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# Dotenv

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## What is it?

Small library, that automaticaly loads `.env` (or any other) file to applications environment.

## Why not XXX?

Because this library is pretty simple, without external dependencies and highly customizable.

## Installation

composer require neonxp/dotenv

## Usage

Basic usage:

use NeonXP\Dotenv\Dotenv;

$dotenv = new Dotenv();
$dotenv->load(); // You can specify file to load at first argument

print $dotenv->get('KEY', 'default') . PHP_EOL;
print $dotenv['KEY'] . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($dotenv as $key => $value) {
    print "$key = $value" . PHP_EOL;

## .env file syntax

Here examples of syntax:

# This is a comment

# Empty lines also ignored
export KEY1=VALUE1
KEY2 = VALUE2 # Inline comment
KEY3 = 'VALUE3 # This is not comment'
KEY4 = "VALUE4 # And this value too"
KEY5 = ${KEY1} -> ${KEY2} # Compilled from another variables

and we will get:

    'KEY1' => 'VALUE1',
    'KEY2' => 'VALUE2',
    'KEY3' => 'VALUE3 # This is not comment',
    'KEY4' => 'VALUE4 # And this value too',
    'KEY5' => 'VALUE1 -> VALUE2',