blob: 72eb5c8b6fceceaecd191c627cb6e4897c0ee57f (
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# OpenStreetMaps to Mongo
Simple loader from osm dump file to mongodb. Based on package.
## Build
`go build -o osm2go`
## Usage
`./osm2go -osmfile=PATH_TO_OSM_FILE`
All flags:
* `-osmfile` (required) OSM file
* `-initial` (default:false) Is initial import (uses insert, not upsert)
* `-indexes` (default:false) Create indexes (needs only first time)
* `-dbconnection` (default:"mongodb://localhost:27017") Mongo database name
* `-dbname` (default:"map") Mongo database name
* `-layers` (default:"nodes,ways,relations") Layers to import
* `-block` (default:1000) Block size to bulk write
* `-concurrency` (default:32) Concurrency read and write
## Example
# ./osm2mgo -osmfile ~/Downloads/RU.pbf
Nodes: 1294069 Ways: 0 Relations: 0