path: root/features/src/node
diff options
authorNeonXP <>2024-01-28 20:43:11 +0300
committerNeonXP <>2024-01-28 22:07:35 +0300
commit11412b2e720f754900b39d195f33af39ed11d085 (patch)
tree96d7e561f21809aead3c0f25034f083f46ef064c /features/src/node
parent6c00916212073678bbeb3bdde3f121c4efad707a (diff)
Go теперь фича над базовым образомHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'features/src/node')
4 files changed, 412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/features/src/node/ b/features/src/node/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65eb93b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/src/node/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+## Using nvm from postCreateCommand or another lifecycle command
+Certain operations like `postCreateCommand` run non-interactive, non-login shells. Unfortunately, `nvm` is really particular that it needs to be "sourced" before it is used, which can only happen automatically with interactive and/or login shells. Fortunately, this is easy to work around:
+Just can source the `nvm` startup script before using it:
+"postCreateCommand": ". ${NVM_DIR}/ && nvm install --lts"
+Note that typically the default shell in these cases is `sh` not `bash`, so use `. ${NVM_DIR}/` instead of `source ${NVM_DIR}/`.
+Alternatively, you can start up an interactive shell which will in turn source `nvm`:
+"postCreateCommand": "bash -i -c 'nvm install --lts'"
+## OS Support
+This Feature should work on recent versions of Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions with the `apt` package manager installed.
+`bash` is required to execute the `` script.
diff --git a/features/src/node/ b/features/src/node/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b983919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/src/node/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Node.js (via nvm), yarn and pnpm (node)
+Installs Node.js, nvm, yarn, pnpm, and needed dependencies.
+## Example Usage
+"features": {
+ "": {}
+## Options
+| Options Id | Description | Type | Default Value |
+| version | Select or enter a Node.js version to install | string | lts |
+| nodeGypDependencies | Install dependencies to compile native node modules (node-gyp)? | boolean | true |
+| nvmInstallPath | The path where NVM will be installed. | string | /usr/local/share/nvm |
+| nvmVersion | Version of NVM to install. | string | latest |
+## Customizations
+### VS Code Extensions
+- `dbaeumer.vscode-eslint`
+## Using nvm from postCreateCommand or another lifecycle command
+Certain operations like `postCreateCommand` run non-interactive, non-login shells. Unfortunately, `nvm` is really particular that it needs to be "sourced" before it is used, which can only happen automatically with interactive and/or login shells. Fortunately, this is easy to work around:
+Just can source the `nvm` startup script before using it:
+"postCreateCommand": ". ${NVM_DIR}/ && nvm install --lts"
+Note that typically the default shell in these cases is `sh` not `bash`, so use `. ${NVM_DIR}/` instead of `source ${NVM_DIR}/`.
+Alternatively, you can start up an interactive shell which will in turn source `nvm`:
+"postCreateCommand": "bash -i -c 'nvm install --lts'"
+## OS Support
+This Feature should work on recent versions of Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions with the `apt` package manager installed.
+`bash` is required to execute the `` script.
+_Note: This file was auto-generated from the [devcontainer-feature.json]( Add additional notes to a ``._
diff --git a/features/src/node/devcontainer-feature.json b/features/src/node/devcontainer-feature.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b460688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/src/node/devcontainer-feature.json
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ "id": "node",
+ "version": "1.3.1",
+ "name": "Node.js (via nvm), yarn and pnpm",
+ "documentationURL": "",
+ "description": "Installs Node.js, nvm, yarn, pnpm, and needed dependencies.",
+ "options": {
+ "version": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "proposals": [
+ "lts",
+ "latest",
+ "none",
+ "18",
+ "16",
+ "14"
+ ],
+ "default": "lts",
+ "description": "Select or enter a Node.js version to install"
+ },
+ "nodeGypDependencies": {
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "default": true,
+ "description": "Install dependencies to compile native node modules (node-gyp)?"
+ },
+ "nvmInstallPath": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "default": "/usr/local/share/nvm",
+ "description": "The path where NVM will be installed."
+ },
+ "nvmVersion": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "proposals": [
+ "latest",
+ "0.39"
+ ],
+ "default": "latest",
+ "description": "Version of NVM to install."
+ }
+ },
+ "customizations": {
+ "vscode": {
+ "extensions": [
+ "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "containerEnv": {
+ "NVM_DIR": "/usr/local/share/nvm",
+ "PATH": "/usr/local/share/nvm/current/bin:${PATH}"
+ },
+ "installsAfter": [
+ ""
+ ]
diff --git a/features/src/node/ b/features/src/node/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9a696ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/src/node/
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License. See for license information.
+# Docs:
+# Maintainer: The Dev Container spec maintainers
+export NODE_VERSION="${VERSION:-"lts"}"
+export NVM_VERSION="${NVMVERSION:-"latest"}"
+export NVM_DIR="${NVMINSTALLPATH:-"/usr/local/share/nvm"}"
+# Comma-separated list of node versions to be installed (with nvm)
+# alongside NODE_VERSION, but not set as default.
+set -e
+# Clean up
+rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo -e 'Script must be run as root. Use sudo, su, or add "USER root" to your Dockerfile before running this script.'
+ exit 1
+# Ensure that login shells get the correct path if the user updated the PATH using ENV.
+rm -f /etc/profile.d/
+echo "export PATH=${PATH//$(sh -lc 'echo $PATH')/\$PATH}" > /etc/profile.d/
+chmod +x /etc/profile.d/
+# Determine the appropriate non-root user
+if [ "${USERNAME}" = "auto" ] || [ "${USERNAME}" = "automatic" ]; then
+ POSSIBLE_USERS=("vscode" "node" "codespace" "$(awk -v val=1000 -F ":" '$3==val{print $1}' /etc/passwd)")
+ for CURRENT_USER in "${POSSIBLE_USERS[@]}"; do
+ if id -u ${CURRENT_USER} > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "${USERNAME}" = "" ]; then
+ fi
+elif [ "${USERNAME}" = "none" ] || ! id -u ${USERNAME} > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+updaterc() {
+ if [ "${UPDATE_RC}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "Updating /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/zsh/zshrc..."
+ if [[ "$(cat /etc/bash.bashrc)" != *"$1"* ]]; then
+ echo -e "$1" >> /etc/bash.bashrc
+ fi
+ if [ -f "/etc/zsh/zshrc" ] && [[ "$(cat /etc/zsh/zshrc)" != *"$1"* ]]; then
+ echo -e "$1" >> /etc/zsh/zshrc
+ fi
+ fi
+apt_get_update() {
+ if [ "$(find /var/lib/apt/lists/* | wc -l)" = "0" ]; then
+ echo "Running apt-get update..."
+ apt-get update -y
+ fi
+# Checks if packages are installed and installs them if not
+check_packages() {
+ if ! dpkg -s "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ apt_get_update
+ apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends "$@"
+ fi
+# Figure out correct version of a three part version number is not passed
+find_version_from_git_tags() {
+ local variable_name=$1
+ local requested_version=${!variable_name}
+ if [ "${requested_version}" = "none" ]; then return; fi
+ local repository=$2
+ local prefix=${3:-"tags/v"}
+ local separator=${4:-"."}
+ local last_part_optional=${5:-"false"}
+ if [ "$(echo "${requested_version}" | grep -o "." | wc -l)" != "2" ]; then
+ local escaped_separator=${separator//./\\.}
+ local last_part
+ if [ "${last_part_optional}" = "true" ]; then
+ last_part="(${escaped_separator}[0-9]+)?"
+ else
+ last_part="${escaped_separator}[0-9]+"
+ fi
+ local regex="${prefix}\\K[0-9]+${escaped_separator}[0-9]+${last_part}$"
+ local version_list="$(git ls-remote --tags ${repository} | grep -oP "${regex}" | tr -d ' ' | tr "${separator}" "." | sort -rV)"
+ if [ "${requested_version}" = "latest" ] || [ "${requested_version}" = "current" ] || [ "${requested_version}" = "lts" ]; then
+ declare -g ${variable_name}="$(echo "${version_list}" | head -n 1)"
+ else
+ set +e
+ declare -g ${variable_name}="$(echo "${version_list}" | grep -E -m 1 "^${requested_version//./\\.}([\\.\\s]|$)")"
+ set -e
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${!variable_name}" ] || ! echo "${version_list}" | grep "^${!variable_name//./\\.}$" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo -e "Invalid ${variable_name} value: ${requested_version}\nValid values:\n${version_list}" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "${variable_name}=${!variable_name}"
+# Ensure apt is in non-interactive to avoid prompts
+export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+. /etc/os-release
+if [[ "bionic" = *"${VERSION_CODENAME}"* ]]; then
+ if [[ "${NODE_VERSION}" =~ "18" ]] || [[ "${NODE_VERSION}" = "lts" ]]; then
+ echo "(!) Unsupported distribution version '${VERSION_CODENAME}' for Node 18. Details:"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Install dependencies
+check_packages apt-transport-https curl ca-certificates tar gnupg2 dirmngr
+if ! type git > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ check_packages git
+# Install yarn
+if type yarn > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "Yarn already installed."
+ # Import key safely (new method rather than deprecated apt-key approach) and install
+ curl -sS | gpg --dearmor > /usr/share/keyrings/yarn-archive-keyring.gpg
+ echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/yarn-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
+ apt-get update
+ apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends yarn
+# Adjust node version if required
+if [ "${NODE_VERSION}" = "none" ]; then
+ export NODE_VERSION=
+elif [ "${NODE_VERSION}" = "lts" ]; then
+ export NODE_VERSION="lts/*"
+elif [ "${NODE_VERSION}" = "latest" ]; then
+ export NODE_VERSION="node"
+find_version_from_git_tags NVM_VERSION ""
+# Install snipppet that we will run as the user
+nvm_install_snippet="$(cat << EOF
+set -e
+umask 0002
+# Do not update profile - we'll do this manually
+export PROFILE=/dev/null
+curl -so- "${NVM_VERSION}/" | bash
+source "${NVM_DIR}/"
+if [ "${NODE_VERSION}" != "" ]; then
+ nvm alias default "${NODE_VERSION}"
+# Snippet that should be added into rc / profiles
+nvm_rc_snippet="$(cat << EOF
+export NVM_DIR="${NVM_DIR}"
+[ -s "\$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "\$NVM_DIR/"
+[ -s "\$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && . "\$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"
+# Create a symlink to the installed version for use in Dockerfile PATH statements
+# Create nvm group to the user's UID or GID to change while still allowing access to nvm
+if ! cat /etc/group | grep -e "^nvm:" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ groupadd -r nvm
+usermod -a -G nvm ${USERNAME}
+# Install nvm (which also installs NODE_VERSION), otherwise
+# use nvm to install the specified node version. Always use
+# umask 0002 so both the owner so that everything is u+rw,g+rw
+umask 0002
+if [ ! -d "${NVM_DIR}" ]; then
+ # Create nvm dir, and set sticky bit
+ mkdir -p "${NVM_DIR}"
+ chown "${USERNAME}:nvm" "${NVM_DIR}"
+ chmod g+rws "${NVM_DIR}"
+ su ${USERNAME} -c "${nvm_install_snippet}" 2>&1
+ # Update rc files
+ if [ "${UPDATE_RC}" = "true" ]; then
+ updaterc "${nvm_rc_snippet}"
+ fi
+ echo "NVM already installed."
+ if [ "${NODE_VERSION}" != "" ]; then
+ su ${USERNAME} -c "umask 0002 && . '$NVM_DIR/' && nvm install '${NODE_VERSION}' && nvm alias default '${NODE_VERSION}'"
+ fi
+# Additional node versions to be installed but not be set as
+# default we can assume the nvm is the group owner of the nvm
+# directory and the sticky bit on directories so any installed
+# files will have will have the correct ownership (nvm)
+if [ ! -z "${ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS}" ]; then
+ IFS=","
+ read -a additional_versions <<< "$ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS"
+ for ver in "${additional_versions[@]}"; do
+ su ${USERNAME} -c "umask 0002 && . '$NVM_DIR/' && nvm install '${ver}'"
+ done
+ # Ensure $NODE_VERSION is on the $PATH
+ if [ "${NODE_VERSION}" != "" ]; then
+ su ${USERNAME} -c "umask 0002 && . '$NVM_DIR/' && nvm use default"
+ fi
+# Install pnpm
+if type pnpm > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "pnpm already installed."
+ if type npm > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ [ ! -z "$http_proxy" ] && npm set proxy="$http_proxy"
+ [ ! -z "$https_proxy" ] && npm set https-proxy="$https_proxy"
+ [ ! -z "$no_proxy" ] && npm set noproxy="$no_proxy"
+ npm install -g pnpm
+ else
+ echo "Skip installing pnpm because npm is missing"
+ fi
+# If enabled, verify "python3", "make", "gcc", "g++" commands are available so node-gyp works -
+if [ "${INSTALL_TOOLS_FOR_NODE_GYP}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "Verifying node-gyp OS requirements..."
+ to_install=""
+ if ! type make > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ to_install="${to_install} make"
+ fi
+ if ! type gcc > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ to_install="${to_install} gcc"
+ fi
+ if ! type g++ > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ to_install="${to_install} g++"
+ fi
+ if ! type python3 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ to_install="${to_install} python3-minimal"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "${to_install}" ]; then
+ apt_get_update
+ apt-get -y install ${to_install}
+ fi
+# Clean up
+su ${USERNAME} -c "umask 0002 && . '$NVM_DIR/' && nvm clear-cache"
+rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+# Ensure privs are correct for installed node versions. Unfortunately the
+# way nvm installs node versions pulls privs from the tar which does not
+# have group write set. We need this when the gid/uid is updated.
+mkdir -p "${NVM_DIR}/versions"
+chmod -R g+rw "${NVM_DIR}/versions"
+echo "Done!"