blob: e30d20562407b8782b9136bdd510c05b9a225b25 (
plain) (
import React from "react"
export interface ContainerProviderProps<State = void> {
initialState?: State
children: React.ReactNode
export interface Container<Value, State = void> {
Provider: React.ComponentType<ContainerProviderProps<State>>
useContainer: () => Value
export function createContainer<Value, State = void>(
useHook: (initialState?: State) => Value,
): Container<Value, State> {
let Context = React.createContext<Value | null>(null)
function Provider(props: ContainerProviderProps<State>) {
let value = useHook(props.initialState)
return <Context.Provider value={value}>{props.children}</Context.Provider>
function useContainer(): Value {
let value = React.useContext(Context)
if (value === null) {
throw new Error("Component must be wrapped with <Container.Provider>")
return value
return { Provider, useContainer }
export function useContainer<Value, State = void>(
container: Container<Value, State>,
): Value {
return container.useContainer()