path: root/internal
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Diffstat (limited to 'internal')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/internal/p10k.zsh b/internal/p10k.zsh
index 69846a53..cefe53bb 100644
--- a/internal/p10k.zsh
+++ b/internal/p10k.zsh
@@ -3490,7 +3490,7 @@ _p9k_set_instant_prompt() {
-typeset -gri __p9k_instant_prompt_version=3
+typeset -gri __p9k_instant_prompt_version=4
_p9k_dump_instant_prompt() {
local user=${(%):-%n}
@@ -3604,7 +3604,7 @@ _p9k_dump_instant_prompt() {
precmd_functions=(_p9k_instant_prompt_precmd_first $precmd_functions)
+ function p10k-instant-prompt-finalize() { unsetopt localoptions prompt_cr; }
} && unsetopt prompt_cr prompt_sp || true'
} always {
exec {fd}>&-
@@ -3755,10 +3755,15 @@ function _p9k_clear_instant_prompt() {
>&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):-You can:}"
>&2 echo -E - ""
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - %BRecommended%b: unset %Bprompt_cr%b at the bottom of %B$__p9k_zshrc_u%b.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - %BRecommended%b: call %Bp10k-instant-prompt-finalize%b at the end of %B$__p9k_zshrc_u%b.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- You can do this by running the following command:}"
>&2 echo -E - ""
- >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- %2Fecho%f %3F'unsetopt prompt_cr'%f >>! $__p9k_zshrc_u}"
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- %2Fecho%f %3F'(( ! \${+functions[p10k-instant-prompt-finalize]\} )) || p10k-instant-prompt-finalize'%f >>! $__p9k_zshrc_u}"
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b and %Bwithout%b prompt flickering.}"
+ >&2 echo -E - ""
+ >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Find where %Bprompt_cr%b option gets sets in your zsh configs and stop setting it.}"
>&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b and %Bwithout%b prompt flickering.}"