path: root/hugo.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hugo.yaml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/hugo.yaml b/hugo.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6878cfc..0000000
--- a/hugo.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-baseURL: "https://neonxp.ru/"
-languageCode: "ru-RU"
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-title: "~/neonxp.log"
-theme: "hugo-theme-stack"
-enableRobotsTXT: true
- favicon: /img/logo.png
- widgets:
- homepage:
- - type: search
- - type: archives
- params:
- limit: 5
- - type: categories
- params:
- limit: 10
- - type: tag-cloud
- params:
- limit: 10
- page:
- - type: toc
- sidebar:
- emoji: 👨🏻‍💻
- subtitle: Дневник разработчика
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- enabled: true
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- src: /img/logo.png
- article:
- math: false
- toc: true
- readingTime: true
- license:
- enabled: true
- default: Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- imageProcessing:
- cover:
- enabled: true
- content:
- enabled: true
- footer:
- since: 2007
- customText: Александр NeonXP Кирюхин
- dateFormat:
- published: 02.01.2006
- lastUpdated: 15:04 02.01.2006
- comments:
- enabled: true
- provider: remark42
- remark42:
- host: https://comments.neonxp.ru
- site: neonxp_ru
- locale: ru
- post: /p/:slug/
- page: /:slug/
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- toLower: false
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- - name: tags
- weight: 100
- - name: categories
- weight: 200
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- extensions:
- passthrough:
- enable: true
- delimiters:
- block:
- - - \[
- - \]
- - - $$
- - $$
- inline:
- - - \(
- - \)
- renderer:
- ## Set to true if you have HTML content inside Markdown
- unsafe: true
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- main:
- - name: Гостевая книга
- URL: /pages/guestbook
- - name: Проекты
- URL: /pages/projects
- - name: Обо мне
- URL: /pages/me
- - name: RSS
- URL: https://neonxp.ru/post/index.xml
- page:
- - html
- home:
- - html
- sections:
- - html
- - rss \ No newline at end of file