[1] - height / 2 - (pixelDelta ? pixelDelta[1] : 0)) / 256.0, ] const tileX = lng2tile(center[1], zoom) + pointDiff[0] const tileY = lat2tile(center[0], zoom) + pointDiff[1] return [ Math.max(absoluteMinMax[0], Math.min(absoluteMinMax[1], tile2lat(tileY, zoom))), Math.max(absoluteMinMax[2], Math.min(absoluteMinMax[3], tile2lng(tileX, zoom))), ] as Point } latLngToPixel = (latLng: Point, center =, zoom = this.zoomPlusDelta()): Point => { const { width, height, pixelDelta } = this.state const tileCenterX = lng2tile(center[1], zoom) const tileCenterY = lat2tile(center[0], zoom) const tileX = lng2tile(latLng[1], zoom) const tileY = lat2tile(latLng[0], zoom) return [ (tileX - tileCenterX) * 256.0 + width / 2 + (pixelDelta ? pixelDelta[0] : 0), (tileY - tileCenterY) * 256.0 + height / 2 + (pixelDelta ? pixelDelta[1] : 0), ] as Point } calculateZoomCenter = (center: Point, coords: Point, oldZoom: number, newZoom: number): Point => { const { width, height } = this.state const pixelBefore = this.latLngToPixel(coords, center, oldZoom) const pixelAfter = this.latLngToPixel(coords, center, newZoom) const newCenter = this.pixelToLatLng( [width / 2 + pixelAfter[0] - pixelBefore[0], height / 2 + pixelAfter[1] - pixelBefore[1]], center, newZoom ) return this.limitCenterAtZoom(newCenter, newZoom) } // ref setRef = (dom: HTMLDivElement) => { this._containerRef = dom } // data to display the tiles tileValues({ center, zoom, pixelDelta, zoomDelta, width, height, }: { center: Point zoom: number pixelDelta?: Point zoomDelta?: number width: number height: number }): TileValues { const roundedZoom = Math.round(zoom + (zoomDelta || 0)) const zoomDiff = zoom + (zoomDelta || 0) - roundedZoom const scale = Math.pow(2, zoomDiff) const scaleWidth = width / scale const scaleHeight = height / scale const tileCenterX = lng2tile(center[1], roundedZoom) - (pixelDelta ? pixelDelta[0] / 256.0 / scale : 0) const tileCenterY = lat2tile(center[0], roundedZoom) - (pixelDelta ? pixelDelta[1] / 256.0 / scale : 0) const halfWidth = scaleWidth / 2 / 256.0 const halfHeight = scaleHeight / 2 / 256.0 const tileMinX = Math.floor(tileCenterX - halfWidth) const tileMaxX = Math.floor(tileCenterX + halfWidth) const tileMinY = Math.floor(tileCenterY - halfHeight) const tileMaxY = Math.floor(tileCenterY + halfHeight) return { tileMinX, tileMaxX, tileMinY, tileMaxY, tileCenterX, tileCenterY, roundedZoom, zoomDelta: zoomDelta || 0, scaleWidth, scaleHeight, scale, } } // display the tiles renderTiles(): JSX.Element { const { oldTiles, width, height } = this.state const { dprs } = this.props const mapUrl = this.props.provider || osm const { tileMinX, tileMaxX, tileMinY, tileMaxY, tileCenterX, tileCenterY, roundedZoom, scaleWidth, scaleHeight, scale, } = this.tileValues(this.state) const tiles: Tile[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < oldTiles.length; i++) { const old = oldTiles[i] const zoomDiff = old.roundedZoom - roundedZoom if (Math.abs(zoomDiff) > 4 || zoomDiff === 0) { continue } const pow = 1 / Math.pow(2, zoomDiff) const xDiff = -(tileMinX - old.tileMinX * pow) * 256 const yDiff = -(tileMinY - old.tileMinY * pow) * 256 const xMin = Math.max(old.tileMinX, 0) const yMin = Math.max(old.tileMinY, 0) const xMax = Math.min(old.tileMaxX, Math.pow(2, old.roundedZoom) - 1) const yMax = Math.min(old.tileMaxY, Math.pow(2, old.roundedZoom) - 1) for (let x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) { for (let y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) { tiles.push({ key: `${x}-${y}-${old.roundedZoom}`, url: mapUrl(x, y, old.roundedZoom), srcSet: srcSet(dprs, mapUrl, x, y, old.roundedZoom), left: xDiff + (x - old.tileMinX) * 256 * pow, top: yDiff + (y - old.tileMinY) * 256 * pow, width: 256 * pow, height: 256 * pow, active: false, }) } } } const xMin = Math.max(tileMinX, 0) const yMin = Math.max(tileMinY, 0) const xMax = Math.min(tileMaxX, Math.pow(2, roundedZoom) - 1) const yMax = Math.min(tileMaxY, Math.pow(2, roundedZoom) - 1) for (let x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) { for (let y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) { tiles.push({ key: `${x}-${y}-${roundedZoom}`, url: mapUrl(x, y, roundedZoom), srcSet: srcSet(dprs, mapUrl, x, y, roundedZoom), left: (x - tileMinX) * 256, top: (y - tileMinY) * 256, width: 256, height: 256, active: true, }) } } const boxStyle: React.CSSProperties = { width: scaleWidth, height: scaleHeight, position: 'absolute', top: `calc((100% - ${height}px) / 2)`, left: `calc((100% - ${width}px) / 2)`, overflow: 'hidden', willChange: 'transform', transform: `scale(${scale}, ${scale})`, transformOrigin: 'top left', } const boxClassname = this.props.boxClassname || 'pigeon-tiles-box' const left = -((tileCenterX - tileMinX) * 256 - scaleWidth / 2) const top = -((tileCenterY - tileMinY) * 256 - scaleHeight / 2) const tilesStyle: React.CSSProperties = { position: 'absolute', width: (tileMaxX - tileMinX + 1) * 256, height: (tileMaxY - tileMinY + 1) * 256, willChange: 'transform', transform: `translate(${left}px, ${top}px)`, } const Tile = this.props.tileComponent return (
{ => ( this.tileLoaded(tile.key)} /> ))}
) } renderOverlays(): JSX.Element { const { width, height, center } = this.state const mapState = { bounds: this.getBounds(), zoom: this.zoomPlusDelta(), center: center, width, height, } const childrenWithProps =, (child) => { if (!child) { return null } if (!React.isValidElement(child)) { return child } const { anchor, position, offset } = child.props const c = this.latLngToPixel(anchor || position || center) return React.cloneElement(child, { left: c[0] - (offset ? offset[0] : 0), top: c[1] - (offset ? offset[1] : 0), latLngToPixel: this.latLngToPixel, pixelToLatLng: this.pixelToLatLng, setCenterZoom: this.setCenterZoomForChildren, mapProps: this.props, mapState, }) }) const childrenStyle: React.CSSProperties = { position: 'absolute', width: width, height: height, top: `calc((100% - ${height}px) / 2)`, left: `calc((100% - ${width}px) / 2)`, } return (
) } renderAttribution(): JSX.Element | null { const { attribution, attributionPrefix } = this.props if (attribution === false) { return null } const style: React.CSSProperties = { position: 'absolute', bottom: 0, right: 0, fontSize: '11px', padding: '2px 5px', background: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)', fontFamily: "'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif", color: '#333', } const linkStyle: React.CSSProperties = { color: '#0078A8', textDecoration: 'none', } return (
{attributionPrefix === false ? null : ( {attributionPrefix || ( Pigeon )} {' | '} )} {attribution || ( {' © '} OpenStreetMap {' contributors'} )}
) } renderWarning(): JSX.Element | null { const { metaWheelZoom, metaWheelZoomWarning, twoFingerDrag, twoFingerDragWarning, warningZIndex } = this.props const { showWarning, warningType, width, height } = this.state if ((metaWheelZoom && metaWheelZoomWarning) || (twoFingerDrag && twoFingerDragWarning)) { const style: React.CSSProperties = { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, width: width, height: height, overflow: 'hidden', pointerEvents: 'none', opacity: showWarning ? 100 : 0, transition: 'opacity 300ms', background: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', color: '#fff', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', fontSize: 22, fontFamily: '"Arial", sans-serif', textAlign: 'center', zIndex: warningZIndex, } const meta = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.navigator && window.navigator.platform.toUpperCase().indexOf('MAC') >= 0 ? '⌘' : 'ctrl' const warningText = warningType === 'fingers' ? twoFingerDragWarning : metaWheelZoomWarning return (
{warningText.replace('META', meta)}
) } else { return null } } render(): JSX.Element { const { touchEvents, twoFingerDrag } = this.props const { width, height } = this.state const containerStyle: React.CSSProperties = { width: this.props.width ? width : '100%', height: this.props.height ? height : '100%', position: 'relative', display: 'inline-block', overflow: 'hidden', background: '#dddddd', touchAction: touchEvents ? (twoFingerDrag ? 'pan-x pan-y' : 'none') : 'auto', } const hasSize = !!(width && height) return (
{hasSize && this.renderTiles()} {hasSize && this.renderOverlays()} {hasSize && this.renderAttribution()} {hasSize && this.renderWarning()}
) } }