diff options
authorRoman Perepelitsa <roman.perepelitsa@gmail.com>2020-06-06 19:31:48 +0300
committerRoman Perepelitsa <roman.perepelitsa@gmail.com>2020-06-06 19:31:48 +0300
commit04656da7c1c64864ccbcebb345e2f673e6f854c2 (patch)
parent50dec9f9f5026f098ca25289d815dd63763e17e9 (diff)
add install and update instructions for arch linux
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6cc39208..98d5c43f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -426,10 +426,10 @@ echo 'source /usr/local/opt/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme' >>! ~/.zshrc
### Arch Linux
-There is [zsh-theme-powerlevel10k](
- https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/any/zsh-theme-powerlevel10k/) community package and
-[zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git/) AUR
-package. Both are old and broken. **Do not use them.**
+yay -Sy --noconfirm zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git
+echo 'source /usr/share/zsh-theme-powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme' >>! ~/.zshrc
## Configuration
@@ -588,18 +588,19 @@ Powerlevel10k is released under the
The command to update Powerlevel10k depends on how it was installed.
-| Installation | Update command |
-| [Manual](#manual) | `git -C ~/powerlevel10k pull` |
-| [Oh My Zsh](#oh-my-zsh) | `git -C ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k pull` |
-| [Prezto](#prezto) | `zprezto-update` |
-| [Zim](#zim) | `zimfw update` |
-| [Antigen](#antigen) | `antigen update` |
-| [Zplug](#zplug) | `zplug update` |
-| [Zgen](#zgen) | `zgen update` |
-| [Zplugin](#zplugin) | `zplugin update` |
-| [Zinit](#zinit) | `zinit update` |
-| [Homebrew](#homebrew) | `brew update && brew upgrade` |
+| Installation | Update command |
+| [Manual](#manual) | `git -C ~/powerlevel10k pull` |
+| [Oh My Zsh](#oh-my-zsh) | `git -C ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k pull` |
+| [Prezto](#prezto) | `zprezto-update` |
+| [Zim](#zim) | `zimfw update` |
+| [Antigen](#antigen) | `antigen update` |
+| [Zplug](#zplug) | `zplug update` |
+| [Zgen](#zgen) | `zgen update` |
+| [Zplugin](#zplugin) | `zplugin update` |
+| [Zinit](#zinit) | `zinit update` |
+| [Homebrew](#homebrew) | `brew update && brew upgrade` |
+| [Arch Linux(#arch-linux)] | `yay -Syu --noconfirm --needed zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git` |
**IMPORTANT**: Restart Zsh after updating Powerlevel10k. [Do not use `source ~/.zshrc`](